Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Clin Cases. Jan 26, 2021; 9(3): 581-601
Published online Jan 26, 2021. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v9.i3.581
Table 1 Characteristics of each individual study
Trials or Ref.YearPhaseStudy periodCountrySample (I/C)Age (I/C)Male (female) (I/C)Histology (I/C) (AC, SCC, Other)Extent of disease, StageECOG PS or Karnofsky scoreTreatment LineInterventionsControlFollow-up in mo
Lilenbaum et al[22]2006IIFeb 2002 to Sept 2003United States133 (67/66)62.7 (37-84)/63.5 (41-78)40 (27)/40 (26)NA, NA, NAШB, IVECOG 0-1SecondCelecoxib 400 mg po bid + DTX 35 mg/m2 or GEM 1000 mg/m2 + CPT-11 60-100 mg/m2 ivgtt day 1 and day 8, q3wDTX 35 mg/m2 or GEM 1000 mg/m2 + CPT-11 60-100 mg/m2 ivgtt day 1 and day 8, q3wNA
GECO[23]2007ШJan 2003 to May 2005Italy400 (149/251)61.5 (29-71)/59.0 (37-70)120 (29)/202 (49)68/134, 47/53, 34/64ШB, IVECOG 0-1FirstRofecoxib 50 mg po qd + GEM 1200 mg/m2 in 30-min or PCI GEM 1200 mg/m2 over 120-min iv infusions days 1 and 8 + DDP 80 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1, q3wGEM 1200 mg/m2 in 30-min or PCI GEM 1200 mg/m2 over 120-min iv infusions days 1 and 8 + DDP 80 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1, q3w22
Zhou et al[29]2007IIJune 2004 to June 2005China65 (32/33)57.0 (45-77)/55.5 (40-76)24 (8)/24 (9)17/19, 9/8, 5/3ШB, IVECOG 0-2FirstCelecoxib 400 mg po bid days 1-12 + NVB 25 mg/m2 iv qd day 1 and 8 + DDP 75 mg/m2 ivgtt qd days 1 and 2, q3wNVB 25 mg/m2 iv qd days 1 and 8 + DDP 75 mg/m2 ivgtt qd days 1 and 2, q3wNA
Xiong et al[28]2008IIJan 2003 to Jan 2006China60 (30/30)56.4/58.316 (14)/17 (13)16/17, 10/10, 4/3ШB, IVECOG 0-2FirstCelecoxib 400 mg po bid + NVB 25 mg/m2 iv qd days 1 and 8 + DDP 70 mg/m2 ivgtt qd days 1-3, q3wNVB 25 mg/m2 iv qd days 1 and 8 + DDP 70 mg/m2 ivgtt qd days 1-3, q3wNA
CYCLUS[24]2011ШMay 2003 to May 2006Sweden316 (158/158)66 (38-85)/65 (37-85)73 (85)/87 (71)77/94, 38/27, 43/36ШB, IVECOG 0-2FirstCelecoxib 400 mg po bid + GEM or NVB + CBP or DDP, ivgtt q3w1Placebo + GEM or NVB + CBP or DDP, ivgtt q3w36
NVALT-4[25]2011ШJuly 2003 to Dec 2007Netherlands561 (281/280)62 (40-84)/61 (33-84)184 (97)/171 (109)138/132, 44/57, 99/91ШB, IVECOG 0-2FirstCelecoxib 400 mg po bid + DTX 75 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1 + CBP ivgtt qd day 1, q3w2Placebo + DTX 75 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1 + CBP ivgtt qd day 1, q3wNA
Liu et al[30]2012NAJan 2006 to May 2011China46 (24/22)62 (49-75)/64 (52-76)14 (10)/15 (7)15/14, 9/8, 0/0ШB, IVKarnofsky ≥ 70FirstCelecoxib 400 mg po bid days 1-5 + DTX 75 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1 + DDP 100 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1, q3wDTX 75 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1 + DDP 100 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1, q3wNA
