Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Psychiatry. Apr 19, 2025; 15(4): 103092
Published online Apr 19, 2025. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v15.i4.103092
Table 1 Hypertension classification
Separate into different kinds
Criteria for judgement
Grade 1 hypertensionSBP 140-159 mmHg and/or DBP 90-99 mmHg
Grade 2 hypertensionSBP 160 to 179 mmHg and/or DBP 100 to 109 mmHg
Grade 3 hypertensionSBP ≥ 180 mmHg and/or DBP ≥ 110 mmHg
Table 2 Baseline information, n (%)
Total cases (n = 200)
Modeling queue (n = 140)
Verification queue (n = 60)
P value
Distinguishing between the sexes0.7750.781
    Male93 (46.50)66 (47.14)27 (45.00)
    Women107 (53.50)74 (52.86)33 (55.00)
Age, year71.49 ± 8.0171.55 ± 8.0371.44 ± 7.230.0910.927
BMI, kg/m223.31 ± 2.5423.15 ± 2.4222.52 ± 2.611.6480.101
Family history of hypertension1.0460.307
    Yes91 (45.50)67 (47.86)24 (40.00)
    No109 (54.50)73 (52.14)36 (60.00)
Course of hypertension, years9.36 ± 2.709.24 ± 2.819.71 ± 3.101.0510.295
High blood pressure classification1.2000.549
    Level 1107 (53.50)73 (52.14)34 (56.67)
    Level 264 (32.00)48 (34.29)16 (26.67)
    Level 329 (14.50)19 (13.57)10 (16.67)
Drinking history0.5770.448
    Yes78 (39.00)57 (40.71)21 (35.00)
    No122 (61.00)83 (59.29)39 (65.00)
Smoking history
    Yes109 (54.50)76 (54.29)33 (55.00)0.0090.926
    No91 (45.50)64 (45.71)27 (45.00)
defatted body weight, kg54.92 ± 8.6855.06 ± 8.9254.46 ± 8.590.4410.660
Upper arm muscle dimension, cm25.01 ± 2.0525.08 ± 2.1124.88 ± 3.110.5290.598
ALB, g/L38.79 ± 5.6638.82 ± 5.7237.76 ± 3.621.3250.187
Hb, g/L133.62 ± 10.57131.81 ± 10.92134.47 ± 11.571.5510.123
AST, U/L20.44 ± 2.4620.59 ± 2.5120.35 ± 3.310.5610.575
ALT, U/L17.91 ± 2.9317.95 ± 3.0217.87 ± 2.810.1750.861
Cr, mmol/L80.23 ± 20.3280.18 ± 20.4280.43 ± 20.220.0800.937
Hcy, mmol/L20.67 ± 6.6720.84 ± 6.8320.42 ± 7.310.3900.697
UA, μmol/L260.66 ± 69.37262.25 ± 70.15259.68 ± 65.970.2420.809
ALP, U/L119.43 ± 19.60119.18 ± 19.52119.57 ± 19.710.1290.897
Absolute lymphocytes1.49 ± 0.601.49 ± 0.141.49 ± 0.650.0001.000
TC, mmol/L4.37 ± 1.014.08 ± 1.053.94 ± 0.810.9220.358
TG, mmol/L1.37 ± 0.821.44 ± 0.921.30 ± 0.621.0780.283
LDL-C, mmol/L1.20 ± 0.271.23 ± 0.231.15 ± 0.461.6380.103
HDL-C, mmol/L2.51 ± 0.702.53 ± 0.692.45 ± 0.770.7250.469
MNA score, cent21.77 ± 3.1621.81 ± 3.5221.74 ± 3.080.1340.894
Table 3 Differences in the clinical profile of patients with different nutritional states, n (%)
Total cases (n = 140)
Malnutrition group (n = 26)
Malnutrition risk group (n = 42)
Normal nutritional status group (n = 72)
P value
Distinguishing between the sexes0.5410.763
