Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Clin Cases. Nov 26, 2018; 6(14): 735-744
Published online Nov 26, 2018. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v6.i14.735
Table 1 Number of trainee-performed endosonography-procedures required for the adequate performance of the different steps of a diagnostic endosonography-examination not including fine needle aspiration
Ref.Procedural step or scanning position
Intubation1Esophageal viewGastric viewDuodenal view
Meenan et al[8] 2003NA225–CNR335–CNR78–CNR
IntubationMediastinumCeliac axisGastric wallPancreas (body)Pancreas (head)CBD
Hoffman et al[22] 20051–231–338–361–471–3415–7413–134
IntubationAP windowCeliac axisPancreas (body)Pancreas (head)CBD
Wani et al[1] 2013245–CNR315–CNR235–CNR226–CNR166–CNRCNR–CNR4
Table 2 Assessment form used by Meenan et al[8] to evaluate and assess endosonographers in training using a radial array echoendoscope
EsophagusLiver, inferior vena cava/hepatic veins, crus, abdominal aorta, spine, right pleura, thoracic aorta, left atrium, aortic outflow, left pulmonary vein, azygous vein, thoracic duct, right/left bronchus, carina, aortic arch, carotids, trachea, thyroid18 points (minimum score for competence: 12 points)
StomachStomach wall layer pattern, celiac axis, left adrenal, portal confluence, splenic vein, splenic artery, follow course of splenic vein8 points (following course of splenic vein: 2 points; minimum score for competence: 5 points)
DuodenumGall bladder, portal vein, pancreatic duct, abdominal aorta, inferior vena cava, uncinate process, superior mesenteric vein, superior mesenteric artery, follow course of common bile duct11 points (following course of common bile duct: 3 points; minimum score for competence: 7.5 points)
Use of ultrasound controlsFrequency, range, brightness/contrast3 points