- Vanadium-dependent activation of glucose transport in adipocytes by catecholamines is not mediated via adrenoceptor stimulation or monoamine oxidase activity
- Browse: 381 Download: 857 Issue Date: 2020-12-13
- Effect of liraglutide on endoplasmic reticulum stress in the renal tissue of type 2 diabetic rats
- Browse: 368 Download: 1028 Issue Date: 2020-12-13
- Empagliflozin alleviates podocytopathy and enhances glomerular nephrin expression in db/db diabetic mice
- Browse: 336 Download: 1038 Issue Date: 2020-12-13
- Effects of ketogenic diet and ketone bodies on the cardiovascular system: Concentration matters
- Browse: 332 Download: 669 Issue Date: 2020-12-13
- Endothelin receptor antagonists for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy: A meta-analysis and systematic review
- Browse: 455 Download: 1141 Issue Date: 2020-11-13
- Type 1 diabetes and associated autoimmune diseases
- Browse: 454 Download: 1028 Issue Date: 2020-11-13
- Factors associated with improvement in waist-to-height ratio among newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients treated with acarbose or metformin: A randomized clinical trial study
- Browse: 429 Download: 1203 Issue Date: 2020-11-13
- Altered regional homogeneity in patients with diabetic vitreous hemorrhage
- Browse: 377 Download: 1008 Issue Date: 2020-11-13
- Continuous glucose monitoring defined time-in-range is associated with sudomotor dysfunction in type 2 diabetes
- Browse: 493 Download: 1102 Issue Date: 2020-11-13
- Prevalence and impact of diabetes in patients with COVID-19 in China
- Browse: 482 Download: 918 Issue Date: 2020-10-14
- Impact of technology use in type 2 diabetes distress: A systematic review
- Browse: 566 Download: 1030 Issue Date: 2020-10-14
- Risk of anemia in morbidly obese patients after bariatric surgery in Taiwan
- Browse: 1051 Download: 949 Issue Date: 2020-10-14
- The Association Between Restrictive Pulmonary Disease and Type 2 Diabetes in Koreans : A Cross-sectional Study
- Browse: 416 Download: 915 Issue Date: 2020-10-14
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus and its oral tolerance therapy
- Browse: 452 Download: 815 Issue Date: 2020-10-14
- Analysis of long noncoding RNA-associated competing endogenous RNA network in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist-mediated protection in β cells
- Browse: 478 Download: 946 Issue Date: 2020-09-11
- Is there a role for glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in the management of diabetic nephropathy?
- Browse: 451 Download: 961 Issue Date: 2020-09-11
- Range of adiposity and cardiorenal syndrome
- Browse: 485 Download: 949 Issue Date: 2020-08-14
- Interstitial lung disease and diabetes
- Browse: 510 Download: 918 Issue Date: 2020-08-14
- Access to insulin delivery devices and glycated haemoglobin in lower-income countries
- Browse: 525 Download: 1153 Issue Date: 2020-08-14
- Gut microbiota and diabetes: From correlation to causality and mechanism
- Browse: 529 Download: 1165 Issue Date: 2020-07-14