Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 21, 2013; 19(11): 1683-1698
Published online Mar 21, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i11.1683
Table 1 Suzuki classification of liver ischaemia reperfusion injury
Numerical assessmentSinusoidal congestionVacuolisation/ballooningNecrosis
1MinimalMinimalSingle cell
2MildMile< 30%
4SevereSevere> 60%
Table 2 Summary of knockout models of liver ischemia reperfusion injury pertaining to reactive oxygen species, cellular metabolism/adenosine and cells involved in the injurious mechanisms
Ref.Knockout modelIR protocolOutcome measureAgentAdaptive responsesInjurious responses
Kuboki et al[29]OTII; TCRd deficient70% I 90 min/R 4, 8 hHistology; serum ALT; MPOAntiCD1d Ab; anti NK1.1 Ab; anti CD25+ AbAntigen dependent CD4+ T cell activation via TCR and NKT cell activation increase IRI; GD T cell recruit PMN but not affect IRI
Evans et al[2]ob/ob or double knockout of leptin and UCP2Total hepatic ischaemia 15 min/R 1, 24 hHistology (Neil and Hubscher scoring); serum ALT; WB; liver ATP assay; lipid peroxidation; 24 h survivalIn steatotic livers of ob/ob mice only, UCP-2 depletes liver ATP which increases IRI 1 h onwards
Hanschen et al[12]IL6 (-/-); CD4 (-/-); TNFR1 (-/-)Left lobe I 90 min/R 30 min, 2, 3, 4 hKupffer cell activity (fluorescent latex beads and intravital microscopy, IVM); IH; serum AST and ALTGdCl3 or glutathione to wild types (WT) onlyKupffer cells activation, ROS, IL6 and TNF-α increase SEC VAP-1 expression and CD4+ Tcell sinusoidal recruitment which increase IRI; CD4+ T cells inhibit Kupffer cell phagocytic activity
Kim et alAdenosine A1 receptor (A1AR) (-/-)70% I 1 h/R 24 hHistology; serum ALT; IH; semiquantitative PCR; WB; TUNELCCPA (AIAR agonist); DPCPX (A1AR antagonist)Endogenous adenosine via A1AR reduces IRIExogenous adenosine increase IRI most likely via a different adenosine receptor subtype to A1AR
Ben-Ari et al[18]Bax (-/-); Bax (+/-)Isolated liver perfused in environmental chamber: Global I 90 min/R 1 or 15 minHistology (apoptosis features); serum ALT, AST, LDH; TUNEL and caspase-3 assay; WBBax activation after 15 min reperfusion activates caspase-3 which increases liver apoptosis
Lappas et al[30]Rag1 (-/-), i.e., lack mature lymphocytes A2AR (-/-); IFNγ (-/-)70% I 72 min/R 2, 24 hHistology; serum ALT; intracellular IFNγip ATL146 (A2AR agonist); PK136 (NK1.1 depletion); CD1d Ab (inhibit NKT cell); NKT cell adoptive transfer from WT, A2AR and IFNγ KO to Rag1 KOExogenous and endogenous adenosine acts through A2AR to reduce NKT cell recruitmentNKT cell recruitment increases IRI through release of IFNγ from at least 2 h reperfusion onwards and increased neutrophil recruitment from at least 24 h after reperfusion
Shimamura et al[25]Cd1d (-/-); nu/nu (no NKT cell, normal NK cells); perforin (-/-); gld/gld (Fas ligand deficient)Total hepatic ischaemia 30 min/R 2 ,6, 12, 24, 48 hSerum ALT; peroxide assay; cytotoxic assay; IH; ELISAAnti-NK and anti-NKT AbNKT cell activation 1 to 24 h after reperfusion releases IFNγ and PMN activation 6 to 12 h after reperfusion with increased oxidative burst lead to increased apoptosis and necrosis in IRI
