©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 7, 2023; 29(1): 200-220
Published online Jan 7, 2023. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v29.i1.200
Published online Jan 7, 2023. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v29.i1.200
Table 1 Literature review results
Ref. | Country | Cases (n) | Age (mean, range) | Sex | Type of autopsy | Pre-existing liver disease or other diseases | Laboratory findings | Macroscopi | Microscopi | Additional stainings | Cause of death | Medications | Hospitalizat | Virus identificatio |
Aguiar et al[13], 2020 | Switzerland | 1 | 31 | F | Complete | Obesity | NR | Nutmeg appearance | Microabscesses | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | None | Home death | No search |
Arslan et al[14], 2021 | Turkey | 7 | 56, 43-68 | M 6, F 1 | Partial | 3 obesity, 2 hypertension, 1 in hemodialysis | NR | NR | 4 mild steatosis, 1 biliary microhamart | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | NR | 5 hospitalized, 2 NR | No search |
Barton et al[15], 2020 | United States | 2 | 59, 42-77 | M 2 | Complete | 2 obesity, 1 hypertension and 1 myotonic muscular dystrophy | NR | Case 1: weight: 2232 g, steatosis. Case 2: weight: 1683 g, cirrhosis | Nr | None | 1 respiratory failure in COVID-19, 1 complications of hepatic cirrhosis | NR | 1 hospitalized and 1 home death | No search |
Beigmohammadi et al[16], 2021 | Iran | 7 | 68, 46-84 | M 5, F 2 | Core-biopsy | 4 hypertension, 1 immunocompromised and 1 valvular hearth disease | NR | NR | 7 congestion, 7 steatosis, 7 portal inflammation, 7 hepatitis, 4 ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes, 2 bile plugs, 7 focal confluent necrosis, 4 focal hepatocyte drop out | Masson’s trichrome: 1 case of mild fibrosis | NR | 7 were treated with hydroxycholorquine and 6 with antivirals | All hospitalized | No search |
Bradley et al[17], 2020 | United States | 14 | 74, 42-84 | M 6, F 8 | 7 partial and 7 complete | 5 obesity, 8 hypertension, 4 heart failure, 8 CKD | NR | Congestion | 10 congestion, 9 steatosis, 1 toxic or metabolic disease, 4 centrilobular necrosis, 3 periportal inflammation | None | 12 respiratory failure in COVID-19, 2 cardiovascula | NR | All hospitalized | 2 positive and 1 negative PCR-test, 11 not tested. 14 negative IHC and TEM |
Bryce et al[18], 2020 | United States | 92 | NR | NR | Complete | 28 fatty liver disease | NR | NR | 8 cirrhosis, 57 early organizing thrombi in portal venules and terminal hepatic venules, 41 congestion with some cases showing hemophagocytosis | None | NR | NR | NR | No search |
Bösmüller et al[19], 2020 | Germany | 4 | 72, 59-79 | M 3, F 1 | Complete-no brain | 2 HIV, 2 hypertension | 3 NR 1 with normal values | 1 hepatosplenomegaly and 1 yellowish surface | Case 1: congestion and activation of Kupffer cells. Case 2: macrophages activation with signs hemophagocytosis | None | 1 respiratory failure in COVID-19, 3 MOF | 1 had a MOF and was intubated, 1 was treated with meropenem, 1 was treated with ECMO | 3 hospitalized and 1 home death | Negative PCR-test |
Bugra et al[20], 2021 | Turkey | 100 | 55, 7-98 | M 80, F 20 | Partial | NR | NR | NR | 84 inflammation, 54 steatosis, 19 glycogenisation, 9 centilobulary necrosis, 18 autolysis, 45 congestion, 7 endotheliitis, 1 cirrhosis, 2 fibrin thrombosis, 2 bridging necrosis, 1 granulomatous inflammation, 23 cholestasis | CD3+ in portal space | 74 respiratory failure in COVID-19 and 26 NR | NR | 25 hospitalized, 55 home dead, 6 falling from height, 5 car accidents and 9 NR | No search |
