- Exercise training as an intervention for frailty in cirrhotic patients on the liver transplant waiting list: A systematic review
- Browse: 339 Download: 769 Issue Date: 2023-10-27
- Prevalence and risk factors of lymphatic dysfunction in cirrhosis patients with refractory ascites: An often unconsidered mechanism
- Browse: 328 Download: 959 Issue Date: 2023-10-27
- Challenges and dilemmas in pediatric hepatic Wilson’s disease
- Browse: 351 Download: 753 Issue Date: 2023-10-27
- Progress on traditional Chinese medicine in improving hepatic fibrosis through inhibiting oxidative stress
- Browse: 283 Download: 684 Issue Date: 2023-10-27
- Dietary salt in liver cirrhosis: With a pinch of salt!
- Browse: 293 Download: 699 Issue Date: 2023-10-27
- Corrected QT interval in cirrhosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Browse: 221 Download: 571 Issue Date: 2023-09-27
- Baseline metabolites could predict responders with hepatitis B virus-related liver fibrosis for entecavir or combined with FuzhengHuayu tablet
- Browse: 237 Download: 652 Issue Date: 2023-09-27
- Toxicity of targeted anticancer treatments on the liver in myeloproliferative neoplasms
- Browse: 228 Download: 422 Issue Date: 2023-09-27
- Liver transplant in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis: A retrospective cohort from Northeastern Brazil
- Browse: 198 Download: 571 Issue Date: 2023-09-27
- Noninvasive prognostic models, imaging, and elastography to predict clinical events in primary sclerosing cholangitis: A review
- Browse: 187 Download: 401 Issue Date: 2023-09-27
- Emerging therapeutic options for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review
- Browse: 258 Download: 682 Issue Date: 2023-08-27
- Impact renaming non-alcoholic fatty liver disease to metabolic associated fatty liver disease in prevalence, characteristics and risk factors
- Browse: 356 Download: 1063 Issue Date: 2023-08-27
- Stages of care for patients with chronic hepatitis C at a hospital in southern Brazil
- Browse: 240 Download: 894 Issue Date: 2023-08-27
- Tenofovir alafenamide significantly increased serum lipid levels compared with entecavir therapy in chronic hepatitis B virus patients
- Browse: 251 Download: 966 Issue Date: 2023-08-27
- Liver transplant in primary sclerosing cholangitis: Current trends and future directions
- Browse: 243 Download: 551 Issue Date: 2023-08-27
- Shifting perspectives in liver diseases after kidney transplantation
- Browse: 192 Download: 718 Issue Date: 2023-07-27
- Associations between irritable bowel syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A systematic review
- Browse: 207 Download: 850 Issue Date: 2023-07-27
- Solid-Tubulocystic carcinoma: A new variant of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
- Browse: 231 Download: 604 Issue Date: 2023-07-27
- Liver stiffness in pregnant women with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: A case control study
- Browse: 173 Download: 883 Issue Date: 2023-07-27
- Gut microbiome and metabolic-associated fatty liver disease: Current status and potential applications
- Browse: 245 Download: 709 Issue Date: 2023-07-27