Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Clin Oncol. Jun 24, 2024; 15(6): 695-716
Published online Jun 24, 2024. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v15.i6.695
Table 1 Studies on etiopathogenesis of gall bladder cancer
Serial No.
Sample size
    1GBC (214) controls (214)Biomass burning was recognized as a significant risk factor for GBCShridhar et al[20]
    2GBC (200); Gall stone disease (200) controls (200)Residence in the Gangetic belt, consumption of tea, tobacco, joint family structure, chemical exposure, fried food, and high levels of secondary bile salts are risk factors of GBCJain et al[21]
    3GBC (54)Cholelithiasis is a predisposing factor for GBCBhattacharjee and Nanda[22]
    4GBC (1291)Exposure to high soil arsenic levels and proximity to river ganga are risk factors for GBCMadhawi et al[23]
    5GBC (333)Smoking, cholelithiasis, alcohol consumption, typhoid in the past, post-menopausal women are risk factors for GBCTyagi et al[24]
    6GBC (63)Poor hygiene and water supply, malnutrition, cholelithiasis, tobacco and alcohol consumption are modifiable risk factors for GBCKhan et al[25]
    7GBC (122); controls (122)Education, intake of vitamin C, parity, and type of fuel used were significant factors for GBCPanda et al[26]
    8GBC (49)About 75% of patients diagnosed with GSD showed detectable H. pylori DNA in their gallbladder tissueBansal et al[27]
    9GSD (330)As the stone size increases, gallbladder mucosa changes progress from cholecystitis to carcinomaMathur et al[28]
    10GBC (n = 11), Chronic cholecystitis (n = 23), Xantho-granulomatous cholecystitis (n = 11)The cholesterol content in gallstones of GBC was significantly lower compared to that in benign gallbladder diseasesSrivastava et al[29]
    11GBC (390)Chronic bacterial infection of bile is considered an etiological factor in the development of gallbladder carcinomaSharma et al[30]
    12GSD (101)H. pylori colonizes regions of gastric metaplasia within the gallbladderMisra et al[31]
    13GBC (328); controls (328)Females, consumption of mustard oil, Family history, low socioeconomic status and drinking water from hand pump were the risk factors for GBCKumar et al[32]
    14GBC (27), GSD (196)
High prevalence of salmonella typhi in gall bladder carcinomaVaishnavi et al[33]
    15GBC (38)Higher levels of biliary nitrate associated with the gallbladder carcinogenesisShukla et al[34]
    16GBC (n = 30); controls (n = 30)Decreased levels of selenium (Se), zinc (Zn), and vitamin E are associated with an increased risk of gallbladder carcinomaShukla et al[35]
    17GBC (n = 30); controls (n = 30)Significantly high biliary benzene hexachloride and dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane associated with gallbladder carcinogenesisShukla et al[36]
    18150 GBCGall stones associated with development of metaplastic, dysplastic and neoplastic mucosal changes of gall bladder mucosaGupta et al[37]
Table 2 Studies on genetics and polymorphism in gall bladder cancer
Serial No.
Sample size
    1-IGF-MAPK cascade, p38 MAPK pathway, p53 pathway, and FAS signaling pathway as highly enriched among dysregulated miRNAs in GBCSaxena et al[51]
    2-PARP1 rs1136410 (A/G) associated with early onset of GBCAnjali et al[52]
    3GBC (29), controls (29)VEGF-A expression can be used as potential prognostic biomarker in GBCSingh et al[53]
    4-Studied the prognostic significance of the oxidative stress marker 8-OH-dG and genes associated with the BER pathwaySingh et al[54]
    5GBC (25)In gallbladder cancer patients, mutations were identified in both P53 and codon 12 of KRASShukla et al[55]
    6-Mutations in the sorcin gene associated with poor overall survival in GBCShabnam et al[56]
    7GBC (523), controls (274)Studied the TERT-CLPTM1L and 8q24 Genetic Variants in GBCYadav et al[57]
