Copyright ©The Author(s) 2000. Published by Baishideng Publishing Group Inc. All rights reserved.
World J Gastroenterol. Sep 15, 2000; 6(Suppl3): 55-55
Published online Sep 15, 2000. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v6.iSuppl3.55
Psychological characteristics and rehabilitation of enterostomized patients
Jian-Ping Wang, Zong-Fang Wang, Xie-Mei Ye and Shao-Yun Guo
Jian-Ping Wang, Xie-Mei Ye, Shao-Yun Guo, Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510080, Guangdong Province, China
Zong-Fang Wang, School of Nursing, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510089, Guangdong Province, China
Author contributions: All authors contributed equally to the work.
Supported by The grant of Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences
Correspondence to: Dr. Jian-Ping Wang, School of Nursing, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510089, Guangdong Province, China. nbgs@gzsums.edu.cn
Telephone: 20-87331663 Fax: 20-87333043
Received: March 20, 2000
Revised: May 20, 2000
Accepted: July 10, 2000
Published online: September 15, 2000

AIM: To analyze the psychological characteristics of enterostomized patients, identify the effective methods in order to improve the psychological rehabilitation of these patients and promote their quality of life.

METHODS: Questionnaires were filled up by 293 enterostomized patients pre and post-operatively to identify their psychological characteristics. One group (n = 45) of post-enterostomized patients were taught to take care of stoma by irrigation, the others (n = 248) to merely look after the colostomy bag.

RESULTS: The psychological characteristics were identified as disbelief, fear, desperation or anxiety pre-operatively; as unstable mood, irritable, afraid, sense of lost body image or depression post-operatively; as low self-esteem, self isolation, or despondent in rehabilitative period respectively. Results revealed that the patients need psychological support both pre-operatively and post-operatively. Meanwhile, proper stoma care is of the same importance. After irrigation 1-3 mo regularly, most of the 45 regular irrigating patients were free from skin irritation problems; 40 (89%) patients had daily or bidaily motions; and most of them showed an absence of fecal leakage or gases, and they hardly suffer from bad odors. Some of them even only partially use the colostomy bag. These patients were more confident to reinstate to their previous daily life. Only 5 (11%) patients had irregular bowel movements. Enterostomized patient club and out patient consultation clinic are beneficial to improve their psychological rehabilitation.

CONCLUSION: Careful pre-operative psychological support can help patients’ postoperative adoption. The psychological rehabilitation of the patients can speed their physical recovery. Proper stoma care and early reinstatement into previous social life are also important to improve the patients’ rehabilitation.

Keywords: Enterostomy/rehabilitation; Enterostomy/psychology; postoperative care; Life quality; Preoperative care