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Dr Cenciarelli is currently Researcher at Institute of Translational Pharmacology (IFT), National Research Council (CNR) of Rome, Italy. He received his B Sc. in Molecular Biology from University of Rome (1993). He received his Ph.D. certificate equivalent from USA (2003). He worked as Research Assistant Scientist at New York University with Prof M. Pagano and Prof W. Parks (1997-1999). Visiting Scientist at Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, Rockefeller University (2001-2002). He worked as CNR Researcher in European Community Project “Acetylon” (2000-2002). He worked as Principal Investigator of projects focused on neural stem cells-based cell therapy for neurodegenerative diseases in collaboration with Catholic University of Sacred Heart-School of Medicine of Rome (2004-2009). He worked as PI of a sub-project in a national network project (FIRB-2010) funded by the Italian Government aimed at the identification of new prognostic, diagnostic and innovative therapies in human Glioblastoma Multiforme (2010-ongoing). His current research focuses on understanding the mechanisms of tumor progression and drug resistance of nervous system-derived cancer cells and designing targeted treatment strategies including the molecular interference of altered signaling pathways (EGFR, NOTCH1, PDGFRα) and T cell based-immunotherapy.