BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Featured Articles
Cardiovascular disease: Risk factors and applicability of a risk model in a Greek cohort of renal transplant recipients
Browse: 772   Download: 1658   Issue Date: 2017-02-21
Time spent in hospital after liver transplantation: Effects of primary liver disease and comorbidity
Browse: 705   Download: 1493   Issue Date: 2016-12-14
Persistent Epstein-Barr viral load in Epstein-Barr viral naïve pediatric heart transplant recipients: Risk of late-onset post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease
Browse: 520   Download: 1392   Issue Date: 2016-12-14
Corticosteroid minimization in renal transplantation: Careful patient selection enables feasibility
Browse: 444   Download: 1249   Issue Date: 2016-12-14
Evaluating twenty-years of follow-up after orthotopic liver transplantation, best practice for donor-recipient matching: What can we learn from the past era?
Browse: 679   Download: 1206   Issue Date: 2016-09-23
Updates on antibody-mediated rejection in intestinal transplantation
Browse: 590   Download: 1209   Issue Date: 2016-09-23
Single-lung transplantation in emphysema: Retrospective study analyzing survival and waiting list mortality
Browse: 466   Download: 1599   Issue Date: 2016-06-24
Long term outcomes of cardiac transplant for immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis: The Mayo Clinic experience
Browse: 673   Download: 1487   Issue Date: 2016-06-24
Impact of body mass index on outcomes of 48281 patients undergoing first time cadaveric liver transplantation
Browse: 458   Download: 1292   Issue Date: 2016-06-24
Update on the treatment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in renal transplantation
Browse: 704   Download: 1507   Issue Date: 2016-03-24
Survival of encapsulated islets: More than a membrane story
Browse: 566   Download: 1688   Issue Date: 2016-03-24
Continuous internal counterpulsation as a bridge to recovery in acute and chronic heart failure
Browse: 534   Download: 1368   Issue Date: 2016-03-24
B cells with regulatory properties in transplantation tolerance
Browse: 12197   Download: 1430   Issue Date: 2015-12-23
Dynamics of circulating microparticles in chronic kidney disease and transplantation: Is it really reliable marker?
Browse: 12468   Download: 1618   Issue Date: 2015-12-23
Role for urinary biomarkers in diagnosis of acute rejection in the transplanted kidney
Browse: 528   Download: 1371   Issue Date: 2015-12-23
Role of steroid maintenance in sensitized kidney transplant recipients
Browse: 569   Download: 1741   Issue Date: 2015-09-22
Weight trends in United States living kidney donors: Analysis of the UNOS database
Browse: 610   Download: 1899   Issue Date: 2015-09-22
Obesity and liver transplantation
Browse: 639   Download: 1539   Issue Date: 2015-09-22
Philosophy of organ donation: Review of ethical facets
Browse: 615   Download: 1661   Issue Date: 2015-06-18
Underestimation of chronic renal dysfunction after liver transplantation: ICEBERG study
Browse: 561   Download: 2375   Issue Date: 2015-03-24