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World J Diabetes. Jul 15, 2010; 1(3): 65-67
Published online Jul 15, 2010. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v1.i3.65
Mediterranean diet and diabetes prevention: Myth or fact?
Christina-Maria Kastorini, Demosthenes B Panagiotakos
Christina-Maria Kastorini, Demosthenes B Panagiotakos, Department of Nutrition Science - Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens 16674, Greece
Author contributions: Both Kastorini CM and Panagiotakos DB wrote the manuscript.
Correspondence to: Demosthenes B Panagiotakos, PhD, Department of Nutrition Science - Dietetics, Harokopio University, 70 Eleftheriou Venizelou Str., Athens 17671, Greece. d.b.panagiotakos@usa.net
Telephone: +30-210-9603116 Fax: +30-210-9600719
Received: April 20, 2010
Revised: June 26, 2010
Accepted: July 3, 2010
Published online: July 15, 2010

Type 2 diabetes is a major, non-communicable disease with increasing prevalence at a global level. Therefore, in order to prevent this condition action should be taken regarding the modifiable factors that influence its development - lifestyle and dietary habits. As the Mediterranean dietary pattern has beneficial effects on both human health and regarding the development and treatment of type 2 diabetes, promoting adherence to this pattern is of considerable public health importance.

Keywords: Mediterranean diet; Type 2 diabetes; Nutrition