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Featured Articles
Management of early rectal cancer; current surgical options and future direction
Browse: 331   Download: 721   Issue Date: 2021-07-27
Endoscopic ultrasound guided gastrojejunostomy for gastric outlet obstruction
Browse: 383   Download: 778   Issue Date: 2021-07-27
Acute pancreatitis and COVID-19: A literature review
Browse: 327   Download: 978   Issue Date: 2021-06-27
Efficacy of hybrid endoscopic submucosal dissection with SOUTEN in gastric lesions: an ex vivo porcine model basic study
Browse: 290   Download: 659   Issue Date: 2021-06-27
Association between acute pancreatitis and COVID-19 infection: What do we know?
Browse: 337   Download: 886   Issue Date: 2021-06-27
Special surgical approaches during peri-COVID-19 pandemic: Robotic and transanal minimally invasive surgery
Browse: 313   Download: 593   Issue Date: 2021-06-27
Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: Certainties and controversies
Browse: 356   Download: 719   Issue Date: 2021-06-27
Biliary drainage in inoperable malignant biliary distal obstruction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Browse: 401   Download: 812   Issue Date: 2021-05-27
Practices concerning sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey: A survey of surgeons
Browse: 328   Download: 878   Issue Date: 2021-05-27
Feasibility and safety of “bridging” pancreaticogastrostomy for pancreatic trauma in Landrace pigs
Browse: 334   Download: 734   Issue Date: 2021-05-27
Benign vs malignant pancreatic lesions: Molecular insights to an ongoing debate
Browse: 382   Download: 800   Issue Date: 2021-05-27
Expanding indications for liver transplantation in the era of liver transplant oncology
Browse: 310   Download: 719   Issue Date: 2021-05-27
Is colonic lavage a suitable alternative for left-sided colonic emergencies?
Browse: 329   Download: 1123   Issue Date: 2021-04-27
Abdominal compartment syndrome among surgical patients
Browse: 336   Download: 695   Issue Date: 2021-04-27
Remnant gastric cancer: An ordinary primary adenocarcinoma or a tumor with its own pattern?
Browse: 524   Download: 1063   Issue Date: 2021-04-27
Diagnosis of anorectal tuberculosis by polymerase chain reaction, GeneXpert and histopathology in 1336 samples in 776 anal fistula patients
Browse: 398   Download: 817   Issue Date: 2021-04-27
Lessons learned from an audit of 1250 fistula patients operated at a single center: A retrospective review
Browse: 279   Download: 762   Issue Date: 2021-04-27
Functional anatomical hepatectomy guided by indocyanine green fluorescence imaging of patients with localized cholestasis: Four case reports
Browse: 473   Download: 945   Issue Date: 2021-03-27
Colonic pouch confers better bowel function and similar postoperative outcomes compared to straight anastomosis for low rectal cancer
Browse: 480   Download: 1161   Issue Date: 2021-03-27
Combination of preoperative fibrinogen and D-dimer as a prognostic indicator in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma patients undergoing R0 resection
Browse: 428   Download: 1291   Issue Date: 2021-03-27