Chornenkyy et al[21], 2021 | United States | 8 | 58, 18-81 | M 3, F 5 | Complete | 2 chronic liver disease (1 HCV and 1 autoimmune hepatitis), 6 obesity, 4 hypertension | Peak AST: 146 (20-1470) and ALT: 214 (10-9961) | Yellowish surface and congestion | 3 periportal fibrosis, 2 necrosis, 5 inflammation, 7 portal inflammation, 6 congestion, 4 steatosis, 6 acute hepatitis | NR | NR | NR | All hospitalized | 4 positive and 4 negative PCR-test |
Danics et al[22], 2021 | Hungary | 100 | 75, 40-102 | M 50, F 50 | Complete | 36 obesity, 6 liver diseases, 85 hypertension | 41 elevated AST values and 27 elevated ALT values | Average weight 1544 g (range 520-3046 g) | 63 steatosis, 43 portal fibrosis, 4 cirrhosis, 11 centrolobular necrosis, 87 congestion, 52 hepatocellular cholestasis | None | NR | NR | All hospitalized | No search |
Del Nonno et al[23], 2021 | Italy | 3 | 69, 63-76 | M 2, F 1 | Complete | NR | Admission AST: 63 (31-128) and ALT: 41 (19-84) | NR | All cases showed steatosis, portal inflammation, portal fibrosis, focal lobular inflammation, zonal necrosis and congestion | IHC: CD8+ in portal inflammation, CD34 positive staining in the portal tract vasculature and sinusoids, Perl's staining for iron demonstrate | All respiratory failure in COVID-19 | 1 NR, one with immunosuppressor (tocilizumab) and one with antibiotics + morphine. All had O2 therapy (1 CPAP and 2 venturi mask) | All hospitalized | Negative PCR-test and IHC detection (nucleocapsid and nucleoprotein) |
Edler et al[24], 2020 | Germany | 80 | 79, 52-96 | M 46, F 34 | Complete | 6 obesity, 4 cirrhosis | NR | NR | Congestion | None | 76 respiratory failure in COVID-19, 1 pericardial tamponade, 1 sepsis and 2 cardiovascula | 17 with NIV | 51 hospitalized, 13 in nursing care homes, 12 home deaths, 1 in a hotel and 3 NR | No search |
Elsoukkary et al[25], 2020 | United States | 32 | 68, 30-100 | M 22, F 10 | Partial | 17 hypertension, 12 obesity | AST: 567 (18-6000) and ALT: 387 (12-4885) | NR | 9 steatosis, 6 portal inflammation, 3 bridging fibrosis and/or cirrhosis | None | NR | 19 hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics, 9 only antibiotics | All hospitalized | No search |
Evert et al[26], 2021 | Germany | 8 | 62, 44-73 | M 4, F 4 | Complete | 7 obesity, 1 liver cirrhosis, 5 hypertension | NR | NR | 7 cholestasis, 7 single-cell necrosis, 5 fatty degeneration with 2 showing marked steatosis, 2 mild fibrosis, 1 cirrhosis | None | 8 MOF | All did NIV, dialysis and antibiotics. 5 had ECMO | All hospitalized | 3 positive PCR-test |
Falasca et al[27], 2020 | Italy | 22 | 68, 27-92 | M 15, F 7 | Complete | 1 obesity | NR | Congestion | 11 inflammation, 10 congestion, 12 steatosis | None | All respiratory failure in COVID-19 | NR | All hospitalized | No search |
Fassan et al[28], 2020 | Italy | 26 | 82, 61-97 | M 14, F 11 | Complete | 5 obesity, 1 HCV-related cirrhosis | NR | NR | 1 cirrhosis, 22 congestion, 5 centrilobular parenchymal atrophy, 2 fibrosis, 5 sinusoidal diffuse microthromb | None | NR | NR | NR | Negative ISH |
Greuel et al[29], 2021 | Germany | 6 | 35, 26-46 | M 3 F 3 | Complete | 1 obesity, 2 right cardiac insufficiency, 1 Ewing sarcoma | 4 elevated AST and ALT values | NR | 1 severe cholestasis, 1 focal ischemic damage 2 steatosis | None | 3 MOF, 1 acute mesenteric ischemia, 1 cardiovascula | 5 had ECMO and NIV | All hospitalized | Negative PCR-test |
Grosse et al[30], 2020 | Austria | 14 | 82, 55-94 | M 9, F 5 | Complete | 1 liver cirrhosis, 8 hypertension | Admission AST: 49 (12-98) and ALT: 25 (7-87) | NR | 13 steatosis, 14 congestion, 12 portal lymphoid infiltration, 4 portal fibrosis | None | 2 bronchopneu | 12 had antibiotics | All hospitalized | No search |
Hanley et al[31], 2020 | United Kingdom | 10 | 73, 52-79 | M 7, F 3 | Complete | 5 obesity, 4 hypertension | NR | Average weight 1432 g (range 1012-2466) and 3 hepatomegaly | 7 steatosis, 3 cirrhosis or bridging fibrosis | None | NR | 4 NIV | All hospitalized | 3 positive PCR-test (e gene) |
