BPG is committed to discovery and dissemination of knowledge
Featured Articles
Efficacy and safety of peroral endoscopic myotomy after prior sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery
Browse: 269   Download: 677   Issue Date: 2020-12-13
Recent advances in third space or intramural endoscopy
Browse: 285   Download: 614   Issue Date: 2020-12-13
Assessment of disease activity in inflammatory bowel diseases: Non-invasive biomarkers and endoscopic scores
Browse: 327   Download: 989   Issue Date: 2020-12-13
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage in pancreatic cancer and cholangitis: A case report
Browse: 485   Download: 1033   Issue Date: 2020-11-16
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug effectivity in preventing post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Browse: 451   Download: 950   Issue Date: 2020-11-16
Evaluation of the diagnostic and therapeutic utility of retrograde through-the-scope balloon enteroscopy and single-balloon enteroscopy
Browse: 436   Download: 1020   Issue Date: 2020-11-16
Peroral traction-assisted natural orifice trans-anal flexible endoscopic rectosigmoidectomy followed by intracorporeal colorectal anastomosis in a live porcine model
Browse: 453   Download: 1193   Issue Date: 2020-11-16
Anticoagulation and antiplatelet management in gastrointestinal endoscopy: A review of current evidence
Browse: 429   Download: 791   Issue Date: 2020-11-16
Real-world clinical data of endoscopy-based cancer detection during the emergency declaration for COVID-19 in Japan
Browse: 393   Download: 970   Issue Date: 2020-10-14
Predictor of respiratory disturbances during gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection under deep sedation
Browse: 445   Download: 1083   Issue Date: 2020-10-14
Role of endoscopic ultrasound in pediatric patients: A single tertiary center experience and review of the literature
Browse: 589   Download: 878   Issue Date: 2020-10-14
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography guided interventions in the management of pancreatic cancer
Browse: 548   Download: 633   Issue Date: 2020-10-14
Laparoscopy-assisted resection of colorectal cancer with situs inversus totalis: A case report and literature review
Browse: 384   Download: 849   Issue Date: 2020-09-10
Endoscopic approach to gastric remnant outlet obstruction after gastric bypass: A case report
Browse: 360   Download: 831   Issue Date: 2020-09-10
Kyoto classification in patients who developed multiple gastric carcinomas after Helicobacter pylori eradication
Browse: 400   Download: 987   Issue Date: 2020-09-10
Endoscopy during COVID-19 pandemic: An overview of infection control measures and practical application
Browse: 373   Download: 731   Issue Date: 2020-09-10
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fiducial marker placement in pancreatic cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Browse: 412   Download: 889   Issue Date: 2020-08-13
Which scope is appropriate for endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography after Billroth II reconstruction: An esophagogastroduodenoscope or a colonoscope?
Browse: 402   Download: 1036   Issue Date: 2020-08-13
Improved diagnostic yield of endoscopic ultrasound-fine needle biopsy with histology specimen processing
Browse: 373   Download: 804   Issue Date: 2020-08-13
Repeat full-thickness resection device use for recurrent duodenal adenoma: A case report
Browse: 511   Download: 894   Issue Date: 2020-06-16