    Male66 (47.14)11 (42.31)19 (45.24)36 (50.00)
    Women74 (52.86)15 (57.69)23 (54.76)36 (50.00)
Age, year71.55 ± 8.0371.42 ± 8.7171.53 ± 8.6271.69 ± 8.510.0110.989
BMI, kg/m223.15 ± 2.4220.63 ± 2.7122.14 ± 2.2724.69 ± 2.5929.7740.000
Family history of hypertension0.2430.886
    Yes67 (47.86)13 (50.00)21 (50.00)33 (45.83)
    No73 (52.14)13 (50.00)21 (50.00)39 (54.17)
Course of hypertension, year9.24 ± 2.819.68 ± 3.129.62 ± 3.149.71 ± 3.100.0110.989
High blood pressure classification4.4860.344
    Level 173 (52.14)12 (54.76)23 (54.76)38 (52.78)
    Level 248 (34.29)9 (26.19)11 (26.19)28 (38.89)
    Level 319 (13.57)5 (19.23)8 (19.05)6 (8.33)
Drinking history1.7840.410
    Yes57 (40.71)10 (38.46)14 (33.33)33 (45.83)
    No83 (59.29)16 (61.54)28 (66.67)39 (54.17)
Smoking history0.0060.997
    Yes76 (54.29)14 (53.85)23 (54.76)39 (54.17)
    No64 (45.71)12 (46.15)19 (45.24)33 (45.83)
Defatted body weight, kg55.06 ± 8.9254.33 ± 8.2954.62 ± 8.3655.71 ± 9.060.3410.712
Upper arm muscle dimension, cm25.08 ± 2.1124.12 ± 3.1124.92 ± 2.2225.18 ± 2.811.4650.235
ALB, g/L38.82 ± 5.7236.59 ± 3.7738.14 ± 3.6239.89 ± 4.926.0470.003
Hb, g/L131.81 ± 10.92140.36 ± 10.07123.58 ± 10.28123.67 ± 12.1923.2860.000
AST, U/L20.59 ± 2.5120.33 ± 3.3420.32 ± 3.3620.35 ± 3.310.0580.954
ALT, U/L17.95 ± 3.0217.85 ± 2.8217.82 ± 2.8417.87 ± 2.810.1150.909
Cr, mmol/L80.18 ± 20.4282.09 ± 19.1180.20 ± 19.3779.03 ± 22.210.2100.811
Hcy, mmol/L20.84 ± 6.8322.96 ± 6.8520.86 ± 6.5717.03 ± 11.524.5510.012
UA, μmol/L262.25 ± 70.15250.37 ± 60.14258.34 ± 60.52266.11 ± 77.320.5270.592
ALP, U/L119.18 ± 19.52120.18 ± 19.11119.18 ± 19.31118.18 ± 20.420.1050.900
Absolute lymphocytes1.49 ± 0.141.45 ± 0.041.46 ± 0.131.50 ± 0.122.6840.072
TC, mmol/L4.08 ± 1.053.88 ± 0.843.81 ± 0.904.16 ± 0.962.1990.115
TG, mmol/L1.44 ± 0.921.30 ± 0.661.32 ± 0.631.35 ± 0.580.0750.928
LDL-C, mmol/L1.23 ± 0.231.13 ± 0.321.13 ± 0.311.14 ± 0.310.0180.982
HDL-C, mmol/L2.53 ± 0.692.44 ± 0.782.46 ± 0.772.50 ± 0.730.0760.927
Table 4 Comparison of clinical data between the two groups of patients with different cognitive functions in the modeling cohort, n (%)
Total cases (n = 140)
Hypertension combined with cognitive impairment group (n = 34)
Cognitively normal group with hypertension (n = 106)
P value
Distinguishing between the sexes0.1650.685
    Male66 (47.14)15 (44.12)51 (48.11)
    Women74 (52.86)19 (55.88)55 (51.89)
Age, year71.55 ± 8.0372.15 ± 8.1570.15 ± 6.151.5180.131
BMI, kg/m223.15 ± 2.4222.56 ± 2.1824.58 ± 2.983.6480.000
Family history of hypertension0.4650.495
    Yes67 (47.86)18 (52.94)49 (46.23)
    No73 (52.14)16 (47.06)57 (53.77)
