Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Cases. Mar 6, 2024; 12(7): 1260-1271
Published online Mar 6, 2024. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v12.i7.1260
Table 1 Characteristics of selected studies
Age (yr)
Quality Assessment
Kwon et al[37], 20014-7CP10/10Twice per week/30-40 min/20 timesSensory, gross motor, fine motor, adaptive behaviorGMFM, PMDT, adaptive behavior checklist2
Hong and Oh[39], 200315Mental retardation6/5Twice per week/50 min/20 timesCoordination (static, hand movement, general movement)Korean Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency2
Kwon et al[38], 20044-10Developmental disability 12/14Twice per week/40 min/24 timesSensory, motorSensory profile, PDMS2
Kim et al[48], 20058-13Intellectual disability11/9Three times per week/40 min/30 timesGross motor (motor, balance)GMFM-88, BOTMP2
Kim and Park[30], 20058-10Intellectual disability12/12Three times per week/40 min/60 timesEmotional behaviorEBC2
Kim et al[40], 20068-10Intellectual disability12/12Three times per week/40 min/60 timesObject manipulationTGMD-22
Jeon and Ahn[49], 200610-13Intellectual disability10/10Three times per week/40 min/24 timesAttentionSuperlab Pro 1.052
Kang and Kang[34], 20076-13Developmental disability19/19Twice per week/60 min/40 timesAdaptive behaviorKISE-SAB2
Kim[41], 20078-9Moderate intellectual disability12/12Six times per week/40 min/60 timesMotorTGMD-22
Kim[50], 20076-10Intellectual disability8/8Twice per week/90 min/24 timesLocomotion skills (gross motor)TGMD-22
Kim[31], 20083-4No disability3/4Twice per week/40 min/8 timesAdaptive behaviorABC2
Kwon[29], 20084-12Developmental disability19/20Twice per week/40 min/36 timesMotor, visual perceptionTVPS-R, BOT2, SMS, SP2
Yu and Koo[51], 20089-11ASD10/10Twice per week/40 min/24 timesStereotyped behavior time, brain wave changeTime sampling record, WEMG-82
Cho[33], 20087-36 moDevelopmental disability32/30Once a week/30 min/8 timesDevelopment, sensory, routine movementDDST, CCDT Wee FIM, SP2
Kim[32], 20092-5Intellectual disability, mild ASD4/3Twice per week/30 min/20 timesSensory, social, emotionalSSP, ITSEA, MT-MAP2
Choi[36], 20105-7Developmental disability (except CP,
10/10Twice per week/40 min/16 timesGross motor (motor, balance)GMFM, BOTMP1
Kim[42], 20117-14Developmental coordination disability8/8Twice per week/40 min/8 sessionsHand function (precision, dexterity)Groove pegboard, BOTMPII2
Lee[43], 20135-7ASD5/5Twice per week/60 min /14 sessionsMotor, play behaviorOseretsky motor skill test, PPBS2
Lee[52], 2015NLT 7Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy10/10Twice per week/40 min/10 sessions Body schema, motor, self-efficacyDraw-A-Person Test, GMFM-66, PSEQ1
Lee[45], 20176-10ADHD8/8Twice per week/40 min/16 sessionsSensory, motor skill at movementSSP, BOT-2, VMI2
Ryu[46], 20173-7Disabled and non-disabled brothers/
Disabled children
20 (10 Group)/10Group (once a week/40min/10sessions); Individual (once a week/40 min/10 sessions)Interaction, sensory processing; Play (time, level)Peer Interaction scale; SSP, Revised knox; preschool play scale
Lee et al[10], 20189-10ADHD10/10Twice per week/50 min/12 sessionsSensory, social skills, self-esteemSSP, SSRS, rosenberg self-esteem scale2
Park and Kim[11], 20193-5Developmental retardation9/8Twice per week/40 min/ 16 sessionssensory, motorSSP, PDMS-22
Kim[35], 20196No disability15/15Twice per week/40 min/16 sessionsSensory, visual perception, problematic behaviorSSP, K-DTVP-II, K-CBCL1
Table 2 The level of qualitative evidence of subject studies
Level of evidence
n (%)
Level 1Systematic review; Meta analysis; Randomized controlled trials3 (12)
Level 2Non-randomized two group studies21 (88)
Table 3 Average effect sizes of design variable levels and diagnosis
Study design
95% Confidence interval

Studies (n)
Effect size
Lower limit
Upper limit
P value
Developmental disability60.480.380.58273.620.0005
Intellectual disability60.14-0.050.34232.970.0005
Time30 min3-0.01-
40 min150.880.770.99527.860.00014
Table 4 Effect size of sensory integrating intervention by dependent variable
Effect size
Studies (n)
Subjects (n)
Social skill1.220.084549
Adaptive behavior1.150.051364
Sensory processing0.850.068878
Gross motor0.260.04312139
Fine motor0.250.053549