- MicroRNA sequences modulating inflammation and lipid accumulation in macrophage ‘foam’ cells: Implications for atherosclerosis
- Browse: 441 Download: 849 Issue Date: 2020-07-24
- Comparative assessment of clinical profile and outcomes after primary percutaneous coronary intervention in young patients with single vs multivessel disease
- Browse: 548 Download: 961 Issue Date: 2020-04-22
- Do age-associated changes of voltage-gated sodium channel isoforms expressed in the mammalian heart predispose the elderly to atrial fibrillation?
- Browse: 498 Download: 579 Issue Date: 2020-04-22
- Role of gut microbiota in cardiovascular diseases
- Browse: 477 Download: 730 Issue Date: 2020-04-22
- One-year outcomes of a NeoHexa sirolimus-eluting coronary stent system with a biodegradable polymer in all-comers coronary artery disease patients: Results from NeoRegistry in India
- Browse: 833 Download: 887 Issue Date: 2019-08-26
- Prevalence and clinical characteristics associated with left atrial thrombus detection: Apixaban
- Browse: 911 Download: 1001 Issue Date: 2019-02-25
- Heart valve disease in elderly
- Browse: 772 Download: 776 Issue Date: 2019-02-25
- Not all arrestins are created equal: Therapeutic implications of the functional diversity of the β arrestins in the heart
- Browse: 702 Download: 703 Issue Date: 2019-02-25
- Percutaneous devices for left atrial appendage occlusion: A contemporary review
- Browse: 686 Download: 655 Issue Date: 2019-02-25
- Contemporary characteristics and outcomes of adults with familial dilated cardiomyopathy listed for heart transplantation
- Browse: 658 Download: 753 Issue Date: 2019-01-26
- Subclinical carotid atherosclerosis predicts all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events in obese patients with negative exercise echocardiography
- Browse: 696 Download: 969 Issue Date: 2019-01-26
- Current evidence of drug-elution therapy for infrapopliteal arterial disease
- Browse: 464 Download: 707 Issue Date: 2019-01-26
- Heart disease in Friedreich’s ataxia
- Browse: 680 Download: 702 Issue Date: 2019-01-26
- Instantaneous wave-free ratio (iFR®) to determine hemodynamically significant coronary stenosis: A comprehensive review
- Browse: 445 Download: 790 Issue Date: 2018-12-26
- Cardiac implications of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- Browse: 384 Download: 876 Issue Date: 2018-12-26
- Risk of sudden cardiac death: Are coronary chronic total occlusions an additional risk factor?
- Browse: 413 Download: 692 Issue Date: 2018-12-26
- Newer echocardiographic techniques for aortic-valve imaging: Clinical aids today, clinical practice tomorrow
- Browse: 714 Download: 787 Issue Date: 2018-08-26
- Prognostic utility of global longitudinal strain in myocardial infarction
- Browse: 813 Download: 726 Issue Date: 2018-05-26
- Outcomes after asystole events occurring during wearable defibrillator-cardioverter use
- Browse: 710 Download: 1047 Issue Date: 2018-04-26
- Preventive fraction of physical fitness on risk factors in cardiac patients: Retrospective epidemiological study
- Browse: 736 Download: 1009 Issue Date: 2018-04-26