Hirayama et al[32], 2021 | United Kingdom | 19 | 71, 42-94 | M 11, F 8 | Complete | 5 obesity, 8 hypertension | NR | NR | 12 steatosis, 5 congestion, 4 cirrhosis, 3 portal inflammation | None | NR | NR | All hospitalized | No search |
Hooper et al[33], 2021 | United States-Brazil | 135 | 61 | M 80, F 55 | 36 core-biopsy and 99 partial | 34 obesity, 5 liver disease, 86 hypertension | NR | NR | 41 necrosis, 37 steatosis, 19 inflammation, 7 fibrosis, 6 congestion, 5 cirrhosis, 3 cholestasis | None | 101 respiratory failure in COVID-19, 6 cardiovascula | NR | All hospitalized | No search |
Ihlow et al[34], 2021 | Germany | 1 | 88 | F | Complete | None | Peak AST: 1690 and ALT: 1632 | Subtotal liver dystrophy | Necrosis, cirrhosis, portal inflammation | IHC for ACE2, TMPESS2 and cathepsin L: strong membranous signals in intrahepatic bile duct epithelium | Acute liver failure | Antibiotics | Hospitalized | ISH positive in the bile duct epithelium and positive PCR-test |
Lacy et al[35], 2020 | United States | 1 | 58 | F | Complete | Obesity | NR | Weight 1990 g | Steatosis and congestion | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | NR | Home death | No search |
Lagana et al[36], 2020 | United States | 40 | 70, 66-80 | M 28, F 12 | NR | 2 chronic liver disease, 1 alcohol-related cirrhosis, 1 liver transplant with acute rejection and 1 with anti-HBV core antibody positivity | n = 33 Admission AST: 63 (43-92) and ALT: 32 (19 - 55). Peak AST: 102 (54-294) and ALT: 68 (32-258) | 2 fibrosis and 1 had abscesses, 37 with steatosis and congestion | 20 lobular necroinflammation, 20 portal inflammation, 10 lobular apoptosis, 30 steatosis, 32 congestion, 16 centrilobular necrosis, 15 cholestasis | None | NR | 22 steroids, 19 hydroxychloroquine, and 6 received tocilizumab | All hospitalized | 11 positive and 9 negative PCR-test |
Lax et al[37], 2020 | Austria | 11 | 82, 75-91 | M 8, F 3 | Partial | 2 obesity, 9 hypertension, 1 Hodgkin lymphoma and 1 bladder carcinoma | AST: 66 (17-189) and ALT: 41 (19-98) | NR | 11 steatosis, 8 congestion, 7 necrosis, 10 Kupffer cell proliferation, 6 portal fibrosis, 8 inflammation, 8 ductular proliferation | None | Pulmonary arterial thrombosis | 2 NIV, 9 AIRVO and 9 had antibiotics | All hospitalized | No search |
Malik et al[38], 2021 | India | 1 | 31 | F | Complete | None | NR | Congestion | Congestion, mild chronic inflammatory infiltrate in some portal tract, and occasional lymphocytic aggregate adjacent to central vein | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | None | Hospitalized | Positive PCR-test |
Menter et al[39], 2020 | Switzerland | 21 | 76, 53-96 | M 17, F 4 | 17 complete and 4 partial | 2 chronic liver disease, 21 hypertension, 6 obesity | n = 10 AST: 67.2 (22-214) | NR | 7 steatosis, 5 necrosis, 3 ASH/NASH | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | NR | All hospitalized | No search |
Nunes et al[40], 2021 | South Africa | 75 | 60, 49-68 | M 29, F 46 | Core- biopsy | 41 hypertension, 20 HIV | NR | NR | 33 portal inflammation, 24 steatosis, 40 sinusoidal inflammation, 10 lobular hepatitis, 9 Kupffer cell activation, 11 spotty necrosis, 4 confluent necrosis, 6 fibrosis, 26 congestion, 7 fibrin-platelet thrombi | None | NR | NR | All hospitalized | No search |
Oprinca[41], 2020 | Romania | 3 | 59, 27-79 | M 3 | 1 complete and 2 partial | 1 choledochal preampular intraluminal obstruction | NR | Case 1: choledochal preampullary intraluminal obstruction, case 2: normal, case 3: hepatomegaly and cirrhosis | Case 1: congestion, steatosis, periportal fibrosis and portal inflammation, case 2: nothing, case 3: bridging fibrosis and portal inflammation | None | 2 respiratory failure in COVID-19, 1 shock hemorrhagic | Case 1: antibiotics, corticosteroids and assisted oxygenation. Case 2: none (home death). Case 3: none | 2 hospitalized, 1 NR | No search |
