Copyright ©2011 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.
World J Clin Oncol. Jun 10, 2011; 2(6): 262-271
Published online Jun 10, 2011. doi: 10.5306/wjco.v2.i6.262
Review of the treatment of metastatic non small cell lung carcinoma: A practical approach
Vera Hirsh
Vera Hirsh, Department of Medical Oncology, McGill University Health Centre, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, QC H3A 1A1, Canada
Author contributions: Hirsh V contributed solely to this review.
Correspondence to: Vera Hirsh, MD, FRCP(C), Department of Medical Oncology, McGill University Health Centre, Royal Victoria Hospital, 687 Pine, Avenue West - A3.04, Montreal, QC H3A 1A1, Canada.
Telephone: +1-514-9341934-36952 Fax: +1-514-8431417
Received: March 12, 2011
Revised: June 2, 2011
Accepted: June 7, 2011
Published online: June 10, 2011

In recent years, as we have a better knowledge and understanding of the biology of non small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC), which leads us to targeting biomarkers driving the NSCLC carcinogenesis and metastatic potential, we now have an increased number of options to offer our patients with NSCLC. We also realize the importance of distinguishing squamous and non squamous histology to guide our treatment decisions of NSCLC. The palliative care concomitant with therapies from the very start of the treatment also showed an impact on survival. This review examines the treatment options in all lines of therapy for metastatic NSCLC that have been approved in Canada, the United States, or Europe.

Keywords: Metastatic, Non small cell lung carcinoma, 1st Line, 2nd Line, 3rd Line, Treatment