Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Cases. Nov 16, 2022; 10(32): 11955-11966
Published online Nov 16, 2022. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v10.i32.11955
Table 1 Blood test results of the patient
Result of first in hospital (2017)
Result of second in hospital (2021)
Reference range
Hemocyte profile
White blood cell15.52 × 109/L5.3 × 109/L4-10 × 109/L
Hemoglobin157 g/L149 g/L120-160 g/L
Platelet count85 × 109/L30 × 109/L100-300 × 109/L
Neutrophil12.98 × 109/L3.31 × 109/L2-7 × 109/L
Lymphocyte1.49 × 109/L1.53 × 109/L0.8-4.0 × 109/L
Monocyte1.03 × 109/L0.37 × 109/L0.12-0.8 × 109/L
Eosinophil0.01 × 109/L0.08 × 109/L0.05-0.50 × 109/L
Basophil0.01 × 109/L0.01 × 109/L0.00-0.10 × 109/L
Mean corpuscular volume108.6 fL 113.1 fL80-100 fL
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin36.5 pg38.1 pg27-34 pg
Platelet volume distribution width17.4%16.1%15%-17%
Mean platelet volume12.3 fL10.1 fL7-11 fL
Hypersensitive troponin Ia1.76 ng/mL (0-0.04)0.038 ng/mL (0.01-0.023)
Myoglobina781.5 ng/mL (0-120)48 ng/mL (23-112)
Blood urea nitrogen5.67 mmol/L5.67 mmol/L3.2-7.1 mmol/L
Creatinine91.91 umol/L90.7 umol/L58.0-110.0 umol/L
Inhibition rate of AA channel50.4%75.1%≥ 50%, with aspirin
inhibition rate of ADP channel25.9%28.3%≥ 30% with ADP inhibitor
Thrombophilia profile
Prothrombin time10 s10.5 s9.4-12.5 s
Prothrombin activity108%111%70%-140%
International normalized ratio0.930.930.7-1.4
Fibrinogen4.1 g/L3.24 g/L2.00-4.00 g/L
D-dimerNK1.16 ug/mL0.00-0.50 ug/mL
Lipid profile
Total cholesterol8.17 mmol/L5.95 mmol/L3-5.7 mmol/L
Triglycerides2.91 mmol/L2.36 mmol/L< 1.7 mmol/L
HDL cholesterol0.74 mmol/L0.77 mmol/L1.16-1.42 mmol/L
LDL cholesterol6.82 mmol/L4.14 mmol/L< 4.3 mmol/L
Apolipoprotein A0.64 g/L0.88 g/L0.264-1.362 g/L
Apolipoprotein B2.81 g/L1.36 g/L1.05-1.75 g/L
Table 2 Cases of anemia complicated with myocardial infarction published in PubMed
Biographical information
Age of first diagnosis of AA
AA drug therapy and duration
Location of AMI
Coronary artery (by CAG or autopsy)
[8]61-year-old male56-year-oldMetenolone enanthate (45mg)Inferior wallRCANSNS
59-year-old female42-year-oldMetenolone enanthate (100mg) oxymetholone (30 mg)Inferior wallRCANSNS
[9]16-year-old girl3-year-oldBMT; GVHD: cyclosporine A and azathioprineInferior wallRCAStent implantationDischarge and recover well
[10]76-year-old man76-year-oldCyclosporine ANSTEMILAD,RCA, And LCXMedical treatment; Recurrent AMI 1 mo later and accepted PCI. Left-sided chronic subdural hematoma after PCIHeart failure, acute kidney injury, and recurrent AMI
[11]38-year-old man32-year-oldCyclosporin A, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, corticosteroids and antithymocyte globulinAnterior wallLADMedical treatmentDeath autopsy revealed disseminated aspergillosis
[12]52-year-old manNSOxymetholone (100 mg/daily) platelet transfusion after in hospitalAnterior wallLAD in the portion of the previously inserted stentBalloon angioplastyDischarged
Table 3 Cases of cardio-cerebrovascular events caused by stanozolol
Biographical information
Drug and dose
Duration of use
Coronary artery (by CAG or autopsy)
[16]30-year-old maleOrally stanozolol 10 mg daily and intramuscularly 250 mg testosterone twice per week2 moAnterior wall AMILADMedical treatmentDischarged
[17]25-year-old maleNandrolone 100 mg/wk stanozolol tablets 25 mg/d3 wkTakotsubo cardiomyopathyNMedical treatmentDischarged
[18]26-year-old maleStanozolol 10 mg daily3 moIschemic StrokeN (Angiography of the Cerebral artery)Medical treatment and rehabilitationDischarged with severe disability
[19]28-year-old maleStanozolol 280mg weekly2 yrNSTEMI; ventricular tachycardiaLADRCAPercutaneous translumind coronary angioplastyDischarged
[20]22-year-old maleStanozolol, 10 mg/d and clenbuterol 40 μg/d for 7 dstanozolol, 20 mg/d and clenbuterol 80 μg/d for 3 d. triiodothy-ronine 25ug/d10 dCardiomyopathy; acute hepatic injuryNSMedical treatmentDischarged
[21]29-year-old femaleEphedrine, tadalafil, metandienon, mestanolon, stanozololNSSudden cardiac death; cardiac arrhythmiaLADNASudden cardiac death
[22]24-year-old maleStanozolol, testosterone, tamoxifen, mesterolone, and nandrolone6 moCardiorespiratoryarrestThe left main trunk and LADNASudden cardiac death
[23]24-year-old maleStanozolol (40 mgs daily) nandrolone 200 mgs intramuscularly twice weekly, Sustanon 250 (testosterone esters) 1 mL intramuscularly once a week6 wkAnterior wall AMI NSMedical treatmentNS
[24]37-year-old maleNandrolone Testosterone cypionate stanozolol; oxandrolone 3-16 wkInferior wall AMIN; Consider spasmMedical treatmentDischarged