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Featured Articles
Stem cell-derived biofactors fight against coronavirus infection
Browse: 220   Download: 389   Issue Date: 2021-12-26
Exosomes derived from inflammatory myoblasts promote M1 polarization and break the balance of myoblast proliferation/differentiation
Browse: 338   Download: 767   Issue Date: 2021-11-26
Application of adipose-derived stem cells in treating fibrosis
Browse: 305   Download: 454   Issue Date: 2021-11-26
Why stem/progenitor cells lose their regenerative potential
Browse: 296   Download: 593   Issue Date: 2021-11-26
Effects of immune cells on mesenchymal stem cells during fracture healing
Browse: 275   Download: 447   Issue Date: 2021-11-26
Priming strategies for controlling stem cell fate: Applications and challenges in dental tissue regeneration
Browse: 292   Download: 646   Issue Date: 2021-11-26
Overview of nutritional approach in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: COVID-19 update
Browse: 465   Download: 503   Issue Date: 2021-10-26
Age and genotype dependent erythropoietin protection in COVID-19
Browse: 323   Download: 500   Issue Date: 2021-10-26
Considerations for the clinical use of stem cells in genitourinary regenerative medicine
Browse: 269   Download: 549   Issue Date: 2021-10-26
SOX transcription factors and glioma stem cells: Choosing between stemness and differentiation
Browse: 275   Download: 480   Issue Date: 2021-10-26
Translational products of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells: Bench to bedside applications
Browse: 293   Download: 473   Issue Date: 2021-10-26
Lipid droplets as metabolic determinants for stemness and chemoresistance in cancer
Browse: 343   Download: 494   Issue Date: 2021-09-26
Stem cell therapies in cardiac diseases: Current status and future possibilities
Browse: 489   Download: 603   Issue Date: 2021-09-26
Empty nose syndrome pathogenesis and cell-based biotechnology products as a new option for treatment
Browse: 294   Download: 418   Issue Date: 2021-09-26
Effects of storage media, supplements and cryopreservation methods on quality of stem cells
Browse: 534   Download: 578   Issue Date: 2021-09-26
Recent advances in stem cell therapy for neurodegenerative disease: Three dimensional tracing and its emerging use
Browse: 356   Download: 509   Issue Date: 2021-09-26
Treatment of acute ischemic stroke by minimally manipulated umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells transplantation: A case report
Browse: 454   Download: 892   Issue Date: 2021-08-26
Regulators of liver cancer stem cells
Browse: 219   Download: 628   Issue Date: 2021-08-26
Effects of radiation and chemotherapy on adipose stem cells: Implications for use in fat grafting in cancer patients
Browse: 243   Download: 543   Issue Date: 2021-08-26
Modulating poststroke inflammatory mechanisms: Novel aspects of mesenchymal stem cells, extracellular vesicles and microglia
Browse: 236   Download: 544   Issue Date: 2021-08-26