Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Clin Cases. Dec 6, 2020; 8(23): 6197-6205
Published online Dec 6, 2020. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v8.i23.6197
Table 1 Laboratory tests
Parathyroid hormonepg/mL15.3-68.323.7
Osteocalcinng/mLMale, 9.80-26.40; Female, 7.70-21.707.05
Serum phosphatemmol/L1.00-1.941.61
Cortisol, 8:00-10:00nmol/L147.3-609.31492.00
Triglyceridemmol/L< 1.701.88
Uric acidμmol/L150-360689
Bone specific alkaline phosphataseμg/L11.4-24.015.86
Hematocrit%Male, 41-53; Female, 36-4647.80
Table 2 Cases diagnosed as polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
Sagmeister et al[12]2016F27Throughout the skeleton. Transverse fracture of the distal right femurContinuous lesions, extensive bone expansion, cyst formation, cortical lossSkin traction for 8 wk. Intensive physiotherapy for the fractureRecovered well, returning to baseline 3 mo later
Wu et al[2]2014F38Sternum, thoracic spine, ribs, right femur, and tibiaMultiple lytic, expansile lesions, continuous pathologic fractures in the thoracic spineSurgical therapy. Diphosphate therapy with Vit D and calciumCompletely recovered. Able to participate in daily life and work 2 yr later
Kodama et al[10]2012F8Right pelvis, bilateral femurs, and fibulaDiscontinuous lesionsThigh coxa valga osteotomy and plate fixation. Diphosphate therapyNo complaints of severe pain in lower extremity. Low bone turn-over rate
Aras et al[9]2012M48Cranium, left hemithorax, bilateral upper, lower extremities, and pelvic bonesContinuous lesions, bladder cancerNo treatment reportedNo outcome reported
Boston et al[8]1994M3.3Proximal left femur and proximal left humerusAlbright-McCune syndrome, no café-au-lait pigmentation, Cushing syndromeBilateral adrenalectomy at 7-yr-old with steroid replacementCushing syndrome removed. Still with prepubertal and elevated liver enzyme
Lourenço et al[11]2015F17 d Multiple lesions with fracture in left ulnaMultiple organs involved, Café-au-lait pigmentation, mosaic GNAS gene mutationMetyrapone therapy for Cushing syndromeCushing syndrome recovered. Death due to respiratory infection
The current caseF27Left ischium, left distal fibula, calcaneus, and talusDiscontinuous lesions, intractable bone pain, Cushing syndromeDiphosphate therapyStill severe pain. Difficulty participating in daily life and job
Table 3 Result of the boosted whole exome screening
Function of the protein coded
Associated disease
RIMS1A RAS gene superfamily member that regulates synaptic vesicle exocytosisPoint mutation Thr1047HisMaternal, heterozygousCone-rod dystrophy type 7
HSPG2Perlecan that is found in the extracellular matrixPoint mutation Asp2305AsnMaternal, homozygousS-J syndrome type 1
APCNegative regulator of β-catenin/Wnt pathwayPoint mutation Lys1586MetMaternal, heterozygousColorectal cancer associated with FAP
BGNA member of the SLRP family Point mutation p.Asp168GluMaternal, heterozygousSPD X-linked MLS
BMPR1BTransmembrane serine/threonine kinases involving TGF-β pathwayPoint mutation Met301ValMaternal, heterozygousPulmonary arterial hypertension
CC2D2APlay a critical role in cilia formationPoint mutation Gly317ArgMaternal, heterozygousMeckel syndrome type 6. Joubert syndrome type 9
CDH23Cadherin superfamily involved in stereocilia organization and hair bundle formationPoint mutation Asp168GluSpontaneous, heterozygousBreast cancer
CHD7Protein that contains several helicase family domainsPoint mutation Asp1486GlySpontaneous, heterozygousCHARGE syndrome
FLNAAn actin-binding protein that crosslinks actin filaments and links actin filaments to membrane glycoproteinsPoint mutation Asp1314AsnMaternal, heterozygousSeveral syndromes including PNH, OPDS, FMD and so on
CILK1Eukaryotic protein kinasesPoint mutation Val215MetMaternal, homozygousECD