Caldwell et al[28]CD4 (-/-); B cell (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 1, 2, 4, 8 hHistology; serum ALT; MPOAdoptive transfer CD4+T cell to CD4(-/-); anti-IL17 AbCD4+ T cell only 1-4 h after reperfusion secrete IL17 releasing MIP-2 increasing neutrophil infiltration, but inhibiting their oxidative burst, and reducing necrosis 8 h reperfusion onwards
Baskin-Bey et alCathepsin B (-/-)Two weeks fed methionine choline deficient (MCD) diet to induce steatosis; liver stored 24 h 4  °C UWS then perfused in isolated apparatus at 37  °C for 1 hHistology; electron microscopy (EM); TUNEL; IH; liver tissue ALT and LDHR-3032 ip 2 h preop (cathepsin B inhibitor)Reduced lysosomal integrity more pronounced in steatotic livers with increased cathepsin B release into cytosol associated with increased apoptosis and necrosis
Khandoga et al[22]ICAM (-/-)Left lobe I 90 min/R 20 minSerum AST and ALT; IH; caspase-3 assay; lipid peroxidation assay; IVMAnti-fibronectin AbPlatelets bind fibronectin deposited on ICAM-1 expressed on SECs, associated with reduced sinusoidal perfusion, increased lipid peroxidation and apoptosis
Shen et al[33]nu/nu; CD154 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 4 hSerum ALT; histology; MPO; WBAnti-CD154 Ab to WT; adoptive transfer spleen lymphocytes into KO or Ab treated groupIRI induces HO-1 proteinCD4-CD154 T cell costimulation is associated with increased IRI
Wyllie et al[69]Natural resistance associated macrophage protein 1 (Nramp) (-/-)70%I 45 min/R 30, 60 minPlasma GOT and TNF-α; histology; WB; Northern Blot; IH; EMSA (NFκβ)HO-1 expressed in this model is protective in IRIMacrophage activation after reperfusion increases TNF-α release and NFκβ activity which increases IRI
Young et al[21]P-selectin/ ICAM-1 double KO70% I 90 min/R 1.5, 3, 6 hSerum ALT; histologyP-selectin and ICAM-1 do affect the severity of IRI up to 6 h reperfusion in this model, although PMN infiltration is slightly increased in midzonal area
Ozaki et al[13]gp91 phox component of phagocyte NADPH oxidase (-/-)70% I 60 min/R 5, 8, 24 h +/- iv injection 3 d preop of adenovirusSerum GOT; histology (HE; ELISA for DNA histone fragments); TUNEL; IH; WB; assays for lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide and superoxide; EMSA (NFκβ)Replication deficient adenovirus encoding Rac1 (control: Adβgal)Rac1 is activated in IRI and is protectiveLiver tissue releases ROS within 5 min of reperfusion and PMN from 8 h onwards, associated with increased lipid peroxidation, apoptosis and necrosis. NFκβ DNA binding is associated with increased IRI; NADPH oxidase regulated by Rac1 small GTP binding protein is a source of ROS in IRI
Sawaya et al[19]P-selectin (-/-)Left lobe I 30 min/R 15, 30, 60, 120 minSerum AST, ALT, LDH; histology; IVM in terminal hepatic venule (THV)Radiolabelled anti P-selectin AbP selectin expression on SECs increases rolling, saltating and adherent leucocytes in THV peaking at 30 min reperfusion
Singh et al[20]P-selectin (-/-)Left lobe I 30 min/R 20 min, 2, 5, 12, 24 hSerum AST, ALT, LDH; histology; WBRadiolabelled anti P-selectin AbP-selectin expression peaks at 20 min and 5 h after reperfusion and is associated with worse IRI
Table 3 Cytokine, chemokine, tolllike receptor, complement knockout models of liver ischemia reperfusion injury
Ref.Knockout modelIR protocolOutcome measureAgentAdaptive responsesInjurious responses