    8GBC (50)Individual and repetitive mutations of shh gene in GBC can be used as diagnostic markerDixit et al[58]
    9GBC (50)Overexpression of Her2/neu and Ki67 in gallbladder cancer associated with lymph node metastasisPujani et al[59]
    10GBC (541), controls (307)KRAS rs61764370 polymorphism is significantly associated with GBCKazmi et al[60]
    11-Studied Epigenetic silencing of APC in advanced GBC.Tekcham et al[61]
    12GBC (24)Found 7 hypermethylated or down-regulated (e.g., FBN1, LPP, and SOD3) and 61 hypomethylated or up-regulated markers (e.g., HBE1, SNRPF, TPD52) for GBCSharma et al[62]
    13Cases (50)The level of EGFR expression correlates with the aggressiveness of the diseaseKumar et al[63]
    14GBC (52)Tγδ17 could serve as a potential predictive biomarker in GBCPatil et al[64]
    15GBC (30)The MTHFR A1298C polymorphism associated with development of GBCDixit et al[65]
    16GBC (37)Telomere dysfunction and alterations are the earlier events in progression of GBCPoojary et al[66]
    17GBC (148), controls (256)CYP-17 gene polymorphism is associated with risk of gallbladder cancerDwivedi et al[67]
    18-LXR-β polymorphisms associated with GBCSharma et al[68]
    19GBC (195), controls (300)Vascular endothelial growth factor single nucleotide polymorphism associated with GBCMishra et al[69]
    20GBC (35)mitochondrial D-loop mutation associated with GBCMaurya et al[70]
    21GBC (410), controls (210)Estrogen and progesterone receptor sequence associated with increased risk of GBCSrivastava et al[71]
    22-KRAS p.Q25H polymorphism associated with development of GBCParmanik et al[72]
    23GBC (230), controls (230)Caspase-8 polymorphisms associated with GBCSrivastava et al[73]
    24GBC (51)p53 mutation are early events in the evolution of GBCAgrawal et al[74]
    25GBC (185), controls (195)CYP7A1 haplotype associated with GBCSrivastava et al[75]
    26GBC (230), controls (230)The role of pre-microRNA variants in GBC uncertainSrivastava et al[76]
    27GBC (62)Most common alteration in the p53 was frameshift mutation at codon 271Nigam et al[77]
    28GBC (40)High LOH in CDH1 associated with pathogenesis of GBCPriya et al[78]
    29GBC (212), controls (219)Studied the DNMT3B -579 G > T promoter polymorphismSrivastava et al[79]
    30GBC (233), controls (260)Angiotensin I-converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism associated with GBCSrivastava et al[80]
    31GBC (126), controls (190)Role of DNA repair pathways GB carcinogenesisSrivastava et al[81]
    32GBC (171), controls (221)Patients with ABCG8 variant allele are at a higher risk of GBCSrivastava et al[82]
    33GBC (185), controls (200)Complement receptor polymorphism associated with pathogenesis of GBCSrivastava and Mittal[83]
    34GBC (173), controls (204)Single nucleotide polymorphisms of DNA repair genes OGG1 and XRCC1; associated with low risk for GBCSrivastava et al[84]
    35GBC (144), controls (210)Role of CCR5+/Delta32 polymorphism associated with risk of GBCSrivastava et al[85]
    36GBC (124), controls (166)IL-1 gene polymorphisms associated with GBCVishnoi et al[86]
    37GBC (142), controls (217)CYP1A1 C allele frequency associated with GBCPandey et al[87]
    38-CYP7A1 polymorphism associated with GBCSrivastava et al[88]
    39-The X (+), D haplotype of APOB is associated risk for development of GBCPandey et al[89]
    40-NAT2 slow acetylator phenotype associated with risk of GBCPandey et al[90]
    41GBC (129), controls (208)LRPAP1 polymorphism associated with GBCPandey et al[91]
    42GBC (39)Mutation in codon 12 of the K-ras oncogene associated with GBC, which indicate role of chronic inflammation in gallbladder carcinogenesis.Singh et al[92]
    43GBC (117), controls (137)The apoB-XbaI gene polymorphism associated with GBCSingh et al[93]
Table 3 Clinico pathological studies
Serial No.