Course of hypertension, year9.24 ± 2.8110.84 ± 3.018.84 ± 2.673.6830.000
High blood pressure classification0.0970.953
    Level 173 (52.14)18 (52.94)55 (51.89)
    Level 248 (34.29)11 (32.35)37 (34.91)
    Level 319 (13.57)5 (14.71)14 (13.21)
Drinking history0.1140.735
    Yes57 (40.71)13 (38.24)44 (41.51)
    No83 (59.29)21 (61.76)62 (58.49)
Smoking history0.3320.564
    Yes76 (54.29)17 (50.00)59 (55.66)
    No64 (45.71)17 (50.00)47 (44.34)
Defatted body weight, kg55.06 ± 8.9254.18 ± 8.4255.18 ± 9.430.5520.582
Upper arm muscle dimension, cm25.08 ± 2.1124.81 ± 2.0825.13 ± 2.050.7890.431
ALB, g/L38.82 ± 5.7236.81 ± 4.5139.71 ± 4.823.0990.002
Hb, g/L131.81 ± 10.92128.98 ± 10.99134.17 ± 11.312.3440.021
AST, U/L20.59 ± 2.5120.81 ± 2.8119.88 ± 2.481.8410.067
ALT, U/L17.95 ± 3.0217.51 ± 2.9118.05 ± 3.160.8830.379
Cr, mmol/L80.18 ± 20.4282.18 ± 19.1178.28 ± 19.521.0190.310
Hcy, mmol/L20.84 ± 6.8321.13 ± 6.2119.48 ± 6.281.3370.184
UA, μmol/L262.25 ± 70.15256.81 ± 67.15269.51 ± 50.311.1760.242
ALP, U/L119.18 ± 19.52122.41 ± 20.51102.62 ± 15.482.0480.042
Absolute lymphocytes1.49 ± 0.141.46 ± 0.131.53 ± 0.151.7440.083
TC, mmol/L4.08 ± 1.053.95 ± 1.014.21 ± 1.021.2960.197
TG, mmol/L1.44 ± 0.921.26 ± 0.531.56 ± 1.011.6580.100
LDL-C, mmol/L1.23 ± 0.231.21 ± 0.131.25 ± 0.111.7630.080
HDL-C, mmol/L2.53 ± 0.692.43 ± 0.612.61 ± 0.721.3140.191
MNA score, cent21.81 ± 3.5219.21 ± 3.4123.15 ± 3.146.2340.000
Table 5 Independent variable assignments
Independent variable
Definitions and assignments
Distinguishing between the sexesMen (1), women (0)
AgeSubstitute the original value
BMISubstitute the original value
Family history of hypertensionYes (1), no (0)
Course of hypertensionSubstitute the original value
High blood pressure classificationLevel 3 (3), level 2 (2), level 1 (1)
Drinking historyYes (1), no (0)
Smoking historyYes (1), no (0)
Defatted body weightSubstitute the original value
Upper arm muscle dimensionSubstitute the original value
ALBSubstitute the original value
HbSubstitute the original value
ASTSubstitute the original value
ALTSubstitute the original value
CrSubstitute the original value
HcySubstitute the original value
UASubstitute the original value
ALPSubstitute the original value
Absolute lymphocytesSubstitute the original value
TCSubstitute the original value
TGSubstitute the original value
LDL-CSubstitute the original value
HDL-CSubstitute the original value
MNA scoreSubstitute the original value
Table 6 Univariate analysis of factors influencing cognitive impairment
Wald χ2
P value
Distinguishing between the sexes-0.1610.3960.1650.6850.8510.392-1.851
Family history of hypertension0.2690.3950.4640.4961.3090.603-2.838
