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Featured Articles
Human podocyte injury in the early course of hypertensive renal injury
Browse: 372   Download: 889   Issue Date: 2019-11-26
Colorectal cancer: The epigenetic role of microbiome
Browse: 439   Download: 693   Issue Date: 2019-11-26
How about the reporting quality of case reports in nursing field?
Browse: 624   Download: 1102   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Irritable bowel syndrome and functional constipation management with integrative medicine: Systematic review
Browse: 751   Download: 1005   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Characteristics of clear cell renal cell carcinoma metastases to the thyroid gland: A systematic review
Browse: 599   Download: 717   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Efficient management of secondary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis with intravenous steroids and γ-immunoglobulin infusions
Browse: 575   Download: 931   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Current controversies in treating remnant gastric cancer: Are minimally invasive approaches feasible?
Browse: 620   Download: 880   Issue Date: 2019-11-06
Constrictive pericarditis as a cause of refractory ascites after liver transplantation: A case report
Browse: 688   Download: 706   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone agonist-induced pituitary adenoma apoplexy and casual finding of a parathyroid carcinoma: A case report and review of literature
Browse: 539   Download: 941   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Prognostic significance of malignant ascites in gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis: A systemic review and meta-analysis
Browse: 546   Download: 896   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Clinical use of low-dose aspirin for elders and sensitive subjects
Browse: 517   Download: 679   Issue Date: 2019-10-26
Keratoconus in a patient with Alport syndrome: A case report
Browse: 650   Download: 766   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
Treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease: A systematic review
Browse: 428   Download: 548   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
Expression and predictive value of miR-489 and miR-21 in melanoma metastasis
Browse: 352   Download: 741   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
DNA methylation detection methods used in colorectal cancer
Browse: 434   Download: 712   Issue Date: 2019-10-06
High-resolution colonic manometry and its clinical application in patients with colonic dysmotility: A review
Browse: 505   Download: 554   Issue Date: 2019-09-24
Low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols diet in children
Browse: 495   Download: 535   Issue Date: 2019-09-24
Effective use of the Japan Narrow Band Imaging Expert Team classification based on diagnostic performance and confidence level
Browse: 423   Download: 604   Issue Date: 2019-09-24
Allogenic tooth transplantation using 3D printing: A case report and review of literature
Browse: 899   Download: 892   Issue Date: 2019-09-06
Subcutaneous sarcoidosis of the upper and lower extremities: A case report and review of the literature
Browse: 726   Download: 656   Issue Date: 2019-09-06