AIM: To provide the first objective data to show that the electrical conditions of an acupuncture point and a non acupuncture point are different.
METHODS: A newly developed multi-channel skin resistance measuring system is used to characterize the variability in electrical resistance measurements in and around an acupoint, a non-acupoint and a scar. The system measures the electrical skin resistance at 48 points, both absolutely and continuously. The study was performed at the Medical University of Graz in 10 male volunteers, aged between 20 and 30 years and of eurocaucasian descent. With software developed along with the hardware, both a high-resolution measurement and a graphical presentation of possible changes in electrical resistance in the region of interest are possible.
RESULTS: Using the new electrodermal mapping system, differences in skin resistance of an acupoint, a non-acupoint and around a scar could be observed. The values varied within a range of up to 100-500 kOhm. Thermography measurements for control reasons in the same spot did not show these changes.
CONCLUSION: Electrodermal mapping is an innovative method for highly precise skin resistance measurements.