Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Clin Oncol. Oct 24, 2023; 14(10): 400-408
Published online Oct 24, 2023. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v14.i10.400
Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of 55 patients treated by radiosurgery for multiple brain metastases (%)

CharacteristicNP (n = 35)P (n = 20)P value
Age at treatment (yr)162 (51-67)53 (42-58)0.032
Age (yr)0.162
< 5515 (42.9)13 (65)
≥ 5520 (57.1)7 (35)
Female22 (62.9)15 (75)
Male13 (37.1)5 (25)
Number of lesions15 (4-7)5 (4-7)0.89
Target volumes15.4 (2.2-9.9)2.9 (1.63-4.3)0.08
Primary site0.85
Lung16 (45.7)7 (35)
Breast8 (22.9)7 (35)
Melanoma8 (22.9)6 (30)
Others3 (8.6)0
KPSn = 34n = 200.194
≤ 706 (17.6)7 (35)
> 7028 (82.4)13 (65)
DS-GPAn = 31n = 200.7
0-111 (35.5)8 (40)
1.5-214 (45.2)7 (35)
2.5-34 (12.9)2 (10)
3-42 (6.5)3 (15)
RPAn = 34n = 200.751
Class 12 (5.9)1 (5)
Class 228 (82.4)15 (75)
Class 34 (11.8)4 (20)
SIR1n = 34n = 200.104
4 (4-6)5 (4-6.5)
Prescription dose (Gy)0.133
208 (22.9)1 (5)
1827 (77.1)19 (95)
Table 2 Incidence of toxicities
n of patients
Percentage (%)
Focal deficit59.1
Drop in level of consciousness35.5
Nausea or vomiting610.9
Mental confusion11.8
Table 3 Number of reported cases of toxicity per period after treatment
Period (mo)
n of patients
t < 1412.5
1 ≤ t < 31340.6
3 ≤ t < 6618.8
6 ≤ t < 9618.8
9 ≤ t < 1226.2
t ≥ 1213.1
Table 4 Incidence of toxicity in each group of patients, n (%)

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Headache10 (58.8)4 (57.1)2 (66.7)5 (100)
Convulsion1 (5.9)1 (14.3)1 (33.3)1 (20)
Focal deficit3 (17.6)1 (14.3)1 (20)
Drop in level of consciousness2 (11.8)1 (33.3)
Fatigue6 (35.3)1 (14.3)1 (33.3)
Nausea or vomiting5 (29.4)1 (14.3)
Mental confusion1 (5.9)