BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Featured Articles
Comparison of clinical and histopathological features of patients underwent incidental or emergency appendectomy
Browse: 698   Download: 740   Issue Date: 2019-01-27
Intraoperative cell salvage with autologous transfusion in liver transplantation
Browse: 579   Download: 922   Issue Date: 2019-01-27
Up-to-date intraoperative computer assisted solutions for liver surgery
Browse: 565   Download: 705   Issue Date: 2019-01-27
Systematic review of cystic duct closure techniques in relation to prevention of bile duct leakage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Browse: 776   Download: 765   Issue Date: 2018-09-27
Approach to pseudomyxoma peritonei
Browse: 594   Download: 804   Issue Date: 2018-08-28
Adherence to surveillance endoscopy following hospitalization for index esophageal variceal hemorrhage
Browse: 731   Download: 886   Issue Date: 2018-04-27
Colorectal surgeon consensus with diverticulitis clinical practice guidelines
Browse: 963   Download: 2623   Issue Date: 2017-11-27
Laparoscopic complete mesocolic excisions for colonic cancer in the last decade: Five-year survival in a single centre
Browse: 940   Download: 1352   Issue Date: 2017-11-27
Analysis of risk factors - especially different types of plexitis - for postoperative relapse in Crohn’s disease
Browse: 785   Download: 1822   Issue Date: 2017-07-24
Perforation associated with endoscopic submucosal dissection for duodenal neoplasm without a papillary portion
Browse: 888   Download: 1582   Issue Date: 2017-07-24
Value of multi-disciplinary input into laparoscopic management of rectal cancer - An observational study
Browse: 758   Download: 1850   Issue Date: 2017-06-16
Utility of routine blood tests after elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy for symptomatic gallstones
Browse: 722   Download: 1317   Issue Date: 2017-06-16
Recent advances in the management of rectal cancer: No surgery, minimal surgery or minimally invasive surgery
Browse: 798   Download: 1417   Issue Date: 2017-06-16
International scientific communications in the field of colorectal tumour markers
Browse: 872   Download: 1470   Issue Date: 2017-05-20
Acute calculous cholecystitis: Review of current best practices
Browse: 849   Download: 1340   Issue Date: 2017-05-20
Resection of complex pancreatic injuries: Benchmarking postoperative complications using the Accordion classification
Browse: 863   Download: 2573   Issue Date: 2017-03-23
Laparoscopic retrosternal gastric pull-up for fistulized mediastinal mass
Browse: 819   Download: 1298   Issue Date: 2017-03-23
Perinatal risk factors in newborns with gastrointestinal perforation
Browse: 743   Download: 2242   Issue Date: 2017-02-23
Critical analysis of feeding jejunostomy following resection of upper gastrointestinal malignancies
Browse: 685   Download: 1568   Issue Date: 2017-02-23
Clinicopathological features and surgical outcome of patients with fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (experience with 22 patients over a 15-year period)
Browse: 756   Download: 1295   Issue Date: 2017-02-23