©The Author(s) 2006.
图1 重组蛋白表达形式的鉴定.
1: protein marker; 2,3: pQE30-v/h-DH5a induced without IPTG; 4,5: supernatant of pQE30-v/h-DH5α induced with IPTG; 6,7: precipitation of pQE30-v/h-DH5α induced with IPTG.
图2 纯化的重组VacA-HpaA的SDS-PAGE分析.
Mr: protein marker; 1-4: purified recombinant protein (E1, E2, E3, E4).
图5 VacA-HpaA IgY的Western blot鉴定.
1,4: protein marker; 3,6: control(without induction); 2: VacA-HpaA IgY responsed with VacA; 5: VacA-HpaA IgY responsed with HpaA.
引文著录: 叶翠莲, 杨致邦, 黄伟, 毛小琴, 张绍兰, 黄进. 幽门螺杆菌重组VacA-HpaA IgY的制备. 世界华人消化杂志 2006; 14(22): 2186-2191