©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Hepatol. Jan 27, 2022; 14(1): 274-286
Published online Jan 27, 2022. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v14.i1.274
Published online Jan 27, 2022. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v14.i1.274
Table 1 Questionnaire
Questions |
First part |
1 Are you aware that the novel coronavirus is transmitted to people? |
2 Are you aware that symptoms including fever, cough, and breathing difficulties are signs of alarm? |
3 Are you aware that people with chronic liver disease are at higher risk of developing a severe form of the disease? |
4 Are you aware that when you go out, you always have to use personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves? |
5 Do you always respect prevention and protection measures such as social distancing? |
6 Do you use adequate hygiene measures such as frequently washing your hands? |
7 During this period, did you need to contact your general physician for your liver disease? |
8 If you answered yes, did you have difficulty in contacting him/her? |
9 During this period, did you need to contact a gastroenterologist specialist for your liver disease? |
10 If you answered yes, did you have difficulty in contacting him/her? |
11 Have you received more detailed information about the management of your therapy? |
12 Do you know that immunosuppressed patients are more at risk of getting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 infection? |
13 Have you thought about modifying your immunosuppressive therapy on your own? |
14 Did you manage to perform the six-month follow-up ultrasound for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance? |
Second part |
1 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been troubled by a feeling of abdominal bloating? |
2 How much of the time have you been tired or fatigued during the last two weeks? |
3 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you experienced bodily pain? |
4 How often during the last two weeks have you felt sleepy during the day? |
5 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you experienced abdominal pain? |
6 How much of the time during the last two weeks has shortness of breath been a problem for you in your daily activities? |
7 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you not been able to eat as much as you would like? |
8 How much of the time in the last two weeks have you been bothered by having decreased strength? |
9 How often during the last two weeks have you had trouble lifting or carrying heavy objects? |
10 How often during the last two weeks have you felt anxious? |
11 How often during the last two weeks have you felt a decreased level of energy? |
12 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you felt unhappy? |
13 How often during the last two weeks have you felt drowsy? |
14 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been bothered by a limitation of your diet? |
15 How often during the last two weeks have you been irritable? |
16 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you had difficulty sleeping at night? |
17 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been troubled by a feeling of abdominal discomfort? |
18 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been worried about the impact your liver disease has on your family? |
19 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you had mood swings? |
20 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been unable to fall asleep at night? |
21 How often during the last two weeks have you had muscle cramps? |
22 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been worried that your symptoms will develop into major problems? |
23 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you had a dry mouth? |
24 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you felt depressed? |
25 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been worried about your condition getting worse? |
26 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you had problems concentrating? |
27 How much of the time have you been troubled by itching during the last two weeks? |
28 How much of the time during the last two weeks have you been worried about never feeling any better? |
Table 2 Clinical characteristics of patients
Variable | n = 81 |
Sex, n (%) | |
Male | 38 (47) |
Female | 43 (53) |
Aetiology, n (%) | |
Cirrhosis | 49 |
HBV | 7 (8.6) |
HCV | 22 (27.2) |
Cirrhosis Alcoholic-related | 9 (11.1) |
Cirrhosis HBV + alcoholic-related | 1 (1.2) |
Cirrhosis HCV + alcoholic-related | 1 (1.2) |
Cirrhosis Metabolic-related | 9 (11.1) |
AIH | 8 (9.9) |
Cirrhosis AIH-related | 5 (6.2) |
PBC | 14 (17.3) |
Cirrhosis PBC-related | 3 (3.7) |
PSC | 2 (2.5) |
Child-Pugh score, n (%) | |
A5 | 46 (80.7) |
A6 | 6 (10.5) |
B7 | 5 (8.8) |
Table 3 Questionnaire and answers
Questions | Patients’ answer “YES” number (%) | Patients’ answer “NO” number (%) |
1 Are you aware that the novel coronavirus is transmitted to people? | 76 (93.8) | 5 (6.2) |
2 Are you aware that symptoms including fever, cough, and breathing difficulties are signs of alarm? | 76 (93.8) | 5 (6.2) |
3 Are you aware that people with chronic liver disease are at higher risk of developing a severe form of the disease? | 69 (85) | 12 (15) |
4 Are you aware that when you go out, you always have to use personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves? | 77 (95) | 4 (5) |
5 Do you always respect prevention and protection measures such as social distancing? | 60 (74) | 21 (26) |
6 Do you use adequate hygiene measures such as frequently washing your hands? | 60 (74) | 21 (26) |
7 During this period, did you need to contact your general physician for your liver disease? | 12 (15%) | 69 (85) |
8 If you answered yes, did you have difficulty in contacting him/her? | 11 (91.7)1 | 1 (8.3) |
9 During this period, did you need to contact a Gastroenterologist specialist for your liver disease? | 12 (15%) | 69 (85) |
10 If you answered yes, did you have difficulty in contacting him/her? | 8 (67%)2 | 4 (33.3) |
11 Have you received more detailed information about the management of your therapy? | 5 (15.6) | 27 (84.4) |
12 Do you know that immunosuppressed patients are more at risk of getting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-infection? | 29 (90.6%) | 3 (9.4%) |
13 Have you thought about modifying your immunosuppressive therapy on your own? | 9 (28.2%) | 23 (71.8%) |
14 Did you manage to perform the six-month follow-up ultrasound for hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance? | 29 (60%)3 | 20 (40%) |
Table 4 Total chronic liver disease questionnaire pooled scores for each single quality of life perception domain in all patients enrolled in the study
Items | Median, t0 | Range interquartile, t0 | Median, t1 | Range interquartile, t1 | P value |
Abdominal symptoms: 1, 5, 17 | 1 | 1-2 | 1 | 1-2 | aP < 0.0001 |
Fatigue: 2, 4, 8, 11, 13 | 2 | 1-2 | 2 | 1-2 | bP < 0.0001 |
Systemic symptoms: 3, 6, 21, 23, 27 | 1 | 1-2 | 1 | 1-2 | cP < 0.0001 |
Activity: 7, 9, 14 | 2 | 1-5 | 3 | 1-5 | dP = 0.0245 |
Emotional function: 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24, 26 | 2 | 1-2 | 2 | 1-3 | eP < 0.0001 |
Worry: 18, 22, 25, 28 | 2 | 1-2 | 2 | 1-3 | fP < 0.0001 |
Table 5 Total chronic liver disease questionnaire pooled scores for each quality of life perception domain in patients with autoimmune liver disease enrolled in the study
Items | Median t0 | Range interquartile t0 | Median t1 | Range interquartile t1 | P value |
Abdominal symptoms: 1, 5, 17 | 1 | 1-1 | 1 | 1-2 | aP = 0.0045 |
Fatigue: 2, 4, 8, 11, 13 | 1 | 1-2 | 1 | 1-2 | bP < 0.0001 |
Systemic symptoms: 3, 6, 21, 23, 27 | 1 | 1-2 | 1 | 1-2 | cP < 0.0004 |
Activity: 7, 9, 14 | 2 | 1-5 | 2 | 1-5 | dP = 0.0938 |
Emotional function: 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 24, 26 | 1 | 1-2 | 2 | 1-3 | eP < 0.0001 |
Worry: 18, 22, 25, 28 | 1 | 1-2 | 2 | 1-3 | fP < 0.0001 |
- Citation: Zannella A, Fanella S, Marignani M, Begini P. COVID-19 emergency: Changes in quality of life perception in patients with chronic liver disease-An Italian single-centre study. World J Hepatol 2022; 14(1): 274-286
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