Rapkiewicz et al[42], 2020 | United States | 7 | NR, 44-65 | M 3, F 4 | Complete | 5 obesity and 7 hypertension | NR | NR | 6 steatosis, 1 cirrhosis, 6 platelet-fibrin microthromb | None | Cardiovascular failure | 5 azithromycina and hydroxychloroquine and O2 NIV | 5 hospitalized, 2 home deaths | No search |
Remmelink et al[43], 2020 | Belgium | 17 | 72, 62-77 | M 12, F 5 | Complete | 2 cirrhosis, 1 liver transplant, 10 hypertension | NR | 5 hepatomegaly | 7 congestion, 1 steato-necrosis, 10 steatosis, 1 cholestasis, 3 chronic hepatitis, 2 cirrhosis, 1 centro-obular necrosis | None | 9 respiratory failure in COVID-19, 7 MOF and 1 NR | 11 had mechanical ventilation | All hospitalized | 14 positive and 3 negative PCR-test |
Ren et al[44], 2021 | China | 1 | 53 | F | Complete | None | Admission AST: 27 and ALT: 24. Peak AST: 83 and ALT: 93 | Normal | Nothing remarkable | None | Respiratory failure with bacterial infection | She treated herself at home with Chinese herb medicine. In hospital intensive oxygen and supportive measurement | Hospitalized | Positive PCR-test |
Schmit et al[45], 2020 | Belgium | 14 | 63, 50-83 | M 10, F 4 | Complete | 1 HIV, 1 non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, 1 HCV-hepatitis, 6 obesity | Admission AST: 54 (15-188) and ALT: 30 (7-62). Peak AST: 2610 (15-24176) and ALT: 854 (10-7245) | Average weight 1988 g (range 1280-3220 g). 8 cases yellowish appearance 6 nutmeg appearance, 2 indurated consistency, 1 hepatocellular carcinoma, 1 normal | 11 centrilobular necrosis, 9 steatosis, 8 lobular inflammation, 12 portal inflammation, 4 fibrosis, 5 bile duct proliferation, 5 cholestasis, 5 iron overload | None | 13 NR and 1 acute mesenteric ischemia | 8 hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics, 4 with antibiotics, 2 with hydroxychloroquine | All hospitalized | No search |
Schweitzer et al[46], 2020 | Switzerland | 1 | 50 | M | Complete | HIV | NR | Reduced consistency | Steatosis and liver dystrophy | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | None | Home death | No search |
Shishido-Hara et al[47], 2021 | Japan | 1 | 75 | M | Complete | None | NR | Normal | Portal inflammation | None | Severe hemorrhage | Anti-viral therapy, antibiotics, | Hospitalized | No search |
Sonzogni et al[48], 2020 | Italy | 48 | 71, 32-86 | M 22, F 8 | 30 partial and 18 complete - no brain | 7 obesity | 47 elevated values | NR | 24 lobular inflammation, 32 portal inflammation, 18 confluent necrosis 18, 26 steatosis, 48 vascular thrombosis (35 portal, 13 sinusoidal), 37 fibrosis | None | NR | NR | All hospitalized | No search |
Suess et al[49], 2020 | Switzerland | 1 | 59 | M | Complete | None | NR | NR | Steatosis and some single necrotic hepatocytes | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | NR | Home death | No search |
Tehrani et al[50], 2022 | Iran | 5 | 71, 55-85 | M 3, F 2 | Partial | None | AST: 275 (106-528) and ALT: 392 (168-978) | NR | Congestion, hepatocytes mildly expanding and bile plugs | None | 4 respiratory failure in COVID-19 and 1 cardiovascula | 1 hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics, 2 with hydroxychloroquine and anti-viral therapy, 1 only anti-viral therapy, 1 anti-viral therapy + antibiotics | All hospitalized | No search |
Tian et al[51], 2020 | China | 4 | 73, 59-81 | M 3, F 1 | Core-biopsy | 1 cirrhosis and 1 hypertension | AST: 36,4 (30-48.8) and ALT: 16 (11-25.5) | NR | Case 1: congestion, glycogen accumulation and focal steatosis, case 2: regenerative nodules and fibrous bands, lobular inflammation and Kupffer cell activation, cases 3: Kupffer cell activation, case 4: periportal and centrilobular necrosis | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | Antibiotics, antiviral therapy assisted oxygenation | All hospitalized | 1 positive and 2 negative PCR-test, 1 was not tested |
