Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Crit Care Med. May 4, 2015; 4(2): 116-129
Published online May 4, 2015. doi: 10.5492/wjccm.v4.i2.116
Table 1 Closed mono-compartment mathematical marginal model simulating the body water space of distribution
VariablesDay 0Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Patient’s resulting variables
Na+ (mEq/L)140142148151146144
Cl- (mEq/L)100108114117113111
Fluid balance (mL)-600008008000
Cumulative fluid balance (mL)-60006000680076007600
Distribution water volume and electrolyte data
Vd (L)364242434444
Total mass of Na+ (mEq)504059646216649364246336
Total mass of Cl- (mEq)360045364788503149724884
Fluids output
Diuresis (mL)-20001200120012002000
Urinary Na+ (mEq/L)-30507090110
Urinary Cl- (mEq/L)-30507090110
Fluids input
Na+ (mEq/L)154154154000
Cl- (mEq/L)154154154000
Table 2 Potential complications of fluids and electrolytes overload
Organ systemComplicationMain modifiable risk factorPathophysiological mechanism
Central nervous systemDeliriumHypernatremiaExcessive sodium load Kidneys inability to excrete excess sodium load
Renal/metabolicWorse recovery of renal functionCumulative fluid balance/higher CVPRenal edema, reduced perfusion pressure
Worsening acute kidney injuryUnbalanced solutionsChloride-induced renal vasoconstriction
Worsening acidemiaUnbalanced solutionsSolution SID relative to plasma SID Kidneys inability to excrete excess chloride load
RespiratoryImpaired gas exchange Altered pulmonar and chest wall mechanics Increased work of breathingCumulative fluid balance/higher CVP/higher EVLWLung edema
GastrointestinalIleumCumulative fluid balanceBowel edema
Hepatic congestionHigher CVPHepatic congestion
Increased intra-abdominal pressure (may induce by itself more organ dysfunctions)Cumulative fluid balanceVisceral edema (bowel, renal, etc.), ascites
HemostasisIncreased bleedingUnbalanced solutionsAcidemia secondary to chloride load
Wound healingImpaired wound healingCumulative fluid balanceLocal edema
HemodynamicsWorse microcirculatory blood flowHigher CVPReduced perfusion pressure