Sörenson et al[32]2013ШMay 2006 to May 2009Sweden107 (52/55)65 (37-84)50/5765, 16, 26ШB, IVNAFirstCelecoxib at a dose of 400 mg bid + carboplatin plus gemcitabine/vinorelbineCarboplatin + gemcitabine/ vinorelbine5
Gitlitz et al[33]2014IINAUnited States120 (78/42)63 (35-81)/65 (36-84)78 (42)/42 (25)45/24, 21/11, 12/7ШB, IVECOG 0-2SecondApricoxib (400 mg/d) + erlotinib (150 mg/d) on 21-d cyclesPlacebo + erlotinib (150 mg/d) on 21-d cyclesNA
0822-GCC[26]2015IINAUnited States72 (36/36)62/6620 (16)/20 (16)24/25, 8/6, 4/5ШB, IVECOG 0-2SecondApricoxib 400 mg po qd + DTX 75 mg/m2 or PET 500 mg/m2, q3wPlacebo 400 mg po qd DTX 75 mg/m2 or PET 500 mg/m2, q3wNA
Teng et al[31]2015IIAug 2009 to May 2012China81 (41/40)57.7 (28-72)/57.3 (33-76)30 (11)/26 (14)28/26, 13/14, 0/0ШB, IVECOG 0-1FirstCelecoxib 200 mg po bid + NVB 25 mg/m2 ivgtt days 1 and 8 + DDP 70 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1, q4wNVB 25 mg/m2 ivgtt days 1 and 8 + DDP 70 mg/m2 ivgtt qd day 1, q4wNA
CALGB-30801[27]2017ШNov 2013 to Jan 2016United States312 (154/158)64 (38-83)/64 (36-89)82 (72)/87 (71)NA, 44/43, NAШB, IVECOG 0-2FirstCelecoxib 400 mg po bid + CBP + PET 500 mg/m2 day 1, q3w for nonsquamous or Celecoxib 400 mg po bid + CBP day 1 + GEM 1000 mg/m2 day 1 and day 8, q3w for squamousPlacebo + CBP + PET 500 mg/m2 day 1, q3w for nonsquamous or placebo + CBP day 1 + GEM 1000 mg/m2 day 1 and day 8, q3w for squamous31
Table 2 The risk of bias in the included studies
Trial or Ref.
Randomization methods
Stratification factors
Double blind
Intent to treat
Lilenbaum et al[26]2006CentralizedECOG PS, age, sex, disease stage, response to treatmentNoNAYes
GECO[23]2007CentralizedTreatment, gender, PS, disease stage, tumor histology, center (three categories according to size)NoMedian follow-up of 22 mo of alive patients (range 0-40)Yes
Zhou et al[29]2007EnvelopesTypesNoNANo: 4 of 65 excluded from analysis
Xiong et al[28]2008Random number tableDisease stage, COX-2 expressionNoNAYes
CYCLUS[24]2011MinimizationECOG PS, sex, stage, smoking statusYesAfter randomization, the follow-up time ranged from 0 to 36 moYes
NVALT-4[25]2011CentralizedPS, extent of disease, use of salicylic acid, histology, COX-2 expression, treatmentNoNAYes
Liu et al[30]2012Mechanical sampling methodStageNoNAYes
Sörenson et al[32]2013MinimizationECOG PS, sex, stage, smoking statusYesAfter randomization, the follow-up time ranged from 0 to 36 moYes
Gitlitz et al[33]2014NAECOG PS, sex, ageYesThe median follow-up time was 30 moYes
