©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Cases. Nov 16, 2024; 12(32): 6517-6525
Published online Nov 16, 2024. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v12.i32.6517
Published online Nov 16, 2024. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v12.i32.6517
Table 1 Esophageal tuberculosis
Ref. | Age, sex | Presentation | Diagnosis and treatment |
Diallo et al[11] | 58-year-old man | Dysphagia for 3 months with non-quantified weight loss, anorexia and fever | Esophageal biopsy showed caseous granuloma. Treated with ATT |
Mao et al[12] | 27-year-old woman | 1-month history of progressive dysphagia, accompanied by post-sternal pain, belching, acid regurgitation, heartburn, and nausea | Esophageal endoscopy with biopsy performed showed interstitial granulation tissue. TB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT |
Savage et al[13] | 46-year-old woman | 6-week history of dysphagia and retrosternal chest pain unrelieved by antacids | Barium swallow showed a 10 cm plaque-like mid-esophageal lesion. Biopsies taken during esophagoscopy were inconclusive. Repeat biopsy 1 month later demonstrated caseating granulomata in the submucosa. Treated with ATT |
Savage et al[13] | 26-year-old man | 6-week history of dysphagia for solids and retrosternal pain | Barium meal: Extrinsic compression in the mid-esophagus. Chest X ray: Sub carinal lymphadenopathy; Mantoux test: Strongly positive at 1:10000; Endoscopic biopsies were non-specific. A diagnosis of esophageal TB was made on radiological appearances and strongly positive Mantoux test. Treated with ATT |
Han et al[15] | 56-year-old woman | 2-week history of mild dysphagia | Esophageal biopsies showed numerous epithelioid caseating granulomas. The PPD skin test, T-SPOT. TB assay and polymerase chain reaction testing for MTB were positive. Treated with ATT |
Jain et al[17] | 15-year-old man | Bouts of hematemesis and melena for 2 days | EGD followed with biopsy revealed caseating epithelioid granulomas with lymphocytic infiltrate. PCR positive for TB. Treated with ATT |
Khan et al[18] | 25-year-old man | 1-month progressive dysphagia for both solids and liquids associated with epigastric pain | Endoscopy followed with biopsy showed granulation tissue. Cultures of biopsied tissue were positive for MTB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT |
Zahra et al[22] | 27-year-old man | Burning chest pain for 3 months; Intermittent fever, weight loss, loss of appetite for few weeks | EGD followed by biopsy revealed granulomatous caseating lesion. Nucleic acid amplification test was positive for TB. Treated with ATT |
Abid et al[23] | 45-year-old woman | Progressive dysphagia and weight loss (8 kg) for 6 months | Endoscopic biopsy of esophageal ulcers revealed granulomatous changes. AFB staining and MTB complex PCR was negative. Treated with ATT |
Abid et al[23] | 80-year-old woman | Massive hematemesis without any history of dysphagia, odynophagia, regurgitation | Endoscopy showed multiple ulcers in proximal esophagus, biopsy of which received granulomatous lesions. AFB stain for MTB was negative, but a positive PCR. Patient died next day because of massive hematemesis |
Abid et al[23] | 85-year-old woman | Dysphagia and cough. 5 kg weight loss in 2 months | Endoscopic biopsy of a hyperemic patch in esophagus revealed granulomatous changes. AFB stain and PCR for MTB was negative. Patient died 3 days after hospitalization due to aspiration pneumonia |
Abid et al[23] | 29-year-old man | Odynophagia and retrosternal burning | Endoscopic biopsy of esophageal ulcer revealed positive MTB PCR, although cultures showed no growth. Treated with ATT |
Mohan et al[24] | 30-year-old woman | Fever, malaise and decreased appetite for 3 weeks. She had dysphagia and cough during swallowing for 4 days | Chest X ray: Miliary TB. Upper GI endoscopy showed ulcer, biopsy of which revealed chronic inflammation with granuloma. Treated with ATT |
Olson et al[25] | 35-year-old man | 2 months of progressive dysphagia and odynophagia | AFB culture positive for MTB from surgically removed mediastinal lymph node. Treated with ATT |
Fujiwara et al[26] | 82-year-old man | Progressive dysphagia | Esophagoscopy with biopsy showed epithelioid granulation. CT chest showed enlarged sub carinal lymph nodes. Responded to ATT |