Kuboki et al[26]CXCR270% I 90 min/R 12, 24, 48, 96 hHistology; MPO; serum ALT, TNF-α, IL6; WB and NFκβ activityCXCR2 activates STAT3 hepatocyte proproliferative pathwayMIP2 activates CXCR2 which increases neutrophil recruitment and IRI. Nuclear factor (NF) κβ activity reduced in IRI
Zhai et al[44]IFNAR type1 (-/-); IFNAR type 2 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 6 hHistology; quantitative PCRIFNβ (not IFNγ) mediates IRI by binding to IFNAR type 1
Zhao et alCXCL10 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 1, 2, 4, 8 hHistology; serum ALT; IH; quantitative PCR; WBCXCL10 activation increases TNF-α, IL6, IL1b, iNOS, MIP-2 mRNA and PMN and Kupffer cell activation contributes to IRI
Fondevilla et alC6 deficient ratsDonor/recipient: WT/WT, KO/WT, WT/KO, KO/KO;Serum GOT; histology; MPO; IH; TUNEL; WB; PCR; ELISAMembrane attack complex (C5b-C9) activation in this OLT model of cold/warm IRI increases apoptosis, necrosis, PMN and macrophage infiltration and TNF-α, IFNγ and IFNβ expression
OLT and organ storage 24 h 4  °C UWS
Shen et al[32]Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) (-/-)Donor/recipient: WT/WT, KO/WTWT/KO, KO/KO; OLT with dearterialisation, organ stored 24 h 4  °C UWSHistology; IH; MPO; quantitative PCR; capsase-3 activity; WBTLR4 activation increases IL4 and IL10, but inhibits HO-1TLR4 activation increases TNF-α, IL1b, IL2, IFNγ, ICAM1, CXCL10, PMN and CD4+ T cell recruitment leading to increased liver necrosis and apoptosis
Conzelmann et alTNFR (-/-)Donor/recipient: WT/WT, KO/WTWT/KO, KO/KO; organ storage 12 h 4  °C UWS; 8 h graft harvestHistology; serum ALT; MPO; TUNEL and caspase-3 assay; IHTNFR within liver mediates reduced IRITNFR outside liver increases IRI in terms of necrosis, apoptosis and neutrophil infiltration
Tsung et al[37]Interferon regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1) (-/-)70% I 60 min/R 1, 3, 6, 12 hHistology; serum ALT; WB; PCRAdenovirus IRF-1 vectorIFNγ, IFNβ, TNF-α, IL1β all activate IRF-1 which increase JNK (not p38 MAPK) and TNF-α and iNOS expression in IRI
Tian et al[40]TNFR1 (-/-); IL6 (-/-)Donor/recipient: WT/WT, KO/WT, WT/KO, KO/KO; OLT: 50% or small for size 30% arterialised graftHistology; serum AST; portal flow measurement; IVM; IH; PCR; 30 d mortalityGdCl3 (ip to donor); pentoxifylline (to donor and recipient sc); recombinant IL6 to KO onlyIncreased IL6Increased activation of Kupffer cells and TNF-α mediated activation of IFNR1 from 3 h reperfusion onwards increases liver necrosis, nonperfused sinusoids, adherent leucocytes and reduces hepatocyte regeneration
Shen et al[38]TLR4 (-/-); TLR2 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 6 hHistology; serum ALT; MPO; WB; PCRSnpp (inhibit HO-1); CoPPHO-1 is expressed which inhibits TLR4TLR4 activation increases TNF-α expression associated with increased IRI
Lagoa et al[81]PAI-1 (-/-)MAP 25-30 mmHg for 2.5 h (2.25 mL/100 g blood withdrawn)/Resuscitation MAP > 80 mmHg for 4 h (30 min with shed blood and crystalloid)Serum ALT, IL6, IL10; histology; Electron microscopy; IH; zymography for plasminogen activators; DNA microarray; PCR; WBPAI-1 to PAI-1 (-/-) micePAI-1 expression in SEC contributes to IRI with periportal/pericentral injury, loss of sinusoidal fenestra and prominent SEC injury; PAI-1 inhibits u-PA which reduces formation of active HGF and increases active TGF-β1, but no effect on IL6 or IL10; this is associated with reduced activation of ERK-1/-2 pathway.