Course of hypertension0.1390.0733.6620.0561.1490.997-1.325
High blood pressure classification0.0090.2760.0010.9751.0090.587-1.733
Drinking history-0.1370.4040.1140.7350.8720.395-1.926
Smoking history-0.2270.3950.3320.5650.7970.367-1.727
Defatted body weight-0.0120.0220.3010.5830.9880.947-1.031
Upper arm muscle dimension-0.0770.0980.6260.4290.9260.764-1.121
Absolute lymphocytes0.7341.3880.2790.5972.0820.137-31.614
MNA score-0.4050.08622.3570.0000.6670.564-0.789
Table 7 Multifactorial analysis of factors influencing cognitive impairment
Wald χ2
P value
MNA score-0.4470.10817.2790.0000.6400.518-0.790
Table 8 Comparison of clinical data between the two groups of patients with different cognitive functions in the validation cohort, n (%)
Total cases (n = 60)
Hypertension combined with cognitive impairment group (n = 14)
Cognitively normal group with hypertension (n = 46)
P value
Distinguishing between the sexes0.0340.854
    Male27 (45.00)6 (42.86)21 (45.65)
    Women33 (55.00)8 (57.14)25 (54.35)
Age, year71.44 ± 7.2372.81 ± 8.1470.66 ± 7.159.5400.344
BMI, kg/m222.52 ± 2.6120.12 ± 2.9424.68 ± 2.415.8850.000
Family history of hypertension3.3750.066
    Yes24 (40.00)7 (50.00)17 (36.96)
    No36 (60.00)7 (50.00)29 (63.04)
Course of hypertension, year9.71 ± 3.1010.29 ± 3.668.23 ± 3.142.0680.043
High blood pressure classification0.0590.953
    Level 134 (56.67)8 (57.14)26 (56.52)
    Level 216 (26.67)3 (18.75)13 (28.26)
    Level 310 (16.67)3 (18.75)7 (15.22)
Drinking history0.0660.798
    Yes21 (35.00)5 (35.71)16 (34.78)
    No39 (65.00)9 (64.29)30 (65.22)
Smoking history0.0340.854
    Yes33 (55.00)8 (57.14)25 (54.35)
    No27 (45.00)6 (42.86)21 (45.65)
Defatted body weight, kg54.46 ± 8.5954.65 ± 8.2855.71 ± 9.120.3890.699
Upper arm muscle dimension, cm24.88 ± 3.1125.01 ± 2.0824.13 ± 2.351.2570.214
ALB, g/L37.76 ± 3.6236.22 ± 3.5839.71 ± 4.682.5650.013
Hb, g/L134.47 ± 11.57123.27 ± 12.32141.39 ± 11.275.1560.000
AST, U/L20.35 ± 3.3120.21 ± 3.2520.42 ± 3.400.2040.839
ALT, U/L17.87 ± 2.8117.74 ± 2.8117.91 ± 2.860.1960.846
Cr, mmol/L80.43 ± 20.2282.11 ± 19.1078.85 ± 22.140.4970.621
Hcy, mmol/L20.42 ± 7.3122.92 ± 6.8319.11 ± 7.381.7190.091
UA, μmol/L259.68 ± 65.97252.63 ± 61.02265.63 ± 75.270.5890.558
ALP, U/L119.57 ± 19.71122.85 ± 18.57102.41 ± 22.053.1410.003
Absolute lymphocytes1.49 ± 0.651.44 ± 0.621.53 ± 0.660.4530.652
TC, mmol/L3.94 ± 0.813.98 ± 0.784.14 ± 0.800.6590.513
TG, mmol/L1.30 ± 0.621.41 ± 0.591.32 ± 0.630.4750.637
LDL-C, mmol/L1.15 ± 0.461.16 ± 0.331.12 ± 0.350.3790.706
HDL-C, mmol/L2.45 ± 0.772.38 ± 0.822.47 ± 0.760.3810.705
MNA score, cent21.74 ± 3.0817.92 ± 3.4122.88 ± 2.615.7850.000