Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Clin Cases. May 26, 2020; 8(10): 2016-2022
Published online May 26, 2020. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v8.i10.2016
Table 1 Literature review for liver infraction
Ref.CaseSymptomsSerum studyComputed tomographyLiver vesselsMain treatments
Otani et al[3], 2003A 59-year-old man with Churg-Strauss syndromeCold and pain of fingers and toesHypereosinophilia, elevated IgE and transaminaseLow density at the periphery of the right lobeIrregular narrowing of hepatic arteriesSurgery, intravenous PGE1, prednisolone
Khong et al[11], 2005A 30-year-old postpartum woman with DVT historyRight-sided chest pain, mild pyrexiaLeukocytosis, neutrophilia, elevated ALTMultiple peripheral liver infarcts-Antibiotics, heparin and warfarin
Mayan et al[9], 2001A 66-year-old male with TIPSFever and shock, tenderness of right upper quadrantDIC, AST and ALT increasedWedge-shaped hypodense lesion of liverNo sign of portal vein occlusion or arterio-stent shuntAmikacin, vancomycin, ceftriaxone
Park et al[23], 2016A 61-year-old woman with TACEEpigastric pain, abdominal pain and distentionElevations of AST and ALTNonenhancement and expansion of left hepatic lobe with DEE TACEMiddle hepatic vein to left portal vein shuntSupportive care
Wong et al[15], 2001A 66-year-old woman with laparoscopic cholecystectomyFever, right upper quadrant painLeukocytosis, bacteremiaA cystic defect of right hepatic lobeOcclusion of the right hepatic artery and right portal veinSurgery
Wang et al[5], 2011A 44-year-old man with liver transplantation and TIPSRefractory hypotensionRise in serum aminotransferase levelA large, irregular hypodense lesion in the right lobe of the liverAbrupt truncation of the native common hepatic arteryAggressive resuscitation
Ashida et al[2], 2003A 74-year-old man with liver abscessDiarrhea and abdominal pain-Low-density lesionsInterrupt of the hepatic artery and portal veinOperation and drainage
Sakhel et al[16], 2006A 39-year-old primigravida with SLE and secondary APSUpper abdominal pain, tachypnea, dyspnea, and tachycardiaElevated AST and ALTMultiple irregularly shaped, small, low-density lesionsHeparin and broad-spectrum antibiotics
Peng et al[19], 2018A 30-year-old woman with post-partum hemorrhageLiver enzyme levels peaked, DICPoor enhancement of the right hepatic lobe on the peripheryLiver transplantation