Hu et al[27] | 75-year-old man | Progressive dysphagia for 1 month | EUS followed by histopathology showed tuberculoid granuloma. PPD skin test and TB spot both were positive |
Mahmoudi et al[28] | 55-year-old woman | Progressive dysphagia for 3 months, weight loss, loss of appetite, intermittent fever | EGD followed by histopathological examination revealed epithelioid cell granulomas without caseous necrosis. Sputum examination for acid-fast bacilli was positive. Treated with ATT |
Salad et al[29] | 23-year-old man | Cough on eating and halitosis, mild weight loss | EGD followed with biopsy showed inflammatory lesions with epithelioid granulomas. Treated with ATT |
Khanna et al[30] | 60-year-old man | Progressive dysphagia for 4 months with loss of weight and appetite | Endoscopy followed by biopsy showed epithelioid granulomas with caseating necrosis. TB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT |
Danna et al[31] | 69-year-old man | Persistent fever and dysphagia for 4 weeks | EGD followed showed deep esophageal ulcerations followed with biopsy with special stains positive for AFB. Treated with ATT |
Baleguli et al[32] | 24-year-old woman | 1 month of dysphagia and odynophagia associated with low-grade fevers, dry cough, night sweats, anorexia, sore throat, and pound weight loss | EGD followed with esophageal biopsies showed active ulcerative and granulomatous esophagitis with mycobacterial organisms. AFB culture grew MTB and MTB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT |
Table 2 Gastric tuberculosis
Ref. | Age, sex | Presentation | Diagnosis and treatment |
Eray et al[40] | 42-year-old woman | Loss of appetite, post-prandial epigastric pain, weight loss | Post- operation (on prediagnosis of gastric cancer) biopsy of tissue showed caseating granulomatous inflammation. TB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT |
Zhu et al[41] | 25-year-old woman | Upper abdominal discomfort and distension | EUS along with biopsy revealed granulomatous inflammation. PPD skin test was positive. Treated with ATT for 1 year |
Zhu et al[41] | 52-year-old woman | Upper abdominal pain and swelling for 6 months, 3 kg weight loss over 2 months, low-grade fever and night sweats for 1 week | EUS followed with biopsy showed granulomatous inflammation with caseous necrosis. Treated with ATT for 13 months |
Zhu et al[41] | 16-year-old man | Upper abdominal pain and fatigue for 3 months along with 4 kg weight loss | Biopsy post ESD (done with suspected diagnosis of interstitial tumor) showed caseous granuloma. PPD skin test was positive. Treated with ATT for 6 months |
Seetlani et al[43] | 55-year-old man | Persistent episodes of nonbilious vomiting and epigastric pain for 3 months, associated with weight loss | Endoscopic biopsies showed epithelioid cell granulomas. Multiple solid enhancing lymph nodes were seen on CT Abdomen. Treated with ATT for 6 months |
Lv et al[44] | 60-year-old woman | Endoscopy from another hospital showed smooth protruding lesion from gastric cardia | ESD performed (due to suspicion of gastric stromal tumor) followed with biopsy showed caseous necrosis. TB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT |
Yan et al[45] | 53-year-old woman | Upper abdominal pain and discomfort for 4 years | Histological analysis post laparoscopic surgical resection (due to suspected gastric tumor) showed granulomatous inflammation. GeneXpert MTB was positive |
Lim et al[46] | 38-year-old woman | Epigastric discomfort for 1 month along with palpable abdominal mass | Endoscopic biopsy showed necrotic granuloma with an abscess. AFB stain and PCR were positive for MTB. Due to resistance kanamycin, moxifloxacin, prothionamide and cycloserin and pyrazinamide were given for 1 year |
Ma et al[47] | 26-year-old woman | Constant gastric pain for 1 month accompanied with acid reflux | Gastroscopic biopsy showed caseous granuloma. MTB PCR was positive. Treated with ATT for 18 months |
Talukdar et al[48] | 30-year-old woman | Epigastric pain for 1 year along with progressive loss of appetite and 15 kg weight loss | Thickened gastric wall on CT scan. Endoscopic biopsy showed epithelioid granuloma with caseation. Ziehl–Nielsen staining of the biopsy specimen revealed AFB |
