Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 14, 2022; 28(30): 4211-4220
Published online Aug 14, 2022. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v28.i30.4211
Table 1 Traumatic neuroma of the bile duct reported in the literature between 2000 and 2020
Imaging findings
Preoperative diagnosis
Shimura et al[10]70FAbdominal discomfortExtrahepatic bile ductUS: Hypoechoic tumor, bile duct slightly dilatedDid not indicate bile duct carcinomaBile duct excision and a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
CT: Round, hyperdense, distinct margin tumor
Angiography: No encasement of the surrounding major vessels
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography: A protuberant nodule
Intraductal ultrasonography: A smooth hypoechoic tumor
Watanabe et al[11]48MJaundiceExtrahepatic bile ductCholangiogram via the percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage tube: The extrahepatic bile duct severely stenoticNDBile duct excision and a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
Iannelli et al[12]81MJaundiceCommon bile ductUS: Dilatation of the intrahepatic bile ductsNDBile duct excision and a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
MRCP: A focal stricture
Ueno et al[2]60MJaundiceMid-common bile ductUS: Dilatation of the bile ducts, a mildly echogenic massCould not confirm benign or malignant natureBile duct excision and a hepato-jejunal anastomosis
CT: Dilatation of the bile ducts, a markedly enhanced nodule
MRI: Dilatation of the bile ducts. Homogeneous enhanced nodule with an iso-intense to the aorta, both in the arterial and portal phase
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography: Dilatation of the bile ducts and a smooth stricture
Choi et al[13]46MIncreased liver enzymesRight hepatic ductCT: A mass approximately 2 cmA bile duct cancer could not be excludedRight hemihepatectomy
MRI: A mass approximately 2 cm
Kim et al[14]76MNDMid-bile ductCT: A small enhancing noduleNDSegmental resection with a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
MRC: Eccentric wall thickening of the bile duct consistent with a neoplasm
Cheng et al[15]33FJaundice and weight lossRemnant choledochal cystMRI: A massCholangiocarcinomaExcision of the remnant choledochal cyst and a new hepaticojejunostomy
Cheng et al[16]56MJaundice, abdominal pain and weight lossDistal extrahepatic bile ductUS: Dilatation of bile ductAmpullary or periampullary carcinomaPancreaticoduodenectomy
MRI: Dilatation of bile duct, a filling-defect in the distal bile duct and a thickened biliary wall around the ampulla of Vater
Cheng et al[17]68MProgressive jaundice and abdominal painBifurcation of the left and right hepatic ductMRI: A mass with enhancement, a stricture of the hilar bile duct, dilatation of bile ductsCholangiocarcinomaExcision of the mass and a new Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
Navez et al[18]NDNDJaundice (3 patients) or liver function test alteration (1 patient), a retro-obstructive choleperitoneum on the downstream biliary stenosis (1 patient)Anastomotic biliary strictureCT: Anastomotic biliary stricture (4 patients)NDTraumatic biliary neuromas resection combined with hepaticojejunostomy (1 patient); traumatic biliary neuromas resection and duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction protected by a T-tube (4 patients)
MRI: A markedly homogeneous high intensity nodule enhanced on portal-phase (1 patient), anastomotic biliary stricture (4 patients)
Terzi et al[19]17FPersistent elevated transaminase and bilirubin levelsAnastomotic biliaryPercutaneous transhepatic cholangiography: A biliary stricture at the anastomosisNDResection of the bile duct stricture and a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy
Toyonaga et al[20]76FA bile duct noduleProximal common bile ductCT: An 8 mm, smooth, and uniformly enhanced noduleSubmucosal tumorBiopsy, observation for 1 year, no changes to the nodule
Contrast enhanced endoscopic ultrasonography: A clear boundary and a low echoic nodule, uniformly enhanced at early
Cholangioscopy: A smooth elevated lesion, covered with normal mucosa
Yang et al[21]65MJaundiceRight bile ductMRI: A 1.0 cm × 1.5 cm massCholangiocarcinomaResection of the mass and Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy.
Hirohata et al[22]60FNo chief complaintJunction of the cystic ductUS: A 6 mm round tumor, surrounding lymph nodes were not swollenCholangiocarcinomaSurgery
MRI: A slightly high signal on T2 and the periphery remnant cystic duct of the tumor presented as a high-intensity lesion on T2
EUS: A residual cystic duct tumor with enhancement
ERCP: Not invade the common bile duct
Yasuda et al[23]76MNDStump of the dilatated cystic ductEUS: A hypoechoic oval mass with a hyperechoic rim on the surface, 14 mm in diameter, hypervascularityAmputation neuromaBiopsy, observation
Cholangiogram: A hemispherical defect
Cholangioscopy: A hemispherical mass covered with thin normal cystic duct epithelium
Lalchandani et al[24]41MEpigastric pain, weight loss, tea-colored urineCommon hepatic ductUS: Dilation of the bile ductsAcute cholangitisFirst: Biliary stent Finally: Bile duct resection and hepaticojejunostomy
ERCP: A 3-4 cm stricture
Kim et al[25]72MA duodenal subepithelial tumor during a medical checkupNear the duodenal wall and the cystic duct stumpCT: A 1.4 cm massDuodenal subepithelial tumorResection of the mass and duodenal wall, en-block resection of the mass and cystic duct origin
EUS: An 18 mm hypoechoic mass
Nechi et al[26]76MJaundiceThe transition zone between the common hepatic duct and the main bile ductUS: Dilation of the bile ducts, a 5 mm hypoechoic noduleCould not confirm benign or malignant natureResection of the main bile duct with a choledocho-duodenal anastomosis
MRI: Dilation of the common hepatic duct