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World J Diabetes. Sep 15, 2011; 2(9): 137-148
Published online Sep 15, 2011. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v2.i9.137
Developmental programming of the metabolic syndrome - critical windows for intervention
Mark H Vickers
Mark H Vickers, Liggins Institute and the National Research Centre for Growth and Development, University of Auckland, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
Author contributions: Vickers MH was the sole contributor to this paper.
Supported by Health Research Council of New Zealand, Marsden Fund of the Royal Society, Foundation for Research Science and Technology and National Research Centre for Growth and Development
Correspondence to: Mark H Vickers, Dr., Liggins Institute and the National Research Centre for Growth and Development, University of Auckland, 2-6 Park Avenue, Grafton, Auckland 1023, New Zealand.
Telephone: +64-9-9236687 Fax: +64-9-3737497
Received: March 2, 2011
Revised: August 15, 2011
Accepted: August 31, 2011
Published online: September 15, 2011

Metabolic disease results from a complex interaction of many factors, including genetic, physiological, behavioral and environmental influences. The recent rate at which these diseases have increased suggests that environmental and behavioral influences, rather than genetic causes, are fuelling the present epidemic. In this context, the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis has highlighted the link between the periconceptual, fetal and early infant phases of life and the subsequent development of adult obesity and the metabolic syndrome. Although the mechanisms are yet to be fully elucidated, this programming was generally considered an irreversible change in developmental trajectory. Recent work in animal models suggests that developmental programming of metabolic disorders is potentially reversible by nutritional or targeted therapeutic interventions during the period of developmental plasticity. This review will discuss critical windows of developmental plasticity and possible avenues to ameliorate the development of postnatal metabolic disorders following an adverse early life environment.

Keywords: Developmental programming; Metabolic syndrome; Obesity; Type 2 diabetes; Leptin; Animal models; Predictive adaptive responses