Teoh et al[36]TNF-α (-/-)70%I 90 min/R 2, 4, 24 hSerum ALT; IH; serum TNF-α; EMSA (NFκβ); WBLow dose or high dose TNF-αipTNF-α from at least 2 h reperfusion onwards is injurious to ischaemic but not normal liver, increasing NFκβ DNA binding
Inderbitzin et al[57]CI inhibitor overexpressedTotal hepatic ischaemia 30 min/R 2 hEndothelial permeability index (measured using radiolabelled albumin iv into inferior vena cava) of liver, lung and gutC1 inhibitor overexpression is protective in IRIClassical complement pathway is activated in IRI; liver ischaemia and reperfusion causes liver and gut, but not lung, IRI in this model
Zhai et alTLR4 (-/-); TLR2 (-/-)70%I 90 min/R 6 hSerum ALT; histology; PCRTLR4 activation increases expression of IRF3 which upregulates IFNβ associated with increased IRI
Rudiger et al[39]TNFR (-/-); Fas (-/-); FasL (-/-)70% I 75 min/R 3 hSerum AST; TUNEL; caspase-3 assay; ELISA; WBPentoxifyllineTNF-α binds to TNFR1 which increases apoptosis in IRI; fas and FasL not involved in this model
Kato et al[82]IL1R (-/-)70%I 90 min/R 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 hSerum ALT, IL1β, TNF-α and MIP-2; histology (PMN score); MPO; EMSA (NFκβ); PCRIL1R not involved in IRI
Calmargo et alIL6 (-/-)Median lobe (45%) I 90 min/R 30, 60, 90, 120 minSerum AST and ALT; histology; PCRRecombinant IL6IL6 released in IRI is protectiveTNF-α expression during reperfusion is associated with worse IRI
Table 4 Nitric oxide synthase, HSP/heme oxygenase-1, matrix metalloproteinase knockout models of liver ischemia reperfusion injury
Ref.Knockout modelIR protocolOutcome measureAgentAdaptive responsesInjurious responses
Hamada et al[26]iNOS (-/-); MMP-9 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 3, 6, 24 hHistology; serum ALT, NO2-/NO3-; myeloperoxidase activity (MPO); immunohistochemistry; PCR, Western blotting; MMP-9 activity assay; MMP-9 protein levels; neutrophil (PMN) migration assay; TUNEL and caspase-3 activityONO-1714 (iNOS inhibitor); NO donor (DETA NONOate)Increased macrophage iNOS producing NO increases PMN MMP-9 and PMN transmigration over fibronectin
Hamada et al[42]MMP-9 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 6, 24 hHistology; serum GPT and GOT; MPO; IH; PCRAnti MMP-9 iv; MMP-2/9 inhibitor; anti MMP-2 (all to WT only)MMP-9 (not MMP-2) increase TNF-α, IFNg, IL2, IL6 and increase PMN and CD4+ T cell recruitment leading to increased liver necrosis
Kuboki et al[73]HSP70 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 1, 8 hHistology; serum AST; TNF-α; IL6; MIP-2; MPO; WB; EMSA (NFκβ)Sodium arsenite iv to induce HSP70; recombinant HSP70No involvement of HSP70 in IRI; NFκβ activity associated with IRI
Theruvath et al[59]eNOS (-/-)Donor (WT/KO) to WT recipient; organ stored 18 h, 4  °C, UWSHistology; serum ALT; IVM; TUNEL; IH (macrophage infiltration)eNOS activation reduces necrosis and apoptosis, with associated inhibition of macrophage infiltration, increased sinusoidal diameter and blood flow
Tsuchiashi et alHO-1 (+/-); HO-1 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 6 hHistology; serum GOT; MPO; quantitative real time RT-PCR; WB; TUNELCoPP (induces HO-1) 24 h preopHO-1 upregulated which inhibits expression of cytokines TNF-α and IFNγTNF-α and IFNγ expression increased overall in IRI associated with increased apoptosis and necrosis
