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Copyright ©2007 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 14, 2007; 13(10): 1569-1574
Published online Mar 14, 2007. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v13.i10.1569
Table 1 Comparison of fecal Lf and Hb between normal and abnormal groups
GroupFecal Lf
Specificity% (No.)
Normal group
Fecal Hb+7815Lf90.9 (289/318)
-22281303Hb95.3 (303/318)
Total29289318P = 0.0176
Abnormal group
Fecal Hb+592786Lf29.6 (164/554)
-105363468Hb15.5 (86/554)
Total164390554P < 0.0001
Table 2 Sensitivity of fecal Lf and Hb in various diseases
DiseasesnHb > 100% (No.)Lf > 65% (No.)
Colorectal cancer3650.0 (18/36)50 (18/36)
Colorectal polyp15712.1 (19/157)15.9 (25/157)
Ulcerative colitis6240.3 (25/62)46.8 (29/62)
Crohn’s desease4032.5 (13/40)62.5b (25/40)
Colorectal diverticulum731.4 (1/73)19.2b (14/73)
Internal hemorrhoids1424.2 (6/142)27.5b (39/142)
Nonspecific colitis2015.0 (3/20)20 (4/20)
Other diseases1244.2 (1/24)41.7b (10/24)
Table 3 Diagnosis value using combination of fecal Lf and Hb
DiseasesnHb>100 orLf>65 % (No.)Hb>100 andLf>65 % (No.)
Colorectal cancer3661.1 (22/36)38.9 (14/36)
Colorectal polyp15725.5 (40/157)2.5 (4/157)
Ulcerative colitis6251.6 (32/62)35.5 (22/62)
Crohn’s desease4067.5 (27/40)27.5 (11/40)
Colorectal diverticulum7319.2 (14/73)1.4 (1/73)
Internal hemorrhoids14228.9 (41/142)2.8 (4/142)
Nonspecific colitis2020.0 (4/20)15.0 (3/20)
Other diseases2445.8 (11/24)0.0 (0/24)
Table 4 Positive predictive value (PPV) of fecal Lf and Hb in colorectal diseases
DiseasesnHb > 100% (No.)Hb > 100 and Lf>65% (No.)
Colorectal cancer3617.8 (18/101)21.2 (14/66)
Colorectal polyp15718.8 (19/101)6.1 (4/66)
Ulcerative colitis6224.8 (25/101)33.3 (22/66)
Crohn’s desease4012.9 (13/101)16.7 (11/66)
Colorectal diverticulum731.0 (1/101)1.5 (1/66)
Internal hemorrhoids1425.9 (6/101)6.1 (4/66)
Nonspecific colitis203.0 (3/101)4.5 (3/66)
Other diseases241.0 (1/101)0.0 (0/66)
Table 5 Comparison of fecal Lf and Hb in subjects aged over 50 yr
Fecal Lf
Specificity% (No.)
Normal group
Fecal Hb+7815Lf89.7 (217/242)
-18209227Hb93.8 (227/242)
Total25217242P = 0.0776
Abnormal group
Fecal Hb+322052Lf26.0 (108/415)
-76287363Hb12.5 (52/415)
Total108307415P < 0.0001
Table 6 Sensitivity of fecal Lf and Hb in colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancerSensitivity
nHb % (No.)Lf % (No.)
Total3650.00 (18/36)50.00 (18/36)
Early stage1711.80 (2/17)29.40 (5/17)
Right side520 (1/5)40.00 (2/5)
Left side128.30 (1/12)25.00 (3/12)
Advanced stage1984.20 (16/19)68.40 (13/19)
Right side666.70 (4/6)83.30 (5/6)
Left side1392.30 (12/13)61.50 (8/13)