Varga et al[52], 2020 | Switzerland | 1 | 58 | F | NR | Obesity and hypertension | NR | NR | Endotheliitis and necrosis | None | MOF | Dialysis | Hospitalized | No search |
Wang et al[53], 2020 | China | 2 | 50 and 79 | M 1, F 1 | Core-biopsy | NR | Case 1 peak ALT and AST of 70 U/L and 111 U/L, respectively. Case 2 peak ALT and AST of 76 and 236 U/L | NR | Case 1: apoptotic hepatocytes, steatosis, lobular inflammation, portal inflammation, case 2: apoptotic bodies, steatosis, portal inflammation | IHC: case 1 increased CD68 + cells in hepatic sinusoids and infrequent CD4+. Case 2: many CD68+ cells in sinusoids | 1 respiratory failure in COVID-19 and 1 septic shock | Both had antiviral therapy and antibiotics | All hospitalized | 2 positive TEM (viral particles exist without membrane-bound vesicles) |
Wang et al[54], 2020 | China | 1 | 75 | F | Core-biopsy | Chronic cardiac insufficiency, hypertension | Elevated AST and ALT values | NR | Necrosis, activated histiocytes, occasional apoptotic hepatocytes, steatosis and cholestasis | None | MOF | NR | Hospitalized | Negative ISH |
Xu et al[55], 2020 | China | 1 | 50 | M | Core-biopsy | NR | NR | NR | Steatosis | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | Antibiotics, antiviral therapy and oxygenation | Hospitalized | No search |
Yadav et al[56], 2022 | India | 21 | 61, 25-84 | M 15, F 6 | Complete | 6 obesity, 1 hepatitis B, 1 multiple myeloma | Admission AST: 95.4 (18.9-760.4) and ALT: 52,1 (13,2-229,2). Peak AST: 162,6 (19,8-760,4) and ALT: 75 (21.8-229.2) | NR | 20 portal inflammation, 17 steatosis, 9 lobular inflammation, 1 fibrosis, 1 vascular thrombosis, 1 necrosis | None | 10 MOF, 1 multiple injuries, 6 septic shock, 3 cardiovascula | 11 treated with antibiotics, 7 antibiotics and antiviral therapy | All hospitalized | 11 positive, 9 negative PCR-test, 1 not tested |
Youd et al[57], 2020 | United Kingdom | 9 | 72, 33-88 | M 4, F 5 | Complete | 3 obesity | NR | 4 congestion, 1 steatosis and 4 normal | NR | None | Respiratory failure in COVID-19 | NR | 9 deaths in community settings | No search |
Zhao et al[58], 2020 | United States | 17 | 65, 44-85 | M 10, F 7 | Complete | 5 hyperlipidemia, 1 cirrhosis | 12 elevated AST and ALT values. Peak AST: 1903 (24-13592) and ALT 1059 (13-6136) | Weight 17694 g (1000-2600 g) | 12 platelet-fibrin microthrom | CD68 stain confirmed histiocytic hyperplasia | NR | NR | All hospitalized | 5 positive IHC (spike protein) in the histiocytes in the portal tracts. Negative IHC in endothelial cells and hepatocytes |
Table 2 Laboratory findings
Laboratory findings | Mean (UI/L) | Range (UI/L) |
Admission values (n = 53) | ||
AST | 58 | 12-760 |
ALT | 34 | 7-229 |
Peak values (n = 64) | ||
AST | 868 | 15-24176 |
ALT | 509 | 10-9961 |
Non specified | ||
AST (n = 61) | 202 | 17-6000 |
ALT (n = 51) | 209 | 11-4885 |
Table 3 Microscopic findings
Microscopic findings | n (%) |
Hepatic necrosis | 190 (19) |
Hepatic inflammation | 190 (19) |
Portal inflammation | 178 (18) |
Fibrosis | 149 (15) |
Microthrombi | 121 (12) |
Cholestasis | 114 (11) |
Hemophagocytosis | 51 (5) |
Bile plugs | 2 (0.2) |
Endotheliitis | 7 (0.7) |
Autolysis | 20 (2) |
Iron overload | 5 (0.5) |
Other (abscess, ductal proliferation and granulomatosis) | 15 (1.5) |
- Citation: Zanon M, Neri M, Pizzolitto S, Radaelli D, Concato M, Peruch M, D'Errico S. Liver pathology in COVID-19 related death and leading role of autopsy in the pandemic. World J Gastroenterol 2023; 29(1): 200-220
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