Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Clin Cases. Oct 6, 2022; 10(28): 10146-10154
Published online Oct 6, 2022. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v10.i28.10146
Table 1 Cavernous hemangioma of ileum in the literature between 2001 and 2021
Age (yr)
Preoperative diagnosis study
Endoscopic feature
Preoperative diagnosis
Size (cm)
Pinho et al[13], 20089FFatigue, nausea, dizziness, growth retardation, melena99 m-Tc-RBC-scintigraphy, CENMA bluish polypoid mass with a dark spotY2 × 2.5None
Abdul Aziz et al[14], 20116FAbdominal pain, pallor, vomit, lethargy, bloating, abdominal massX-ray, USNMSubmucosal hematomaNNANone
Huang et al[15], 201364FAbdominal pain, nausea, vomit, bloating, abdominal massMRI, colonoscopyWall thickeningSubmucosal hematomaNNAIntussusception, perforation
Fernandes et al[16], 201458FMelena, syncope, melenaColonoscopy, ileoscopy, CE, CTWall thickening, calcificationNMY14None
Purdy-Payne et al[17], 201520FAbdominal pain, nausea, vomit, syncopeCT, colonoscopyCalcificationAnnular growth nodular irregular massY4 × 3.5 × 3None
Ocampo Toro et al[18], 201829MChronic anemiaSmall bowel study (SBS) with barium, CECT, X-rayWall thickening, calcificationNMY10None
Kano et al[19], 202129MNoneCECT, DBEWall thickeningMultiple reddish-purple submucosal massesY15 × 6None
Magnano et al[20], 200513MFatigue, malaise, weakness, pallor, anemiaGastroscopy, colonoscopy, technetium 99m-Tc-RBC-scintigraphy, mesenteric arteriography, CENMA large polypoid erythematous lesionN2None
Chan et al[21], 200636FDizziness, loss of consciousness, pallorGastroendoscopy, X-ray, colonoscopy, 99m-Tc-RBC-scintigraphy, angiogram, Proctoscopy, DBENMTwo large hemangiomas appeared to be vascular and thrombosedY1 & 3, respectivelyNone
Quentin et al[22], 200732FFresh red blood stool, anemiaGastroscopy, colonoscopy, CENMA submucosal and circumferential lesion, blue-colored, with superficial red spotsY2None
Chen et al[23], 200923MFatigue, dizziness, chest pain, dyspnea on exertion, anemiaCENMA purple-blue subepithelial massY3 × 2.5None
Guardiola et al[24], 201219MAnemia, melenaGastroscopy, colonoscopy, small bowel barium, CT, CEWall thickeningA large violet-colored polypoid submucosal lesionN8None
Peng et al[25], 201647MMelena, anemia, weakness, dizzinessCE, CECTNMA huge heterogeneous mixed massN50 × 15None
Hu et al[1], 201824FMelena, fatigue, anemiaGastroscopy, colonoscopy, CE, DBENMA reddish-purple lesionY5 × 3 × 3None
Majethia et al[26], 202145FVomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetiteCECTNMNMNNMObstruction
Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages between capsule endoscopy and double-balloon enteroscopy

Capsule endoscopy
Double-balloon enteroscopy
Diagnosis rate50%53%
Tissue biopsyNY
Endoscopy treatmentNY
Technical difficultyLowHigh