Case Report
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World J Gastrointest Surg. Apr 27, 2011; 3(4): 56-58
Published online Apr 27, 2011. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v3.i4.56
Transanal polypectomy using single incision laparoscopic instruments
Dimitrios Dardamanis, Dimitrios Theodorou, George Theodoropoulos, Andreas Larentzakis, Maria Natoudi, Georgia Doulami, Christina Zoumpouli, Haridimos Markogiannakis, Stylianos Katsaragakis, George C Zografos
Dimitrios Dardamanis, Dimitrios Theodorou, George Theodoropoulos, Andreas Larentzakis, Maria Natoudi, Georgia Doulami, Haridimos Markogiannakis, Stylianos Katsaragakis, George C Zografos, First Department of Propaedeutic Surgery, Athens Medical School, University of Athens, Hippocration Hospital, Vasilissis Sofias 114 avenue, Athens 11527, Greece
Christina Zoumpouli, Department of Pathology, Hippocration Hospital, Vasilissis Sofias 114 avenue, Athens 11527, Greece
Author contributions: Dardamanis D, Theodorou D and Katsaragakis S performed the operation; Theodoropoulos G and Larentzakis A contributed to the writing of the manuscript; Natoudi M and Markogiannakis H carried out the bibliographic research; Zoumbouli C examined the specimens; Doulami G was responsible for the patient’s follow up; Theodoropoulos G and Zografos GC reviewed the manuscript.
Correspondence to: Dimitrios Dardamanis, MD, MSc, First Department of Propaedeutic Surgery, Athens Medical School, University of Athens, Hippocration Hospital, Vasilissis Sofias 114 avenue, Athens 11527, Greece.
Telephone: +30-210-7772331 Fax: +30-210-7707574
Received: August 22, 2010
Revised: March 16, 2011
Accepted: March 23, 2011
Published online: April 27, 2011

Transanal excision of rectal polyps with laparoscopic instrumentation and a single incision laparoscopic port is a novel technique that uses technology originally developed for abdominal procedures from the natural orifice of the rectum. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) is a well established surgical approach for certain benign or early malignant lesions of the rectum, under specific indications. Our technique is a hybrid technique of transanal surgery, a reasonable method for polyp resection without the need of the sophisticated and expensive instrumentation of TEM which can be applied whenever endoscopic or conventional transanal surgical removal is not feasible.

Keywords: Polypectomy; SILS; Transanal endoscopic microsurgery; Laparoscopy; Endoscopy