Copyright ©The Author(s) 2024.
World J Diabetes. Mar 15, 2024; 15(3): 378-391
Published online Mar 15, 2024. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v15.i3.378
Table 1 Relationship between placental transport function and fetal weight in gestational diabetes mellitus
NutrientTransporterGDM model
Cell linesMechanism of actionLocalizationResultRef.
Gestational age
Animal species
GlucoseGLUT137+ wk gestation---P↑; BM↑FBW (+); AFM (+), SSFM (+)[17,18]
Full-term placenta--p-Akt and Erk↑P↑FBW↑[23]
GLUT437+ wk gestation---P↑SSFM (+); FBW (+)[17]
GLUT937+ wk gestation---P↑FBW (*)[17]
GLUT3-db/+mice & HFD-induced C57B L/6J mice-AMPK↓PM↓FBW↑[20]
Amino acidsSystem A--Insulin stimulates PHT cell and PVEp-Akt and Erk↑PHT↑FBW↑[9]
--TNF-α stimulation PHT cellErk; p38MAPKPHT↑FBW↑[30]
--IL-6 treat PCTJAK/STATPCT↑FBW↑[31]
--LPS and poly (I:C) treat PCTTLR3 and TLR4↑PCT↑FBW↑[32]
SNAT 137-41+6 wk gestation--IGF-I and mTOR↑P↑FBW (+)[25]
--TNF-α stimulation PHT cellErk; p38MAPKPHT↑FBW↑[30]
--LPS and poly (I:C) treat PCTTLR3 and TLR4↑PCT↑FBW↑[32]
SNAT2--TNF-α stimulation PHT cellErk; p38MAPKPHT↑FBW↑[30]
--IL-6 treat PCTJAK/STATPCT↑FBW↑[31]
--LPS and poly (I:C) treat PCTTLR3 and TLR4↑PCT↑FBW↑[32]
System L--MVM and BMs from GDM-MVM↑FBW↑[28]
-STZ-induced SD rats-mTORC1↓P↓FBW↓[46]
LipidsTG--Hight glucose and insulin treat PHT-PHT↑FBW↑[35]
-HF/HCD induced C57BL/6J mice-CEH↑, TGH↓P↑FBW↑[36]
37-42 wk gestation-Hight glucose treat PEβ-oxidation↓P↑FBW↑[38]
ELFull-term placenta--p-Akt and Erk↑P↑FBW↑[41]
FAT--Hight glucose and insulin treat PHT-PHT↑FBW↑[35]
Full-term placenta--p-Akt and Erk↑P↑FBW↑, FBW (+)[41,42]
FABP4 A-FABP L-FABPFull-term placenta--p-Akt and Erk↑PHT↑, P↑FBW↑[34,40,41]
FABP3, FABP4--Hight glucose and insulin treat PHT-PHT↑FBW↑[35]
FATP-1Full-term placenta--p-Akt and Erk↑P↑FBW↑[41]