Chen Wan-Qing, Director,Office of Cancer Screening, National Cancer Center, China. Dr. Chen had worked as radiotherapist for 5 years since graduated from faculty of clinical medicine, Bethune University of Medical Sciences in 1995. He obtained Master’s Degree of International Public Health (Honor) in 2004 from School of Public Health, the University of Sydney. Dr. Chen used to work as a researcher in Cancer Council, NSW and Cancer Institute NSW in areas of cancer registration, cancer epidemiology and biostatistics. In 2014, he successfully obtained Ph.D from Sydney University. Dr. Chen has theoretical basis and practical experience in cancer epidemiology area. He is PI of some nationwide studies. National programs of cancer registry and follow-up, National health and family planning commission; Cancer screening program of esophageal, stomach and liver cancer in Huaihe River Region, National health and family planning commission; Cancer Atlas---Basic scientific research grant, Ministry of and science Technology Prospective evaluation Cohort study on Upper digestive tract cancer screening---Special funds for public welfare projects on Health scienctific research, National health and family planning commission. Development and Evaluation of Screening and Intervention Techniques for Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer---The National Key Research and Development Program of China He is The member of National Health Information Society, Executive Vice Director of Cancer Registration and Surveillance Committee; The standing committee member of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, Branch of Prevention and Control for Chronic Non-Communicable Disease;Editorial Director, vice Editor in Chief of Journal of China Cancer; Associate Editor of Journal of Epidemiology; Associate Editor of Journal of Epidemiology; Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Cancer Research; Editorial Board Member of Thoracic Cancer, Chinese Journal of Cancer, Thoracic Diease, Liver Cancer, et al. The standing committee member of Asian Network of Cancer Registry. He has published more than 300 scientific articles and 15 monographs.