Sample size
    1GBC (50)Her2 neu, p53, p16, survivin, COX-2, and EZH-2 expression associated with GBCGupta et al[115]
    2GBC (200), Dysplasia (32), CC (100)HER-2/neu overexpression seen in patients with GBCJain et al[116]
    3GBC (128)
HER 2 and Ki-67 can be used as a prognostic biomarker for gallbladder carcinomaHalder et al[117]
    4-Combination of ALU247 and cfDNA provides good sensitivity, specificity in diagnosis of GBCKumari et al[118]
    5-Proposed a scoring system for XGCRajaguru et al[119]
    6GBC (34)
Quantitative analysis of cfDNA may aid in early diagnosisKumari et al[120]
    7GBC (39), cholelithiasis (30), and control (25)Overexpression of survivin is associated with poor prognosisNigam et al[121]
    8(GSD, n =30; GBC, n = 39) healthy control (n = 25)Expression of survivin in peripheral blood could be useful both in the diagnosis and prognosis of GBCNigam et al[122]
    9GBC (80)P53 expression is positively correlated with increasing tumor grade, whereas beta-catenin nuclear expression is associated with tumor grade and depth of invasionGhosh et al[123]
    109 case of Squamous cell carcinomaUltrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration is a useful minimally invasive investigation in the preoperative diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the gallbladderGupta and Gupta[124]
    11GBC (55), vontrols (8)Assay of CA242, CA19-9, CA15-3, and CA125 can be used as marker of carcinoma of the gallbladderShukla et al[125]
    12GBC (40)Intraoperative bile cytology can be used for diagnosis of in situ and early invasive GBCArora et al[126]
Table 4 Studies on diagnostic methods and imaging
Serial No.
Sample size
    1-PET-CT can be used to rule out metastatic disease and for post-therapy surveillance for recurrence in patients of GBCBisht et al[147]
    2GBC (38)Potential utility of CT texture-based radiomics analysis in patients with GBC.Gupta et al[148]
    3GBC (141)Raised levels of serum CA19-9 beyond 20 units/mL should be used for prognostication purposes after ECAgrawal et al[149]
    4GBC (141)NMR-based methods can be used as a diagnostic modality for GBCSharma et al[150]
    5GBC (41)CEA expression may help in diagnosis of GBCMondal et al[151]
    6GBC (203)Discontinuous mucosal lining, diffuse wall thickening, intramural nodules, and cholelithiasis may indicate XGC rather than gallbladder carcinomaSureka et al[152]
    7GBC (74)Duodenal involvement significantly decreases resectability but does not preclude resectionKalayarasan et al[153]
    8XGC (31)Mass-forming XGC mimics GBCAgarwal et al[154]
    9GBC (117)CA 242 is a promising tumor marker for GBC and performs better than CEA and CA19-9.Rana et al[155]
    10GBC (15)Dynamic MRI with MRCP is a reliable method of showing gall bladder carcinoma.Kaza et al[156]
    11GBC (60)Color Doppler USG together can improve pickup rate of GBCPradhan et al[157]
Table 5 Studies on surgical approaches and resection
Serial No.
Sample size
    1GBC (521)Surgical resection improves survival in GBC with jaundiceGoel et al[186]
    2GBC (97)Radical cholecystectomy with wedge resection of the liver oncological equivalence compared to formal segment IVb/V excisionPatkar et al[187]
    3GBC (20)The technique of LHBRL is safe and feasible for patients with GBCNag et al[188]
    407 incidental GBCRe-exploration and aggressive resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy for incidental gallbladder carcinoma are safe and provide hope for long-term survivalKaman et al[189]
Table 6 Studies on adjuvant therapy on gall bladder carcinoma
Serial No.
Sample size
    1GBC (176)CT followed by CTRT improves outcomes in patients with limited volume diseaseAlam et al[205]
    2GBC (550)CT followed by cCTRT appears to improve survival in responders with good PSAlam et al[206]
    3GBC (38)Her2neu directed therapy significantly improved survivalDas et al[207]
    4GBC (66)FOLFOX-4 is an effective and well-tolerated regimen as a second-line treatmentDodagoudar et al[208]
    5GBC (87)CAP-IRI is a well-tolerated second-line chemotherapeutic regimen in advanced GBCRamaswamy et al[209]
    6GBC (121)Reduced dose intensity of chemotherapy in GBCGangopadhyay et al[210]
    7GBC (210)Use of gem-platinum in Indian patients associated with slightly worse outcomesSirohi et al[211]
    8-Autologous immune enhancement therapy associated with, an improvement of the quality of lifeBhamare et al[212]
    9GBC (104)Adjuvant chemoradiation improve survivalMallick et al[213]
    10-Chemoradiation improve survival in locally advanced GBCEngineer et al[214]
Table 7 Studies on neo-adjuvant therapy on gall bladder carcinoma
Serial No.
Sample size
    1GBC (510)Surgery and peri-operative systemic therapy associated with improved survivalPatkar et al[218]
    2GBC (28)Locally advanced GBC may benefit from neoadjuvant chemoradiationEngineer et al[219]
    3GBC (37)Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced gallbladder cancerSirohi et al[220]
    4GBC (21)Resection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy improve survivalSelvakumar et al[221]