©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Clin Cases. Nov 6, 2019; 7(21): 3553-3561
Published online Nov 6, 2019. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v7.i21.3553
Published online Nov 6, 2019. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v7.i21.3553
Table 1 Laboratory data on admission of a patient with methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative liver tumors
Item | Data | Item | Data | Item | Data |
White blood cells | 13900 /μL | Total protein | 7.1 g/dL | Sodium | 134 mEq/L |
Neutrophils | 82.9% | Albumin | 3.6 g/dL | Potassium | 4.3 mEq/L |
Lymphocytes | 8.6% | AST | 316 IU/L | Chloride | 97 mEq/L |
Monocytes | 8.4% | ALT | 370 IU/L | CRP | 18.74 mg/dL |
Eosinophils | 0% | ALP | 2006 IU/L | CEA | 1.5 ng/mL |
Basophils | 0.1% | LDH | 2844 IU/L | CA19-9 | 4.0 U/mL |
Red blood cells | 389 × 104 /μL | γ-GTP | 1300 IU/L | AFP | 2.0 ng/mL |
Hemoglobin | 12.6 g/dL | T. Bil | 2.51 mg/dL | PIVKA-II | 16 mAU/mL |
Platelet count | 25.8 × 104 /μL | D. Bil | 0.82 mg/dL | sIL2R | 2120 U/mL |
PT | 84.7% | BUN | 25.6 mg/dL | ||
APTT | 30.4 s | Creatinine | 0.63 mg/dL |
Table 2 Summary of 10 reported cases of methotrexate-associated lymphoproliferative liver tumors
Ca-se | Ref. | Age | Sex | Sym-ptom | MTX peri-od (yr) | Num-ber of tu-mors | CT | MRI | PET | US | CE-US | Ti-ssue Colle-ction | Path-ology | Immunohisto-chemistry | Treat-ment | Re-spon-se | Re-currence | On-set pa-ttern | Prog-nosis |
1 | 9 | 68 | F | Ma-laise | 8 | Mul-tiple | Low den-sity hypovas-cular | N/A | N/A | Hypo-echoic | N/A | US-gui-ded | Hodg-kin lym-pho-ma | CD15+, CD20-, CD30+ | Un-trea-ted | No re-spon-se | None | Persis-tent | Death |
2 | 10 | 76 | M | None | 4.5 | Single | Low den-sity hypovas-cular | N/A | Hypo-echoic | N/A | Sur-gery | B cell | CD10-, CD20+, CD79a+ | Resec-tion, cessa-tion | Effec-tive | None | Re-gre-ssive | Alive (10 mo) | |
3 | 11 | 67 | F | Abdo-minal pain, fever | 6 | Mul-tiple | Low den-sity hypovas-cular | N/A | High up-take | N/A | N/A | US-gui-ded | B cell | CD10-, CD20+, CD5-, EBER+ | R-THP-COP | Effec-tive | None | Persis-tent | Alive (1 yr) |
4 | 12 | 56 | F | Weig-ht loss, fever | 7 | Mul-tiple | Iso den-sity hypovas-cular | N/A | High up-take | N/A | N/A | US-gui-ded | B cell | CD10+, CD20+, CD5- | R-CH-OP | Effec-tive | None | Persis-tent | Alive (6 mo) |
5 | 13 | 64 | M | Abdo-minal pain, fever | 2 | Mul-tiple | Low den-sity hypovas-cular | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | US-gui-ded | B cell | CD10+, CD79a+, CD20+; Bcl-2-, CD3-, EBER- | R-CH-OP | Effec-tive | None | Persis-tent | Alive (2 yr) |
6 | 14 | 65 | F | None | 7 | Single | Low den-sity mild enhance-ment | T1: low, T2: high, diffu-sion: high | N/A | Hypo-echoic | N/A | Sur-gery | B cell | CD10-, CD15-, CD20+, CD30+, CD79a+, EBER+ | Resec-tion, cessa-tion | Effec-tive | None | Re-gre-ssive | Alive (1 yr) |
7 | 15 | 70 | F | Abdo-minal pain | 10 | Single | Low den-sity hypovas-cular | T1: low, T2: high, diffu-sion: high | N/A | N/A | N/A | Surgery | T cell | CD10-, CD20-, CD79a-, CD3+, CD45RO+, CD5+, bcl-2-, EBER- | Resec-tion, cessa-tion | Effec-tive | None | Re-gre-ssive | Alive (1 yr) |
8 | 16 | 76 | F | Ano-rexia | 9 | Mul-tiple | Low den-sity | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | US-gui-ded | T and B cell | N/A | Cessa-tion | Effec-tive | None | Re-gre-ssive | Alive (N/A) |
9 | 17 | 63 | M | Abdo-minal pain | 10 | Mul-tiple | Low den-sity | N/A | High up-take | Hypo-echoic | Hypovas-cular | US-gui-ded | B cell | N/A | Cessa-tion | Effec-tive | None | Re-gre-ssive | Alive (7 mo) |
10 | Our case | 70 | F | Abdo-minal pain, fever | 5 | Mul-tiple | Low den-sity hypovas-cular | T1: low, T2: high | N/A | Hypo-echoic | Hypovas-cular | US-gui-ded | T and B cell | CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD56-, CD20-, CD79a+, EBER- | Cessa-tion | Effec-tive | None | Re-gre-ssive | Alive (2 yr) |
Table 3 Characteristic of methotrexate related lymphoproliferative disorder
Characteristic of MTX-LPD |
Potential association of EB virus |
Treatment includes stopping the MTX and administering chemotherapy or performing surgery in some cases |
By stopping MTX, about 30% of cases show improvement within a month |
Chemotherapy includes R-CHP, R-THP-COP, etc. depending on the histological pattern |
Table 4 Characteristic of the image of methotrexate related lymphoproliferative disorder in the liver
Characteristic of the image of MTX-LPD in the liver |
CT: Low density, poor enhancement effect |
MRI: Low signal intensity in T1-weighted image |
High signal intensity in T2-weighted image |
US: Low echoic pattern |
CE-US: Poor enhancement, low echoic area in the Kupffer phase |
- Citation: Mizusawa T, Kamimura K, Sato H, Suda T, Fukunari H, Hasegawa G, Shibata O, Morita S, Sakamaki A, Yokoyama J, Saito Y, Hori Y, Maruyama Y, Yoshimine F, Hoshi T, Morita S, Kanefuji T, Kobayashi M, Terai S. Methotrexate-related lymphoproliferative disorders in the liver: Case presentation and mini-review. World J Clin Cases 2019; 7(21): 3553-3561
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