Copyright ©2006 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 7, 2006; 12(21): 3297-3305
Published online Jun 7, 2006. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v12.i21.3297
Table 1 FDA-licensed tyrosine kinase inhibitors, their targets, modes of action, and clinical use
AgentTargetMode of actionEstablished clinicalapplication
Imatinib mesylatebcr-abl; PDGFR, c-kitKinase inhibitorCML, GIST, hypereosinophilic syndrome
GefitiniberbB1/EGFRKinase inhibitorNSCLC
ErlotiniberbB1/EGFRKinase inhibitorNSCLC
CetuximaberbB1/EGFRBlocking antibodyColorectal cancer
TrastuzumaberbB2/HERBlocking antibodyBreast cancer
BevacizumabVEGFNeutralizing antibodyColorectal cancer
Table 2 Therapeutics targeting the EGFR family
TrastuzumabHumanized mAberbB2Approved for breast cancer
PertuzumabHumanized mAberbB2Phase II trials
CetuximabChimeric mAbEGFRApproved for colorectal cancer
MatuzumabHumanized mAbEGFRPhase II trials
PanitumabHumanized mAbEGFRTrials ongoing
GefitinibTKIEGFRApproved for NSCLC
ErlotinibTKIEGFRApproved for NSCLC
LapatinibTKIEGFR/erbB2Phase III trial / breast cancer
AEE788TKIEGFR/ erbB2/ VEGFRPhase I trials
CI-1033Irreversible TKIEGFR/erbB2Phase II trials
EKB-569Irreversible TKIEGFR/erbB2Phase II trials
EXEL 7647 / EXEL 0999TKIEGFR/ erbB2/ VEGFRPhase I trials