©The Author(s) 2019.
World J Stem Cells. May 26, 2019; 11(5): 236-253
Published online May 26, 2019. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v11.i5.236
Published online May 26, 2019. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v11.i5.236
Table 1 Advantages and disadvantages of different systems for modelling Alzheimer’s disease[178]
Model system | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Animal models | Can be used to model physiological factors such as diet, obesity and hypertension | Findings may not be able to be directly extrapolated to humans |
Postmortem tissue | Human-derived | Difficult to obtain; May be of poor quality due to the destructive effects of AD in its later stages |
iPSC-based models | Human-derived; More easily obtained than post-mortem tissue | Cannot be used to model physiological or epigenetic factors; Large variation between sAD iPSC lines (may not exhibit phenotype); Neuronal derivatives may be akin to ‘younger’ neurons |
Table 2 List of studies that have used induced pluripotent stem cells to model Alzheimer’s disease
Study | Disease | Key findings | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Yagi et al[133], 2011 | fAD | Relevant expression of APP and secretase subunits in iPSC-derived neurons | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~ 5% patients |
Shi et al[124], 2012a | DS | AD pathology (such as aberrant Aβ production and hyperphosphorylated Tau) developed over months in culture, as opposed to years in vivo | Show tau (advanced) phenotype | Findings may not be able to be extrapolated to AD |
Israel et al[17], 2012 | fAD, sAD | fAD neurons and one out of two sAD neurons exhibit altered APP expression and Aβ secretion and swollen endosomes | Comparison of fAD and sAD, in essence using fAD lines as positive control | High levels of variation between cell lines |
Koch et al[101], 2012 | fAD | Key steps in proteolytic APP processing are recapitulated in hES and iPSC-derived neurons | Obvious AD phenotype observed | High levels of variation between cell lines |
Maclean et al[146], 2012 | DS | Disturbance of multilineage myeloid haematopoiesis in T21 at fetal liver stage | Reproducible phenotype because clear genetic link | Findings may not be able to be extrapolated to AD |
Kondo et al[53], 2013 | fAD, sAD | Aβ oligomers accumulated in iPSC-derived neurons and astrocytes in fAD and one out of two sAD patients, also observed ROS | Comparison of fAD and sAD, in essence using fAD lines as positive control | High variation between sAD cell lines |
Xu et al[66], 2013 | Exogenous Aβ | Cell cycle re-entry in iPSC-derived neurons treated with Aβ | Used pharmacological inhibitors to demonstrate rescue of phenotype | May not be physiologically relevant |
Weick et al[142], 2013 | DS | Compensatory responses to oxidative stress in T21 neurons, also reduced synaptic activity | Reproducible phenotype because clear genetic link | Findings may not be able to be extrapolated to AD |
Woodruff et al[139], 2013 | fAD | PSEN1 mutations impair γ-secretase activity but do not disrupt γ-secretase-independent functions | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Hibaoui et al[143], 2014 | DS | Abnormal neural differentiation, likely caused by DYRK1A on chromosome 21 | Used fetal fibroblasts to generate iPSCs (less acquired mutations) | Findings may not be able to be extrapolated to AD |
Muratore et al[16], 2014 | fAD | iPSC-derived neurons have increased Aβ42 and Aβ38, along with increased levels of both tau and phosphorylated tau | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Mahairaki et al[134], 2014 | fAD | Increased Aβ42:Aβ40 ratio in fAD iPSC-derived neurons | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Sproul et al[135], 2014 | fAD | Identified 14 genes that are differentially regulates in PSEN1 mutant NPCs relative to controls | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Duan et al[131], 2014 | fAD | iPSC-derived neurons with ApoE3/4 mutations showed typical AD features | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Liu et al[67], 2014 | fAD | Treatment with NSAID reduced Aβ42:Aβ40 ratio | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Young et al[128], 2015 | sAD | Human neurons with SORL1 mutations associated with sAD show a reduced response to BDNF, at the level of both SORL1 expression and APP processing | Many cell lines used (n = 7) | Only one type of sAD mutation examined; unlikely to be able to be extrapolated to a large patient cohort |
Hossini et al[130], 2015 | sAD | Genes associated with AD expressed in sAD iPSC-derived neurons (including oxidative stress response). Treatment with a γ-secretase inhibitor reduced levels of Tau. | Show AD-like gene expression patterns | Only one patient line used (n = 1) |
Chang et al[147], 2015 | DS | Tau mislocalisation | Show advanced (tau) phenotype | Findings may not be able to be extrapolated to AD |
Murray et al[144], 2015 | DS | Slower proliferation of NPCs, increased Aβ production, a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential and increased no. and abnormal appearance of mitochondria, also increased no. of ds DNA breaks in T21 neurons | Reproducible phenotype because clear genetic link | Findings may not be able to be extrapolated to AD |
Moore et al[15], 2015 | fAD, DS | APP mutations increase levels of tau and phosphorylated tau whereas PSEN mutations do not | Obvious AD phenotype observed | Tested drugs (β-secretase and ɣ-secretase inhibitors) that have failed clinical trials |
Tubsuwan et al[177], 2016 | fAD | Description of model | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Raja et al[108], 2016 | fAD | Brain organoids from AD patients exhibit amyloid aggregation, pTau and endosome abnormalities, treatment with β and γ-secretase inhibitors reduced this pathology | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Li et al[140], 2016 | fAD | Characterisation of an iPSC line | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Lee et al[119], 2016 | sAD | Secretase inhibtors decreased Aβ generation but less potency in 3D | High number of sAD lines used (n = 5) | Tested generic drugs (BACE1 and ɣ-secretase inhibitors) that have failed clinical trials |
Yang et al[136], 2017 | fAD | Premature neuronal differentiation with decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis in AD-NPCs, Wnt-Notch pathway involvement | Obvious AD phenotype observed | fAD only represents ~5% patients |
Dashinimaev et al[145], 2017 | DS | Increased Aβ secretion and upregulation of APP gene, also increased BACE2, RCAN1, ETS2, TMED10 expression in T21 neural cells compared to controls | Reproducible phenotype because clear genetic link | Findings may not be able to be extrapolated to AD |
Jones et al[98], 2017 | fAD, sAD | Astrocytes derived from iPSCs from both fAD and sAD patients exhibit a pronounced pathological phenotype | Comparison of fAD and sAD, in essence using fAD lines as positive control | Only one line each fAD and sAD used (n = 1) |
Armijo et al[137], 2017 | fAD, sAD | fAD neurons have increased susceptibility to Aβ in comparison to sAD (and control) neurons | Comparison of fAD and sAD, in essence using fAD lines as positive control | Only one line each fAD and sAD used (n = 1) |
Ochalek et al[107], 2018 | fAD, sAD | sAD iPSC-derived neurons reveal elevated tau hyperphosphorylation, increased amyloid levels and GSK3β activation | Show tau (advanced) phenotype | Differentiation protocol requires 10 weeks at least |
Birnbaum et al[74], 2018 | sAD | sAD iPSC-derived neurons display oxidative stress and increased mitochondrial protein expression which doesn’t correlate with Aβ/tau | Occurs in ~95% of AD cases | Hard to explain why the oxidative stress and increased mitochondrial protein expression don’t correlate with Aβ/tau |
- Citation: Hawkins KE, Duchen M. Modelling mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease using human induced pluripotent stem cells. World J Stem Cells 2019; 11(5): 236-253
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