Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2025.
World J Gastrointest Pathophysiol. Mar 22, 2025; 16(1): 101481
Published online Mar 22, 2025. doi: 10.4291/wjgp.v16.i1.101481
Table 1 Biologics for the treatment of autoimmune hepatitis
Type of AIH
Previous intervention
Study design
Outcomes measured
Kolev et al[22]Switzerland37-65 (6 pt)There were 3 patients with AIH and 3 with PBC. Pt 1: AIH, Sjögren’s disease; Pt 2: AIH, PBC, Coeliac, Asthma; Pt 3: AIH, Autoimmune thyroiditis3 patients with type 1 AIHPt 1: Prednisolone, AZA, rituximab, MMF, UDCA; Pt 2: Prednisolone, AZA, UDCA, MMF, CyA; Pt 3: Prednisolone, AZA, MMF, budesonide, CyABelimumab 200 mg SC weeklyNo comparisonCase seriesImprovement of Fibroscan and normalization of AST and ALT3/3 patients respond positively to Belimumab
Arvaniti et al[23]Greece27 and 58Pt 1: AIH, SLE, Hypergammaglobulinemia; Pt 2: Acute severe hepatitisRefractory AIHPt 1: Prednisolone, AZA; Pt 2: Prednisolone, AZA and MMFBelimumab: 10 mg/kg initially every 28 daysNo comparisonCase seriesImprovement of Fibroscan, Histology and normalization of AST and ALTBoth patients (2/2) achieved and maintained complete response to Belimumab
Burak et al[24]Canada36-68 (6 pt)Pt 1: T2DM, HTN; Pt 2: Osteoporosis; Pt 3: Asthma; Pt 4: None reported; Pt 5: CAD; Pt 6: CKD Refractory AIHPt 1: Prednisone; Pt 2: Prednisone; Pt 3: Prednisone; Pt 4: AZA + MMF; Pt 5: Prednisone; Pt 6: Prednisone + AZA + MMFRituximab 1000 mg given each two weeks day 1 and 15 over 72 weeksNo comparisonCase seriesImprovement of liver histology and of AST and ALT levels and reduction of steroids doseAll 6 patients had significant improvement histology: 4/6 improved inflammation grades in all and 2/6 patients improved fibrosis stages
Carey et al[25]Arizona- United States44Several autoimmune disorders including Evan syndromeRefractory AIHPrednisolone and AZARituximab for 375 mg/m2 once a week /four weeksNo comparisonCase reportNormalization of haemoglobin, platelets, AST and ALTComplete response
Al-Busafi et al[26]Canada68Hypertension, osteoporosis and a Waldenström macroglobulinemiaRefractory AIHPrednisoneRituximab given as high-dose-rituximab four weekly 375 mg/m2 rituximab No comparisonCase reportHistological, AST and ALT improvementPartial responde, demanding the use of prednisone and AZA
Barth et al[27]United States27B cell lymphomaAIH intolerance to steroidPrednisoneRituximab 375 mg/m² weekly for 8 weeks and extra four weeks upon relapseNo comparisonCase reportImprovement in AST and ALTComplete remission, with a relapse which responded to an increase of rituximab frequency
Riveiro-Barciela et al[28]Barcelona19-73 (32 pts)10 patients with cirrhosis, 4 patients with overlap with PBC or PSCRefractory AIHCorticosteroids and immunosuppressive medicationsRituximab 1 g/2 weeks in (9%) patients, periodical doses in 32 (91%), fixed/6 months in 16 (46%) and 16 (46%) in periodsNo comparisonCase seriesImprovement in AST and ALTBiochemical response in 31.89% patients, discontinuation of ≥ 1 immunosuppressive drugs in 47%, significant reduction in corticosteroid dose in most patients; safe even in cirrhotic patients
Santos et al[29]United States52Asthma, DM, ITPRefractory AIHMethylprednisolone, prednisone, IV immune globulin (IVIG), anti-D immune globulin, danazolRituximab administration: 375 mg/m2 IV weekly for 4 weeksNo comparisoncase reportNormalization of AST and ALTComplete laboratorial remission
Zarrabi et al[30]United States22PBC overlap, recurrent metastatic osteosarcomaRefractory AIHSteroids, tacrolimus and MMFBasiliximab six doses of 20 milligrams/dose, then weekly for four weeksNo comparisonCase reportNormalization of AST and ALTComplete and sustained response
Table 2 Anti-TNFα induced autoimmune hepatitis
AIH type
Previous intervention
Type of the study
Jenkins et al[31]United States31 UCAIH induced by infliximabMesalamine, prednisone, adalimumab, Clostridioides difficile colitisSuspension of Infliximab and use of VedolizumabNoneCase reportAST and ALT improvement -AIH; Clinical and endoscopic improvement - UCUC was controlled with the use of Vedolizumab AST and ALT normalized after infliximab was withdrawn
