Case Control Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 21, 2017; 23(23): 4252-4261
Published online Jun 21, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i23.4252
Table 1 Patient characteristics
No.AgeSexPresentationComorbiditiesCCIRadiological assessmentEndoscopic assessmentNutritional supportYear
167MAsymptomatic (incidental on OGD)Coeliac disease4CTOGD, EUS2011
256FWeight loss, anaemia, vomitingMalnutrition3CT, Ba studyOGDNJ2004
366FVomitingAsthma, depression4CT-2015
451MEpigastric pain, weight loss, vomitingNil3CTOGD2016
568MEpigastric pain, vomitingHiatus hernia4CT-2015
677MEpigastric pain, weight loss, vomiting, anaemiaBronchiectasis, GORD6CTOGD, enteroscopy2016
773FAnaemiaMetachronous colonic cancer10CT-2016
861MAsymptomatic (incidental on ultrasound)GORD4CTOGD, EUS2013
948FEpigastric pain, weight loss, vomitingNil2CTOGD, EUS2014
1065MAsymptomatic (incidental on aneurysm screening)Nil4CTOGD, EUS2016
1183FEpigastric pain, weight loss, vomitingGlaucoma, hypothyroidism6CT-2016
1276FDyspepsia/refluxNASH, cirrhosis, colectomy for cancer4CTOGD2008
1376MEpigastric pain, back painFunctional asplenia3CTOGD, EUS2006
1476MHTN, Stroke, MI5-OGD2007
1564FDyspepsia/refluxHiatus hernia2CTOGD, EUS2004
1668FEpigastric pain, vomiting, early satietyStricture post EMR1CT, Wat Sol StOGD, EUSNJ2016
1736MRecurrent pancreatitisNil0CTOGD2003
1939FEpigastric pain, weight loss, vomitingNil0CT, Wat Sol StOGD2016
Table 2 Pathology and outcome
No.DiagnosisTotal lymph nodesNodes +veProximal margin (mm)Blood transfusion (units)Length of stay (d)FU (mo)ComplicationsOutcome
1Adenocarcinoma Mod diff pT4 Nx Mx G2 V0 R00-150472-Alive, disease free2
2Adenocarcinoma Mod diff pT3 N0 Mx G2 V1 R04055NR14155-Alive, disease free
3Adenocarcinoma Mod diff T4 N1 Mx V0 G2 R011130013181RecurrenceDied (distant metastases)2
4Adenocarcinoma Poorly diff T4 N2 Mx V1 G3 R02916620513-Alive, disease free2
5Adenocarcinoma Mod diff pT3 N0 M0 V1 G2 R0703001415Incisional hernia at 1 yrAlive, disease free
6Adenocarcinoma Mod diff pT3 N0 Mx V1 G2 R019025067-Alive, disease free
7Adenocarcinoma of colon10127100-Alive, disease free2
8GIST (low grade malignant potential)000448-Alive, disease free
9GIST (low grade malignant potential)0001036Anast. stricture; GJ at 2 yrAlive, disease free
10GIST (low grade malignant potential)100810-Alive, disease free
11GIST (low grade malignant potential)60065-Alive, disease free
12Villous adenoma (high grade dysplasia)NR-81921Ascitic leak (cirrhotic)Died of unrelated causes
13Tubulovillous adenoma (high grade dysplasia)NR-NR21126OPSIAlive, disease free
14Tubular adenoma (high grade dysplasia)NR-081021-Died of unrelated causes
15Tubular adenoma (low grade dysplasia)NR-018146Postoperative pneumoniaAlive, disease free
16Multiple tubular adenomas (low grade dysplasia)10078-Alive, disease free
17LipomaNR-NR10168-Alive, disease free
18Bleeding duodenal diverticulumNR-NR13144-Alive, disease free
19Superior mesenteric artery syndromeNR-0512Poor pain control, N&VAlive, disease free
Table 3 Published reports of distal duodenectomy
First AuthorYearNo. of casesHistologyAnastomosisComplicationsOutcome
Kerremans et al[8]197911 adenocarcinoma-Jejunocutaneous fistulaDeath at 20 mo
Kawano et al[9]199511 GIST1 end-to-side-NR
Maher et al[12]19962411 adenocarcinomas10 end-to-end1 death (anastomotic leak)Adenocarcinoma;
1 GIST8 end-to-side2 pancreatic fistulaeMedian survival 18.5 mo
2 adenomas3 side-to-end2 DGEGIST; NR
1 lymphoma3 side-to-side2 anastomotic bleeds
1 liposarcoma
2 Crohn’s disease
5 trauma
1 peptic ulceration
Sohn et al[13]199822 adenocarcinomasNR2 cholangitisNR
Suzuki et al[14]199911 GIST1 end-to-sideDGEAlive/ well 2 yr postop
Orda et al[15]200011 GISTend-to-end-Alive/ well 13 yr postop
Ammori[16]200211 benign strictureside-to-sideIntra-abdominal bleedingNR
Eisenberger et al[17]200411 GISTNR-Alive/ well 1 yr postop
Spalding et al[18]2007145 adenocarcinomas14 end-to-end1 death (cholecystitis)Adenocarcinoma; 1 death at 3 mo,
4 GIST1 anastomotic stricture (reoperated)Median survival 56 mo.
1 adenoma1 DGE
1 lipoma1 anastomotic bleed (reoperated)GIST; 1 death at 3 mo,
1 metastatic seminomaMedian survival 120 mo
1 ulcer
1 plasmacytoma
Cavaniglia et al[19]201211 GIST1 end-to-end-NR
Stauffer et al[3]201315 adenomas7 side-to-side1 DGENR
2 adenocarcinomas2 end-to-side1 pancreatic fistula
1 lymphangiolipomagastrojejunostomy
Waisberg et al[20]201311 carcinoidNRNRDeath at 6 mo
Shimizu et al[21]201511 adenoma1 end-to-sideNRNR
García-Molina et al[22]201581 adenocarcinoma1 deathAdenocarcinoma; 1 death at 12 mo
1 metastasis from lungGIST; 5 Alive/ well at 4-6 yr
1 colon cancer
Current series2017196 adenocarcinomas19 side-to-side1 recurrent adenocarcinomaAdenocarcinoma: 1 death at 18 mo
5 adenomas1 anastomotic StrictureAlive/well 1 < 1 yr, 2 > 1 yr, 1 > 6 yr, 1 > 12 yr
4 GIST1 incisional herniaGIST: Alive/ well 2 < 1 yr, 2 > 3 yr
1 lipoma
1 colon cancer
1 bleeding diverticulum
1 extrinsic compression