Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. May 14, 2015; 21(18): 5607-5621
Published online May 14, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i18.5607
Table 1 Scoring of noninvasive models
CLIPSum of:
Child-Pugh: A = 0, B = 1, C = 2
Tumor morphology: Uninodular and extension ≤ 50% = 0, multinodular and extension ≤ 50% = 1, massive or extension ≥ 50% = 2
AFP: < 400 = 0, ≥ 400 = 1
Portal vein thrombosis: no = 0, yes = 1
PohlPositive: AAR > 1 and PLT < 150
AARPPositive: AAR > 1 or PLT < 150
APISum of:
Age (yr): < 30 = 0, 30-39 = 1, 40-49 = 2, 50-59 = 3, 60-69 = 4, ≥ 70 = 5
PLT: ≥ 225 = 0, 200-224 = 1, 175-199 = 2, 150-174 = 3, 125-149 = 4, < 125 = 5
CDSSum of:
PLT: > 340 = 0, 280–339 = 1, 220-279 = 2, 160-219 = 3, 100-159 = 4, 40-99 = 5, < 40 = 6
ALT/AST: > 1.7 = 0, 1.2-1.7 = 1, 0.6-1.1 = 2, < 0.6 = 3
PT: < 1.1 = 0, 1.1-1.4 = 1, > 1.4 = 2
FIB-4Age × AST/PLT × ALT1/2
FibroQ10 × Age × AST × PT/ALT × PLT
LokLok index = exp (log odds)/[1 - exp (log odds)]
Log odds = -5.56-0089 × PLT + 1.26 × AAR + 5.27 × PT
GUCINormalized AST × PT × 100/PLT
APGALog (index) = 1.44 + 0.1490 × log (GGT) + 0.3308 × log (AST) - 0.5846 log × (PLT) + 0.1148 × log (AFP + 1)
PAPASLog (index + 1) = 0.025 + 0.0031 × age + 0.1483 × log (ALP) + 0.004 × log (AST) + 0.0908 × log (AFP + 1) - 0.028 × log (PLT)
Table 2 Characteristics of patients stratified according to recurrence status
ParameterRecurrenceNo recurrenceP value
(n = 76)(n = 96)
Sex, male/female63/1376/200.537
Age, yr54.6 ± 10.352.7 ± 10.60.231
Etiology, yes/no
Laboratory results in U/L
ALT49 (11-1315)39 (7-1436)0.291
AST50 (16-1075)40 (11-1493)0.308
ALP111 (30-732)89 (36-867)0.149
GGT80 (12-623)62 (14-914)0.084
PLT as 109/L136 (41-370)117 (3-486)0.055
PT (INR)1.06 (0.82-1.63)1.06 (0.73-1.62)0.697
AFP, ≥ 200/< 200 ng/mL38/3236/500.122
Size, ≥ 5/< 5 cm57/1937/59< 0.001
Type, multiple/single18/5814/820.128
Vascular invasion, yes/no8/686/900.308
Noninvasive model score
CLIP1 (0-4)1 (0-4)0.027
Pohl, negative/positive47/3960/360.930
AARP, negative/positive14/6211/850.198
AAR1.08 (0.13-3.29)1.02 (0.09-4.85)0.826
API7 (1-10)7 (2-10)0.319
CDS6 (2-9)6 (3-9)0.286
APRI0.90 (0.16-19.71)0.90 (0.17-55.71)0.658
FIB-42.90 (0.51-17.98)2.94 (0.40-81.57)0.384
FibroQ4.68 (0.48-22.82)4.49 (0.14-108.25)0.224
Lok index0.56 ± 0.230.58 ± 0.220.600
GUCI1.04 (0.14-19.32)0.95 (0.17-83.56)0.624
APGA22.95 (6.03-89.35)19.03 (5.81-92.94)0.136
PAPAS3.67 (1.52-9.40)3.02 (1.67-5.75)0.136
Survival in mo23 (5-120)87 (1-117)0.003
Death, yes/no69/718/78< 0.001
Table 3 Predictors of recurrence stratified according to recurrence time by Log-rank test
VariableRecurrence, P value
Age ≥ 62 yr0.0800.0060.530
ALT ≥ 44 U/L0.0860.1180.429
AST ≥ 55 U/L< 0.0010.0050.001
ALP ≥ 116 U/L< 0.0010.0110.001
GGT ≥ 144 U/L< 0.0010.0040.007
PLT ≥ 148 × 109/L0.0210.3760.009
PT (INR) ≥ 1.170.3980.3900.792
AFP ≥ 96 ng/mL0.0030.0050.246
AFP ≥ 200 ng/mL0.0080.0110.316
Tumor size ≥ 5 cm< 0.001< 0.0010.001
Multiple tumors0.1250.1690.471
Vascular invasion0.0630.2050.150
CLIP ≥ 1< 0.0010.0010.116
CLIP ≥ 2< 0.001< 0.0010.386
Positive Pohl0.7480.6830.993
Positive AARP0.1810.1200.861
AAR ≥ 1.070.0480.4910.021
API ≥ 60.7710.4020.575
CDS ≥ 80.6780.9720.466
APRI ≥ 1.940.0220.0530.213
APRI ≥ 0.560.0800.0540.665
FIB-4 ≥ 4.30.0440.1300.152
FibroQ ≥ 6.360.0250.1310.084
Lok ≥ 0.330.8360.6980.870
Lok ≥ 0.700.0780.5920.026
GUCI ≥ 2.240.0500.3180.050
GUCI ≥ 0.650.1250.0880.757
APGA ≥ 26.9< 0.001< 0.0010.333
PAPAS ≥ 2.41< 0.0010.0020.034
PAPAS ≥ 3.62< 0.0010.0010.024
Table 4 Comparison of clinicopathologic features
< 148 × 109/L148 × 109/LP value< 26.926.9P value< 2.412.41P value
(n = 111)(n = 61)(n = 105)(n = 51)(n = 43)(n = 113)
HBV, yes/no82/2939/220.17275/3038/130.68632/1181/320.732
Sex, male/female90/2149/120.90485/2042/90.83336/791/220.647
Median age in year52.655.20.1155452.10.263NANANA
Ascites, yes/no8/1039/520.11312/934/470.4895/3811/1020.958
Cirrhosis, yes/no43/6816/450.09833/7221/300.23015/2839/740.965
Tumor size, ≥ 5/< 5 cm55/5639/220.07051/5438/130.00214/2975/38< 0.001
Tumor type, multiple/single19/9213/480.49919/8411/400.6064/3926/870.052
Vascular invasion, yes/no11/1003/580.2527/986/450.4402/4111/1020.482
Recurrence, yes/no43/6833/280.05239/6631/200.00510/3360/530.001
Median survival in mo37.529.50.05037.327.90.02643.430.80.006