- Medical management of patients after bariatric surgery: Principles and guidelines
- Browse: 757 Download: 1580 Issue Date: 2014-11-27
- Hydatid cyst of the pancreas: Report of an undiagnosed case of pancreatic hydatid cyst and brief literature review
- Browse: 662 Download: 1291 Issue Date: 2014-10-27
- Pancreatic extragastrointestinal stromal tumor: A case report and comprehensive literature review
- Browse: 520 Download: 1195 Issue Date: 2014-09-27
- Increased postoperative complications after protective ileostomy closure delay: An institutional study
- Browse: 593 Download: 1054 Issue Date: 2014-09-27
- Simultaneous operation for cardiac disease and gastrointestinal malignancy
- Browse: 658 Download: 1030 Issue Date: 2014-08-26