Case Control Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Clin Cases. May 16, 2023; 11(14): 3148-3157
Published online May 16, 2023. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v11.i14.3148
Table 1 The general information comparison between the two groups of patients

Intervention group (n = 30)
Control group (n = 30)
T value
P value
Sex (n)Men15160.0670.796
Age (yr)27.20 ± 2.2328.27 ± 2.53-1.7300.089
Civil servant54
Education degree (n)Primary school760.2690.874
Middle school87
College degree or above1513
Expense category (n)Health insurance22240.3730.542
Inpatient days (d)17.00 ± 2.2916.33 ± 2.451.0880.281
Table 2 Composition of the multi-disciplinary treatment extended nursing team and their responsibilities
Group members (n)
Group members responsibilities
Associate chief physician (2)Responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of patients; the administration of medication and the follow-up of discharged
Rehabilitation physician (1)Guidance of rehabilitation training for patients during convalescence
Dietician (1)Evaluation of the nutritional status of patients and formulation personalized nutritional meals
Network engineer (1)network maintenance
Chief nurse (1)Experiment organization, personnel allocation, liaison and experiment supervision
Associate chief nurse (2)Assisted in the implementation of the trial and the follow-up survey of discharged patients
Charge nurse (3)Data collection and analysis
Nurse practitioners (10)Clinical trial implementation, patient inpatient and discharge care, guide patients to fill in the scale
Table 3 The details of the intervention strategy
Intervention timelineImmediate admission to week 8 of discharge (1 time per week after discharge)
Intervention contentPsychological care to reduce psychological stress of patients and assist psychologists in psychological intervention
Assisting the rehabilitation physician in guiding the rehabilitation training of patient
Investigate the dietary habits of patients and assist dietitians in adjusting nutritional status of patients
Assisting the bedside physician in daily care
OperatorsMDT extended nursing team
Specific implementation stepsPsychological care to reduce psychological stress of patients and assist psychologists in psychological interventionThe bedside nurses assist the patients to fill in the anxiety self-assessment scale and the hospital anxiety and depression scale, the scores of which are analyzed by the psychiatrist and appropriate interventions are made. Talking and communicating with patients once a week through internet technology to understand their inner changes and provide timely feedback to the psychologist
Assisting the rehabilitation physician in guiding the rehabilitation training of patientsThe rehabilitation physician formulates the individualized rehabilitation training plan; the neurologist assists in optimizing the rehabilitation strategy; the rehabilitation physician implements the rehabilitation training plan; the bedside nurse assists the rehabilitation physician. After discharge, the completion of rehabilitation training of patients was investigated once a week through Internet technology such as WeChat video, and the degree of training was monitored
Investigate the dietary habits of patients and assist dietitians in adjusting nutritional status of patientsThe bedside nurse asks patients about their daily eating habits and assists the dietitian in formulating a nutrition improvement plan; follows up with the patient once a week after discharge and gives feedback to the dietitian, and guides the daily diet of patients according to the nutrition supplement plan adjusted by the dietitian
Assisting the bedside physician in daily careImplement orders of physician, record the disease progression of patients on the basis of basic care, and provide timely feedback to the bedside physician
Table 4 Comparison of anxiety and depression self-rating scale scores between the two groups of patients
SAS score
SDS score
At admission
At discharge
After discharge
At admission
At discharge
After discharge
Control group65.43 ± 2.0855.17 ± 3.00a71.13 ± 2.91c68.13 ± 2.5057.27 ± 2.75a73.47 ± 2.97c
Intervention group65.57 ± 3.9721.13 ± 2.52a,c17.33 ± 3.06c69.27 ± 2.6525.13 ± 2.65a,c16.53 ± 2.27c
T value-0.16347.66069.849-1.70346.06583.452
P value0.871< 0.000< 0.0000.094< 0.000< 0.000
Table 5 Comparison of Hamilton Depression and Hamilton Anxiety scores between the two groups of patients
HAMD score
HAMA score
At admission
At discharge
After discharge
At admission
At discharge
After discharge
Control group34.17 ± 1.4925.23 ± 1.74a31.10 ± 1.85c26.27 ± 2.2321.53 ± 1.96a31.83 ± 2.00c
Intervention group33.93 ± 1.2317.33 ± 2.54a,c11.13 ± 1.59a,c25.20 ± 2.8315.23 ± 1.76a,c10.57 ± 2.39a,c
T value0.66214.07644.8841.62113.11237.385
P value0.5100.0000.0000.1100.0000.000
Table 6 Comparison of Barthel Index between the two groups of patients
At admission
At discharge
After discharge
Control group40.17 ± 2.2353.20 ± 1.86a41.23 ± 2.01c
Intervention group39.70 ± 1.6076.13 ± 2.00a,c83.77 ± 2.43a,c
T statistics0.931-45.997-73.831
P value0.3560.0000.000
Table 7 Comparison of Short-Form 36 scores for each dimension between the two groups of patients
Control group
Intervention group
At admission
At discharge
After discharge
At admission
At discharge
After discharge
Physical functioning44.17 ± 1.4952.23 ± 1.72a41.10 ± 2.06a,c43.20 ± 2.0667.13 ± 1.25a,e78.83 ± 2.07a,c,e
Physical problems43.93 ± 1.2849.17 ± 1.72a40.97 ± 1.71a,c42.70 ± 2.5271.03 ± 1.83a,e88.97 ± 1.71a,c,e
Bodily pain28.20 ± 2.3141.87 ± 2.03a23.60 ± 1.45a,c29.00 ± 2.1361.60 ± 2.06a,e75.27 ± 1.95a,c,e
Generalhealth24.37 ± 3.0944.30 ± 2.48a51.53 ± 1.28a,c23.93 ± 3.1374.47 ± 2.00a,e80.07 ± 1.64a,c,e
Social vitality33.17 ± 3.5146.80 ± 1.97a22.23 ± 1.45a,c34.20 ± 2.7864.70 ± 1.56a,e74.43 ± 1.85a,c,e
Social functioning34.67 ± 2.1448.63 ± 2.03a27.10 ± 2.28a,c33.53 ± 2.7472.13 ± 2.42a,e86.47 ± 1.98a,c,e
Emotional problems40.53 ± 2.1550.17 ± 1.80a26.93 ± 2.75a,c41.80 ± 2.4165.27 ± 1.31a,e76.83 ± 2.38a,c,e
Mental health35.27 ± 2.9449.63 ± 2.58a30.83 ± 1.62a,c36.07 ± 2.3869.37 ± 2.63a,e77.37 ± 1.40a,c,e