- Effect of training on resident inter-reader agreement with American College of Radiology Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System
- Browse: 367 Download: 664 Issue Date: 2022-01-28
- Chest radiological finding of COVID-19 in patients with and without diabetes mellitus: Differences in imaging finding
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- Incidental radiological findings suggestive of COVID-19 in asymptomatic patients
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- Prevalence of hypercoagulable states in stented thrombotic iliac vein compression syndrome with comparison of re-intervention and anticoagulation regimens
- Browse: 322 Download: 491 Issue Date: 2021-12-28
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on radiology education, training, and practice: A narrative review
- Browse: 459 Download: 856 Issue Date: 2021-11-25
- Shoulder adhesive capsulitis in cancer patients undergoing positron emission tomography - computed tomography and the association with shoulder pain
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- Current trends and perspectives in interventional radiology for gastrointestinal cancers
- Browse: 468 Download: 636 Issue Date: 2021-10-26
- COVID-19 pneumonia: A review of typical radiological characteristics
- Browse: 371 Download: 850 Issue Date: 2021-10-26
- Differential diagnosis of COVID-19 at the chest computed tomography scan: A review with special focus on cancer patients
- Browse: 465 Download: 651 Issue Date: 2021-08-25
- “Pulmonary target sign” as a diagnostic feature in chest computed tomography of COVID-19
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- Abdominal imaging in COVID-19
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- Imaging in multiple myeloma: Computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging?
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- Imaging in the COVID-19 era: Lessons learned during a pandemic
- Browse: 383 Download: 778 Issue Date: 2021-06-25
- COVID-19 imaging: Diagnostic approaches, challenges, and evolving advances
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- Imaging spectrum of abdominal manifestations of COVID-19
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- Thoracic imaging outcomes in COVID-19 survivors
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- Comparison of point and two-dimensional shear wave elastography of the spleen in healthy subjects
- Browse: 381 Download: 1041 Issue Date: 2021-05-28
- Highlighting COVID-19: What the imaging exams show about the disease
- Browse: 353 Download: 839 Issue Date: 2021-05-28
- Challenges and optimization strategies in medical imaging service delivery during COVID-19
- Browse: 448 Download: 643 Issue Date: 2021-05-28
- Cardio-thoracic imaging and COVID-19 in the pediatric population: A narrative review
- Browse: 366 Download: 760 Issue Date: 2021-04-22