Hines et al[23]eNOS (-/-); iNOS (-/-)70% I 45 min/R 1, 3 hSerum ALT; histology; PCRIncreased eNOS expression in IRI inhibits TNF-α and IL12 expression; iNOS activates eNOS in this modelNo PMN infiltration at 3 h reperfusion
Lee et al[58]eNOS (-/-); iNOS (-/-)70% I 1 h/R 1, 3, 6 hSerum ALT and AST; perfusion studies; PCReNOS activated during IRI is protectiveIncreased iNOS mRNA expression from 3 h reperfusion onwards regulates reperfusion and is associated with worse IRI
Hines et al[60]iNOS (-/-)70% I 45 min/R 1, 3, 6 hSerum ALT; histology; MPOL-NIL (iNOS inhibitor)Reduced IRI in iNOS (-/-), but no iNOS mRNA or L-NIL effect in WT; may be genetic compensation effect in KO
Kawachi et al[24]eNOS (-/-); iNOS (-/-)70% I 45 min/R 5 hSerum ALT; histology; MPOeNOS is activated in IRI and is protectiveThere is no PMN infiltration up to 5 h reperfusion and iNOS is not activated in IRI in this model
Table 5 Knockouts of downstream mediators and models of liver ischemia reperfusion injury
Ref.Knockout modelIR protocolOutcome measureAgentAdaptive responsesInjurious responses
Theruvath et al[14,15]JNK (-/-)70% I 1 h/R 4, 8 hHistology; serum ALT; IVM (dyes to probe mitochondrial function and cell death); survival 14 dJNK2 activation leads to mitochondrial depolarization and increased necrosis only
Theruvath et al[14,15]JNK (-/-)WT or KO donor; 30 h, 4  °C, UWS preservation; WT recipientHistology 8 h posttransplant; serum ALT, TUNEl and caspase-3 assay; IVM; IH; lipid peroxidationJNK2 activation leads to caspase-3 activation, mitochondrial depolarisation and release of cytochrome c, lipid peroxidation which all translate into reduced survival posttransplant
Beraza et al[72]Conditional hepatocyte specific NEMO knockout70% I 1 h (caudate lobe resected)/R 3, 6 hTUNEL and caspase-3 assay; WB; IH; Southern blotting; EMSA (NFκβ)NFκβ activity reduces necrosis and apoptosis, inhibits TNF-α, JNK and iNOS
Okaya et al[35]PPARα (-/-)70%I 90 min/R 4, 8 hSerum ALT; TNF-α; MIP-2; MPO; liver NO2/NO3; WB; EMSA (AP-1, NFκβ)WY14643 iv (PPARα agonist)PPARα protective in IRIPPARα independent release of TNF-α and MIP-2 and increased NO2/NO3 associated with IRI
Shen et al[78]STAT4 (-/-); STAT6 (-/-); nu/nu70%I 90 min/R 6 hSerum ALT; histology; MPO; WB; PCRAdoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells from WT or other KO to nu/nu; SnPP ipHO-1 expressed at very low levels after 6 h in this model, but protective in IRICD4+T cell activation involving T cell STAT4 activation, but not STAT6 associated with increased IRI
Khandoga et al[61]PARP (-/-)Left lobe I 90 min/R 30 minSerum ALT; IVM; IH; PCRPARP activation in IRI upregulates E-selectin, ICAM1 and VCAM1, associated with increased platelet and leucocyte endothelial interaction and reduced sinusoidal perfusion
Kato et al[82]P50 NFκβ (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 1, 8 hSerum ALT; histology; MPO WB; EMSA (p50 and p65 subunits of NFκβ)No effect of p50 subunit deletion, but increased p50/p65 heterodimer in WT and some p65 in KO, so there may be some functional redundancy of NFκβ subunits
Kato et al[83]STAT4 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 30 min, 1, 2, 4, 8 hSerum ALT; histology; MPO; WBAnti IL12 AbIL12 expression associated with IRI. STAT4 not activated in IRI in this model
Kato et al[70]STAT6 (-/-)70% I 90 min/R 1, 4, 8 hSerum ALT, TNF-α; MPO; PCR; EMSA (NFκβ)IL4 or IL13 ivSTAT6 is not activated in IRI in this model, although STAT6 activation by iv IL4 or IL13 is protective. IRI is associated with increased NFκβ DNA binding