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Sentinel lymph node mapping of a breast cancer of the vulva: Case report and literature review
Browse: 754   Download: 1708   Issue Date: 2015-04-08
Axillary lymph node management in breast cancer with positive sentinel lymph node biopsy
Browse: 601   Download: 1315   Issue Date: 2015-02-04
Using shape contexts method for registration of contra lateral breasts in thermal images
Browse: 720   Download: 1354   Issue Date: 2014-12-09
Role of FDG PET-CT in evaluation of locoregional nodal disease for initial staging of breast cancer
Browse: 660   Download: 1237   Issue Date: 2014-12-09
Image-based brachytherapy for cervical cancer
Browse: 672   Download: 1193   Issue Date: 2014-12-09
Risk factors and natural history of breast cancer in younger Chinese women
Browse: 676   Download: 1758   Issue Date: 2014-12-09
Blood classical monocytes phenotype is not altered in primary non-small cell lung cancer
Browse: 674   Download: 1480   Issue Date: 2014-12-09