Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Clin Cases. May 6, 2020; 8(9): 1656-1665
Published online May 6, 2020. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v8.i9.1656
Table 1 Laboratory findings on admission
Blood cell count
WBC8.49 × 103/μL
RBC423 × 104/μL
Hb9.5 g/dL
MCV73.8 fL
MCH22.5 pg
PLT17 × 104/μL
Biochemical and immune serum examination
TP8 g/dL
Alb3.1 g/dL
T-bil1 mg/dL
D-bil0.6 mg/dL
LDH289 U/L
γ-GTP132 U/L
ALP3152 U/L
Glu97 mg/dL
BUN7.5 mg/dL
Cr0.39 mg/dL
CRP6.83 mg/dL
Fe24 μg/dL
TIBC299 μg/dL
UIBC286 μg/dL
Ferritin65.9 ng/mL
NH336 μg/dL
AFP1.3 ng/mL
IgG2265 mg/dL
IgG4191 mg/dL
IgA469 mg/dL
IgM399 mg/dL
Blood coagulation examination
PT ratio60.5%
APTT32.2 s
Fib328 mg/dL
FDP6.6 μg/mL
D-dimer2.8 μg/mL
IL-640 pg/mL
VEGF49.2 pg/mL
Virologic test
HIV antibody(-)
HHV-8 PCR(-)
Table 2 Patients with multicentric Castleman’s disease/TAFRO syndrome complicated by hepatobiliary diseases
YearAge/sexDiagnosisTypePathological findings of the liverOutcomeRef.
199122/FCDMixedLiver cirrhosis associated with Budd-Chiari syndrome, an underlying diseaseLiver transplantation waiting for Budd-Chiari syndrome[14]
199550/MCDPCDiffuse fibrosisDeath due to thrombocytopenia and massive gastrointestinal bleeding[15]
35/MCDPCCholestasis and peliosis hepatisUnknown
200354/MCDMixedNodular cirrhosisPerform liver transplantation and maintain remission[16]
200545/MCDPCNodular regenerative hyperplasiaPSL effective[17]
201351/MCD-Liver amyloidosisSymptoms persist even after lymph node dissection[18]
201656/MTAFROMixedExpansion of portal area, interface hepatitis, pseudo biliary hyperplasia and cholangitisSteroid pulse, PSL, tocilizumab, rituximab[19]
201726/FCDPCFibrosis and plasma cell infiltrationPSL effective[20]
This case10/MCD or TAFROMixedPortal vein area fibrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration, bile duct hyperplasiaPSL ineffective, tocilizumab improves inflammatory response