Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Clin Cases. Oct 26, 2019; 7(20): 3310-3315
Published online Oct 26, 2019. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v7.i20.3310
Table 1 Clinical whole-exome detection results
GeneSequenceNucleotide change/mutationAmino acid changeGene subregionHeterozygousChromosome locationVariant type
ACANNM_013227.3c.6798G>Ap.Pro22666=EX12HeterozygousChr15: 89402614VUS
LHCGRNM_000233.3c.911G>Ap.Cys304TyrEX10HeterozygousChr2: 48921399VUS
HSPG2NM_005529.5c.1216C>Tp.Pro406SerEX11HeterozygousChr1: 22211645VUS
PKD1L1NM_138295.3c.2842T>Gp.Phe948ValEX18HeterozygousChr7: 47925647VUS
SEMA3ANM_006080.2c.950A>Gp.Lys317ArgEX9HeterozygousChr7: 83640383VUS
Table 2 Summary of patients’ clinical presentations and comparison to the published patients
EthnicityPatient 1
Patient 2
Patient 3
AsianTurkishSouthern German
Mutationc.950A>G (p.Lys317Arg) in exon 9, heterozygousc.607C>T [p.(Arg203*)] in exon 6, homozygousc.945_949delinsTACATCTTCTAATG; p.Phe316_Lys317-; delinsThrSerSerAsnGlu in exon 9, de novo, in-frame; 150-kb deletion, intron-8 retention, premature stop codon after 348; amino acids, compound-heterozygous
Gestational age (wk)404137
Age at examination2686
Birth weight and lengthWeight: unknown; Length: unknownWeight: 3720 g (P50-P75; 0.19 SDS); Length: 50 cm (P10-25; -1.25 SDS)Weight: 2910 g (P25-P50; -0.92 SDS); Length: 48 cm (P10-P25; -0.43 SDS)
Mother’s and father’s heights156 cm, 155 cm154 cm, 174 cm159 cm, 174 cm
Short statue+++
Facial dysmorphismFacial moles, transverse palmLong face; epicanthic folds; mildly low-set, backwards; rotated ear; bilateral retrolobular notches; long philtrumLong face; epicanthic folds; mildly low-set, backwards, rotated ear; dolichocephaly; prominent forehead; broad nasal root; rounded nasal tip; long philtrum; thin lips; high palate; crossbite with crowded teeth
Skeletal systemShort neck, knee valgusHigh-positioned scapulae, lateral clavicle hook, restricted mobility of the shoulder joints, arched rib deformation, mild upper thoracic; scoliosis, widely spaced nipples, camptodactyly of the second and third fingers, flexion contracture of the right knee with patellar luxationSloping shoulders, broad and asymmetric thorax, flattened vertebrae in the upper thoracic region, mild funnel chest, kyphosis, hyperlordosis, widely spaced nipples, camptodactyly, of the third left finger,relatively large first toe
CardiovascularAortic dysplasia with moderate refluxArteria lusoriaPatent foramen ovale, nearly closed with 6 yr
UrogenitalNo prostate, bilateral seminal vesicles, testicular hypoplasia and cryptorchidism, micropenisMicropenisMicropenis
HearingNormalMild conductive hearing impairmentSusceptible to upper airway and middle ear infections until 2 yr of age
Motor developmentNormalDelayed, walking independently at 3.8 yrDelayed, walking independently at 21 mo
Cognitive developmentNormalReduced performance and verbal score with a full scale IQ of 55 (at 6 yr)Average performance and full scale IQ, verbal IQ in the lower average; range (at 5 yr)
Growth hormoneLackingUnknownUnknown
Sex hormoneLackingUnknownUnknown