Wong et al[32]Canada69 AIH, HTN, diverticular diseaseAIH induced by infliximabPrednisolone InfliximabNo comparisonCase reportElevated AST and ALT, with elevated INR and positive ASMA and ANA. Liver biopsy showed multiacinar hepatocyte necrosis and interface hepatitisInfliximab led to deterioration in liver markers compared to baseline instead of improvement
Mancini et al[33]Italy33PsoriasisAIH induced by infliximabMethotrexateInfliximab and prednisoneNo comparisonCase report Elevated AST and ALT levels, positive ANA and anti-dsDNAInfliximab induced AIH
Adar et al[34]Israel36Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, hypothyroidism, Crohn’s disease AIH induced by adalimumabAZA, methotrexate and prednisoloneAdalimumab No comparisonCase reportElevated AST and ALT and IgG levels, positive ANA and anti-DNA. Liver biopsy showed fibrosis, inflammatory cell infiltrate, interface hepatitis, and hepatic rosettesAdalimumab induced AIH, which was discontinued due to adverse effects
Karanfilian et al[35]United States37Crohn’s disease, psoriasis AIH induced by infliximabPrednisoneInfliximabNo comparisonCase reportElevated AST and ALT, positive ANA and weakly positive smooth muscle antibody Liver biopsy showed active hepatitis with moderate interface activity, cholestasis, and infiltrate of eosinophils and plasma cellsSevere drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis secondary to infliximab and discontinuation of infliximab led to improvement in liver function tests
Rodrigues et al[36]Portugal22-69 year (8 pts)Ulcerative colitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis; Crohn’s disease, Palmoplantar pustular psoriasisAIH induced by infliximabPrednisone administered all AIH patients Infliximab administered in 7 cases. Adalimumab administered in 1 caseNo comparisonCase seriesInfliximab: Six patients developed AIH and one patient developed DILI and cirrhosisNormalisation of the liver function testes after discontinuation of anti-TNF
Yilmaz et al[37]United States39Ankylosing spondylitisAIH induced by infliximabMethotrexate, sulfasalazine, hydroxychloroquine InfliximabNo comparisonCase reportALT and AST elevated with positive ANA. Liver biopsy showed an acute autoimmune hepatitis with a lymph plasmatic infiltrationNormal liver function tests two months after discontinuation of the anti-TNF drug
Dang et al[38]Australia47Chronic plaque psoriasisAIH induced by infliximabMethotrexateInfliximabNo comparisonCase reportElevated AST, ALT and IgG levels. Liver biopsy indicated acute AIHInfliximab discontinued and liver condition improved
van Casteren-Messidoro et al[39]Netherlands46 and 30Case 1: Crohn's disease, erythema nodosum; Case 2: UCAIH induced by infliximabPrednisone and AZACase 1: Infliximab; Case 2: Pregnant, infliximab and azathioprineNo comparisonCase seriesCase 1: After the fourth infliximab dose, positive ANA and IgG; liver biopsy indicated acute AIH; Case 2: Elevated AST and ALT; liver biopsy showed hepatitis In both cases liver enzymes improved after infliximab was withdrawn
Cravo et al[40]Portugal38Crohn’s disease AIH induced by infliximabAzathioprine and prednisoloneInfliximab and Adalimumab Infliximab vs AdalimumabCase reportAIH induced by Infliximab and switched to adalimumab. Elevated AST and ALT and IgG with positive ANA, anti-dsDNA, and antihistone antibodies. Liver Biopsy showed chronic hepatitis and mild periportal fibrosisInfliximab discontinued and with adalimumab liver function normalized
Grasland et al[41]France35Hypertension, obesityAIH induced by adalimumabMethotrexate, prednisone, NSAIDs, paracetamol and etanerceptAdalimumab Adalimumab vs AbataceptCase reportAIH induced by Adalimumab - AST and ALT elevatedAdalimumab was discontinued and liver function improved Abatacept was restarted and liver enzymes normalized
Petríková et al[42]Slovakia33Sjögren syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis AIH induced by adalimumabEtanercept, certolizumab and anakinraAdalimumabNo comparisonCase reportIncreased AST, ALT, IgG and positive ASMA and AMA. Liver biopsy showed chronic hepatitis suggestive of AIHAdalimumab induced autoimmune hepatitis and liver enzymes improved with withdrawal of adalimumab