0822-GCC[26]2015CentralizedECOG PS, sex, stage, raceYesNAYes
Teng et al[31]2015NASerum DKK-1 levelsNoNAYes
CALGB-30801[27]2017Stratified random permuted-blocks procedureSex, histology and chemotherapy, smoking status, stage, age group, PSYesThe median follow-up time was 31 moYes
Table 3 Subgroup analyses of the toxicities of COX-2 inhibitor
RCT, n
RR (95%CI)
P value for between groups
RCT, n
RR (95%CI)
P value for between groups
Leucopenia81.20 (1.03, 1.40)0.020Diarrhea31.31 (0.64, 2.71)0.460
COX-2 inhibitor typeCOX-2 inhibitor type
Celecoxib61.26 (1.07, 1.49)0.280Celecoxib21.24 (0.59, 2.62)0.940
Rofecoxib10.80 (0.43, 1.50)Rofecoxib13.05 (0.13, 74.1)
Apricoxib10.92 (0.47, 1.80)Apricoxib12.69 (0.33, 22.3)
Treatment lineTreatment line
First-line61.20 (1.02, 1.42)0.900First-line20.91 (0.40, 2.07)0.080
Second-line21.19 (0.76, 1.87)Second-line24.10 (0.95, 17.60)
II41.14 (0.77, 1.69)0.720II24.10 (0.95, 17.60)0.080
III41.21 (1.03, 1.44)III20.91 (0.40, 2.07)
Thrombocytopenia81.33 (1.05, 1.68)0.017Gastric ulcer21.00 (0.25, 3.97)0.997
COX-2 inhibitor typeCOX-2 inhibitor type
Celecoxib61.40 (1.08, 1.81)0.560Celecoxib21.00 (0.25, 3.97)NA
Rofecoxib11.02 (0.59, 1.76)RofecoxibNANA
Apricoxib13.00 (0.13, 71.30)ApricoxibNANA
Treatment lineTreatment line
First-line61.24 (0.97, 1.58)0.090First-line21.00 (0.25, 3.97)NA
Second-line22.66 (1.14, 6.17)Second-lineNANA
II42.69 (1.19, 6.07)0.070II21.00 (0.25, 3.97)NA
III41.23 (0.96, 1.56)IIINANA
Anemia51.32 (0.75, 2.33)0.343Asthenia70.84 (0.56, 1.28)0.426
COX-2 inhibitor typeCOX-2 inhibitor type
Celecoxib32.76 (0.96, 7.97)0.110Celecoxib50.94 (0.60, 1.48)0.590
Rofecoxib10.80 (0.38, 1.69)Rofecoxib10.51 (0.16, 1.64)
Apricoxib23.14 (0.51, 19.50)Apricoxib20.94 (0.20, 4.44)
Treatment lineTreatment line
First-line31.07 (0.56, 2.05)0.140First-line50.92 (0.60, 1.42)0.560
Second-line32.91 (0.89, 9.98)Second-line30.53 (0.15, 1.88)
II43.03 (1.00, 9.24)0.100II40.75 (0.28, 2.02)0.900
III21.01 (0.52, 1.97)III30.86 (0.54, 1.39)
Nausea70.85 (0.53, 1.36)0.507Cardiotoxicity52.39 (1.06, 5.42)0.037
COX-2 inhibitor typeCOX-2 inhibitor type
Celecoxib50.87 (0.50, 1.51)0.960Celecoxib31.55 (0.53, 4.50)0.540
Rofecoxib10.76 (0.27, 2.13)Rofecoxib14.58 (1.01, 20.70)
Apricoxib21.00 (0.15, 6.72)Apricoxib13.00 (0.13, 71.30)
Treatment lineTreatment line
First-line60.84 (0.52, 1.37)0.860First-line42.35 (1.01, 5.49)0.880
Second-line21.00 (0.15, 6.72)Second-line13.00 (0.13, 71.30)
II41.44 (0.58, 3.59)0.400II13.00 (0.13, 71.30)0.880
III30.67 (0.36, 1.25)III42.35 (1.01, 5.49)
Neurotoxicity41.02 (0.23, 4.45)0.977
COX-2 inhibitor type
Celecoxib31.02 (0.18, 5.83)0.100
Rofecoxib11.02 (0.06, 16.07)
Treatment line
First-line41.02 (0.23, 4.45)1.000
II23.09 (0.13, 73.20)0.420
III20.68 (0.11, 4.04)