Manoria et al[49] | 39-year-old woman | Epigastric pain for 1 month accompanied with 3 kg weight loss | Endoscopic biopsy revealed multiple granulomas with epithelioid cells and multinucleate cells. Mantoux test was positive. Treated with ATT |
Sharma et al[50] | 21-year-old woman | 2-day history of acute abdominal pain with bouts of hematemesis. CT showed gastric perforation | Biopsy post emergency distal gastrectomy revealed tuberculosis granulation tissue and acid- fast bacilli in the ulcer |
Zhang et al[51] | 40-year-old woman | Painful enlarged cervical lymph nodes for 2 weeks | Gastroscopic biopsy showed chronic granulomatous inflammation. AFB was positive. Treated with ATT for 6 months |
Liu et al[52] | 68-year-old man | Epigastric pain for a few months | Subtotal gastrectomy (suspected tumor) followed by histopathological examination revealed necrotizing granulomatous inflammation. MTB PCR was positive |
Liu et al[53] | 52-year-old woman | Upper abdominal pain for 6 months | Endoscopic biopsy showed caseous granuloma. Acid-fast stain and MTB PCR were positive |
Khan et al[54] | 29-year-old man | Epigastric pain for 1 month with 7 kg weight loss | Endoscopic biopsy specimen revealed caseating granulomas with AFB. Positive cultures for MTB |
Table 3 Duodenal tuberculosis
Ref. | Age, sex | Presentation | Diagnosis and treatment |
Mani and Rananavare[56] | 18-year-old man | Persistent vomiting due to duodenal stricture as shown in endoscopy | Underwent laparotomy and resection. Post-surgical specimen revealed tuberculosis granulomas |
De et al[57] | 38-year-old woman | Recurrent vomiting | CT showed mural thickening of duodenum, deeper endoscopic biopsies revealed non-necrotizing granulomata. Treated with ATT |
Naouri et al[58] | 69-year-old man | Duodenal stenosis | Misdiagnosed as Crohn’s disease |
Sato et al[60] | 35-year-old man | Abdominal fullness, vomiting, CT showed the duodenal wall thickening, luminal narrowing, multiple enlarged abdominal lymph node | EUS-FNA biopsy of duodenum showed caseating granulomas with multinucleated giant cells, and AFB were positive by Ziehl–Nielsen staining. Underwent laparoscopic gastrojejunostomy, and ATT after surgery |
Antón Rodríguez et al[61] | 60-year-old woman | Weight loss, bloating, duodenal thickening on CT scan | Endoscopic biopsy showed granulomatous inflammation and positive PCR for MTB. Treated with ATT |
Chang et al[62] | 52-year-old man | Early satiety, post meal abdominal pain, weight loss | Duodenal tissue culture showed growth of MTB. Treated with ATT |
Pratap et al[63] | 43-year-old woman | Nausea, vomiting, fever, weight loss | Duodenal ulcer on endoscopy with biopsy showing active duodenitis and positive AFB stain, lymph node biopsy also confirmed TB. Treated with ATT |
Dahiya et al[64] | 23-year-old man | Post-prandial fullness, weight loss | Duodenal narrowing on endoscopy. Duodenal segment resection with duodenojejunostomy, biopsy showed granulomatous inflammation suggestive of TB |
Zhang et al[65] | 71-year-old man | Upper abdominal pain | Space occupying lesion on CT scan, endoscopic biopsy showed granulomas. Treated with ATT |
Moirangthem et al[66] | 17-year-old man | Gastric outlet obstruction | Underwent laparotomy which revealed duodenal mass. Biopsy showed caseating tuberculosis |
Berney et al[67] | 22-year-old man | Duodenal ulcer perforation | Underwent laparotomy. Margins of ulcer were resected. Biopsy showed giant-cell-granulomatous inflammation. Lymph node biopsy showed caseating necrosis |
Souhaib et al[68] | 33-year-old woman | Perforated duodenal ulcer which was initially diagnosed as acute cholecystitis | Underwent laparotomy. Peri-duodenal lymph node and the gallbladder lymph node showed caseating necrosis |
Sharma et al[69] | 32-year-old man | Recurrent vomiting, weight loss, thickened duodenum seen on CT scan and endoscopy | Histopathology revealed features of chronic inflammation, giant cells, and granulomas. Ziehl–Nielsen stain of tissue specimens was positive for AFB. Treated with ATT for 8 months |
- Citation: Shahid Y, Anis MA, Abid S. Foregut tuberculosis: Too close but miles apart. World J Clin Cases 2024; 12(32): 6517-6525
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