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Featured Articles
Classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and cardiac transplantation - Is there a connection?
Browse: 450   Download: 925   Issue Date: 2020-08-26
Oliver Wendell Holmes’ 1836 doctorate dissertation and his journey in medicine
Browse: 390   Download: 682   Issue Date: 2020-08-26
Mortality and morbidity in patients with atrial fibrillation and liver cirrhosis
Browse: 467   Download: 896   Issue Date: 2020-07-24
Sonographic muscle mass assessment in patients after cardiothoracic surgery
Browse: 417   Download: 953   Issue Date: 2020-07-24
Comprehensive review of hemolysis in ventricular assist devices
Browse: 452   Download: 842   Issue Date: 2020-07-24
MicroRNA sequences modulating inflammation and lipid accumulation in macrophage ‘foam’ cells: Implications for atherosclerosis
Browse: 449   Download: 894   Issue Date: 2020-07-24
Comparative assessment of clinical profile and outcomes after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in young patients with single vs multivessel disease
Browse: 554   Download: 994   Issue Date: 2020-04-22
Do age-associated changes of voltage-gated sodium channel isoforms expressed in the mammalian heart predispose the elderly to atrial fibrillation?
Browse: 507   Download: 605   Issue Date: 2020-04-22
Role of gut microbiota in cardiovascular diseases
Browse: 484   Download: 757   Issue Date: 2020-04-22
One-year outcomes of a NeoHexa sirolimus-eluting coronary stent system with a biodegradable polymer in all-comers coronary artery disease patients: Results from NeoRegistry in India
Browse: 842   Download: 914   Issue Date: 2019-08-26
Prevalence and clinical characteristics associated with left atrial thrombus detection: Apixaban
Browse: 919   Download: 1047   Issue Date: 2019-02-25
Heart valve disease in elderly
Browse: 778   Download: 793   Issue Date: 2019-02-25
Not all arrestins are created equal: Therapeutic implications of the functional diversity of the β arrestins in the heart
Browse: 715   Download: 726   Issue Date: 2019-02-25
Percutaneous devices for left atrial appendage occlusion: A contemporary review
Browse: 699   Download: 676   Issue Date: 2019-02-25
Contemporary characteristics and outcomes of adults with familial dilated cardiomyopathy listed for heart transplantation
Browse: 669   Download: 771   Issue Date: 2019-01-26
Subclinical carotid atherosclerosis predicts all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in obese patients with negative exercise echocardiography
Browse: 701   Download: 993   Issue Date: 2019-01-26
Current evidence of drug-elution therapy for infrapopliteal arterial disease
Browse: 476   Download: 734   Issue Date: 2019-01-26
Heart disease in Friedreich’s ataxia
Browse: 687   Download: 721   Issue Date: 2019-01-26
Instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR®) to determine hemodynamically significant coronary stenosis: A comprehensive review
Browse: 453   Download: 813   Issue Date: 2018-12-26
Cardiac implications of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Browse: 392   Download: 906   Issue Date: 2018-12-26