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For: Saha S, Saha S. Epidemiological burden of parents being the index cases of COVID-19 infected children. World J Methodol 2021; 11(1): 1-14 [PMID: 33575170 DOI: 10.5662/wjm.v11.i1.1]
URL: https://www.wjgnet.com/2222-0682/full/v11/i1/1.htm
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Constantine I Vardavas, Katerina Nikitara, Katerina Aslanoglou, Apostolos Kamekis, Nithya Puttige Ramesh, Emmanouil Symvoulakis, Israel Agaku, Revati Phalkey, Jo Leonardi-Bee, Esteve Fernandez, Orla Condell, Favelle Lamb, Charlotte Deogan, Jonathan E Suk. Systematic review of outbreaks of COVID-19 within households in the European region when the child is the index caseBMJ Paediatrics Open 2023; 7(1): e001718 doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001718