Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Cases. Nov 16, 2024; 12(32): 6526-6533
Published online Nov 16, 2024. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v12.i32.6526
Table 1 Cases of myeloid sarcoma
Age (years)
Tumor location
Symptoms and signs
Imaging examinations
Results from histological examination
Immunohistochemical staining
Kurdoğlu et al[5], 201329FemaleGingivaPainful buccal gingival swelling and bilateral submandibular lymphadenopathy, no gingival bleeding on probingRadiological examinations did not show any bone pathologyMonomorphous diffuse infiltrate. Extramedullary myeloblastic malignancyPositive reaction to CD117 and myeloperoxidase (MPO)MSIdarubicin and ARA-C chemotherapy regimen at first treatment phase. Second chemotherapy session 3-5-7 (daunorubicin, etoposide, and ARA-C)
de Andrade et al[7], 201724FemaleGingivaFast growing painful gingival swelling, fever, fatigue, and cervical lymphadenopathy. Bluish swelling on the right posterior lower gingiva exhibiting necrotic surfaceRadiographic examination of the mandible showed no bone involvementUndifferentiated tumor cells with granulocytic appearanceCD99, MPO, and Ki-67 (60%)MS associated with AMLChemotherapy, but the patient died of the disease one month later
Shen et al[2], 201841FemaleGingivaGingival swelling. No pain or pyorrhea, a blue-gray discoloration, and gingival massesIn the panoramic radiograph, the palatal bone was intact, and an ill-defined radiolucency was found in the left maxillary edentulous region. In addition, there was generalized mild horizontal alveolar bone loss, and a band-like radiolucent area was found in the alveolar bone crest from the left mandibular canine to the second premolarDiffuse infiltration in the submucosa with small to medium sized blastic-like cells with increased nucleocytoplasmic ratio, round to oval, irregular nuclei, and fine chromatin. Rare mitotic figures were observedPositive for myeloperoxidaseMSChemotherapy regimen based on anthracycline and cytarabine was instituted.
The patient received 3 + 7 induction chemotherapy with doxorubicin and cytarabine, followed by 4 courses of consolidation therapy with cytarabine, L-asparaginase, and methotrexate
Wang et al[6], 202182FemaleGingivaPainless swelling on the right maxillary posterior gingiva, tender lump of the right neck, firm mass without purulenceComputed tomography imaging revealed increased fluorodeoxyglucose uptake via the maxillary sinuses bilaterally and the right submandibular lymph nodeNANAMSRadiation therapy (25 Gy over 12 fractions) and subsequent chemotherapy (decitabine)
65MalePalate2.0-0.8 cm craterform ulcer with diffuse erythema, induration, and swelling on the left soft palate, extending into the oropharynxNANABone marrow biopsy confirmed relapsed AMLMS associated with AMLLocalized radiation therapy (24 Gy over 14 fractions) and immunotherapy (ipilimumab)
58FemaleLip0.3-0.3 cm indurated, nontender ulcer with surrounding erythema, scaling, and crusting on the midvermillion border of the lower lipNANABone marrow biopsy confirmed relapsed AMLMS associated with AMLInvestigational chemotherapeutic drugs, including mitoxantrone, etoposide, and cytarabine and lenalidomide
Kole et al[10], 202329MaleGingivaSwelling, paresthesiaCECT showed an osteolytic lesion extending from teeth 35 to 37Fibro-collagenous tissue infiltrated by nests and trabeculae of intermediate size mononuclear cells having dispersed nuclear chromatin and irregular nuclear marginPositive for MPO and CD15MSSegmental mandibulectomy
Li et al[9], 202432MaleGingivaGingival swellingNo extensive bone lossDiffuse infiltration of abnormal cellsNeoplastic cells were MPO positive, and the Ki-67 staining rate was 80%MSIdarubicin (IDA) regimen (IDA hydrochloride 10 mg/1 d-3 d, Cytarabine 100 mg/1 d-7 d) treatment, supplemented with gastric protection and antiemetic therapy